FIC: All Amiss Employed

Jan 22, 2010 18:17

Title: All Amiss Employed
Author: angevin2
Play: pre-Richard II (but the canon is weirdly distant)
Characters/Pairings: Richard/Anne, Henry/Mary, Aumerle
Warnings: Lots of cursing, discussion of infertility, vomit, public information films, jokes about prostitution, anvilicious foreshadowing, references to George W. Bush, small children under sinks, ( Read more... )

play: pre-richard ii, au: crescive in his faculty, collaborative?: open for collaboration, era: nineties, author: angevin2, pairing: henry iv/mary, romance?: gen, pairing: richard ii/anne, romance?: het, era: present-day

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Comments 29

lareinenoire January 23 2010, 00:46:03 UTC
As I told you on IM, this read like one of those amusing split-screen television montages. They are all utterly adorable in different ways and absolutely hilarious.


angevin2 January 23 2010, 00:57:06 UTC
Thank you! It totally felt that way when I was writing. And I am glad you also find them adorable. I totally do. :D


elviaprose January 23 2010, 00:54:05 UTC
I really love this! You write all of their voices so vividly. And I love that Edward felt good about his interview. He deserves something good, I think!


angevin2 January 23 2010, 00:56:24 UTC
He really, really does. I am so awful to him in fic most of the time, possibly because he is so adorable and thus suffers rather prettily -- this is the overarching theme of my fics in the Victorian AU, for instance. So, yeah. In fact he is going to get the job he interviewed for. ;)


gileonnen January 23 2010, 01:20:16 UTC
Everything we have done up to this point was done solely so that this fic could come into being and shower us with joy and mirth. I believe this firmly.

It's just so good--their voices, their competing neuroses, the structure and the progression of sentiments--I cannot praise this fic enough. Thank you ever, ever so much. ^__^


angevin2 January 23 2010, 01:25:01 UTC
You are so very, very welcome, and I am so glad you like it! It was a complete blast to write it -- indeed, it was rather cathartic, because the academic job market is SHEER HELL. Which I think is why the neuroses are convincing. :D


speak_me_fair January 23 2010, 01:40:45 UTC
This is absolutely, shamelessly, unrepentantly adorable, and I adore it straight back in return!

As I think I mentioned to you - I have been God-help-me EVERY SINGLE ONE of those poor candidates, including Edward (though in my case it was a deluge from a passing car and there was NO HAIRDRYER DAMN IT). I love the respectable 10 minutes for panicking and the inappropriate opening joke, and just....hee. It's perfect. And you know how I feel about Richard and Anne *beams*.

(Also, Harry being sour-faced already. OF COURSE HE IS.)

You are going to lose your Being Mean To Aumerle credentials, if you keep this up! *laughs* don't worry. I know there is not a chance of it lasting (see: snowballs; hell for further reference...)


angevin2 January 23 2010, 01:55:51 UTC
Well, he is also going to get to have a threesome with Richard and Henry, which I think counts as being nice to him (also it will be terribly hot but also awkward). BUT I am continuing to be as horrible as ever to poor Victorian!Aumerle.

Anyway! I am so glad you like it! I was terribly amused, myself, to write Richard's opening gambit there, because it is what everyone is thinking; it's just that he has no brain-to-mouth filter WHATSOEVER.

Also, wee crabby Harry is fun. All of Henry's kids are just ridiculously fun to write. I am not sure why I enjoy writing kids so much, and yet.


speak_me_fair January 23 2010, 02:05:31 UTC
That definitely counts as being nice to him - even with awkwardness! And hey, there is no hope for him of ever being anything but miserable, 95% of the time, so it really is so very nice to think of him as at least having a bearable, functioning life in this AU...

The brain-to-mouth filter lack is hysterical - it's a wonderful instance of 'dear God, how can anyone that bright be that thick?'

Also, it is much much more fun to write kids than have anything to do with them (is firmly convinced on this point).


angevin2 January 23 2010, 02:08:09 UTC
It will also involve them tying Richard down because he won't stop being annoying. So that'll be fun. ;)

it's a wonderful instance of 'dear God, how can anyone that bright be that thick?'



byzantienne January 23 2010, 06:32:48 UTC
This makes me exquisitely and entirely happy.



angevin2 January 23 2010, 06:35:47 UTC
I am glad! Thank you very much! :D


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