Fic: Burden of Proof

Jan 15, 2010 22:20

Title: Burden of Proof
Author: gileonnen
Play: Richard II
Characters: Richard II/Henry Bolingbroke
Warnings: Dodgy sexual ethics; one line that sounds very vaguely like dubious consent; academic AU that may or may not verge on crackfic
Rating: PG-13; language and references to sexuality
Summary: The meeting could only be conducted on neutral territory.
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romance?: slash, au: crescive in his faculty, collaborative?: open for collaboration, play: 1 henry iv, play: richard ii, author: gileonnen, pairing: richard ii/henry iv, era: present-day

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Comments 12

angevin2 January 16 2010, 03:32:54 UTC
SO MUCH LOVE. They are so EPICALLY AWKWARD, and I love how pissy Richard is about being attracted to Henry (and also aware of the general ridiculousness of the whole thing). And that Henry is actually willing to make the first move (OMG).

And the fact that in this case it's Henry who is getting snogged to shut him up. HEE.


gileonnen January 16 2010, 03:45:42 UTC
He's so odd in this universe! While this is not even vaguely equivalent to re-storming England, it nonetheless has more to do with his proactive side than I'm normally inclined to write. Odd.


angevin2 January 16 2010, 05:27:57 UTC
It is, rather - but at the same time, I think it definitely fits, because I can see him being proactive even in this context, because when I write him in the original time period the thing that is stopping him mostly is because of his paralyzing guilt about being attracted to another man. And of course he doesn't have that here.


speak_me_fair January 16 2010, 16:37:34 UTC
I love this AU anyway, but the whole imagery of them behaving like spies on a bench just caught at my imagination perfectly!

And oh, Richard cannot resist the cheap gibe, and Henry is so uptight.....and yet still wins. It's such a perfect reflection of the play's relationship, and it's so fantastic to see minus about - oh, 80% of the trauma!

(Also, LOL at the fact it was Richard who shut Henry up!)

My favourite bit has to be the Terribly Awkward Handholding. That really was made of win.


gileonnen January 16 2010, 16:41:55 UTC
HEE. I couldn't write this fic until I had that image.

*grin* I have frequently noted that it is my tendency to be incredibly gentle to characters--but now that I am working with Lea, there will eventually be repercussions for all of this blithe getting away with things.

^____^ I enjoyed writing that. But then, I have a thing for subverting traditional gestures of affection--handholding is supposed to be a sign that everything's been worked out, right? That they Like Each Other? ... no?


speak_me_fair January 16 2010, 16:57:56 UTC
Oh yeah, your blithe Getting Away With Things will be subverted in much the same way as your traditional signs of affection have been....

(which, incidentally, I adore, mostly because I like to play with the other side of that coin and have traditional signs of enmity become displays of affection...)


gileonnen January 16 2010, 17:15:32 UTC
(Is this a sign that you are going to write me more Hal/Hotspur? *hopeful look*)


lareinenoire January 18 2010, 04:04:29 UTC
This is SO much fun -- all awkwardness and griping and suddenly it's incredibly hot while still being completely true to life (the detail about the glasses in particular). So utterly adorable.


gileonnen January 18 2010, 04:07:59 UTC
Heeeee. I suspect that they know that they are being set up, and don't find it terribly funny. ^_~


Re: Burden of Proof joan_waterhouse January 6 2013, 17:01:28 UTC
"We're a bit beyond holding hands, don't you think?" asks Richard; "I'll hold your hand if I damn well please," answers Henry simply.
I love Henry in this verse so much and this illustrates perfectly why! <3


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