Fic: Interdepartmental Politics

Nov 26, 2009 17:37

Title: Interdepartmental Politics
Author: gileonnen
Play: Richard II, 1 Henry IV
Characters: Richard II, Hal, Aumerle
Warnings: Present-day academia!AU.
Rating: PG-13 for language and professors perving on students.
Summary: Richard has a research internship opening up; Hal has an agenda; Edward has coffee.
Notes: Written for lindensphinx, who had wanted an academia! ( Read more... )

au: crescive in his faculty, collaborative?: open for collaboration, play: 1 henry iv, play: richard ii, author: gileonnen, romance?: gen, era: present-day, pairing: none

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Comments 2

elviaprose November 27 2009, 06:27:21 UTC
Oh, I didn't see that there was a fic that came before your second one! This is just as brilliant as its sequel. What I love most is how the lines that could be fillers or throwaways really build this universe. I particularly adored Richard reproducing the English royal family tree on the copier.

I love your writing so there any chance that you might friend me, so that I could read more? Of course, if you want to keep your LJ readership more limited, I understand completely.


gileonnen November 27 2009, 15:48:40 UTC
^_^ I'm so glad you caught that. As angevin2 said, this ficverse is all about Highly Symbolic Copiers.

Absolutely I can.


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