Four pictures under the cut, covering quite a wide range of characters. All of them worksafe, two gen and two somewhat slashy, and they get increasingly silly as you go down.
I've had this sitting on my hard drive for ages - I don't know why I didn't post it earlier. I'll be honest and note that I did trace over
the original to some extent, but only to get the pose and the lettering right.
This one's for
poutmeter, who asked me for Snafu and Leyden having one of their periodic bitchfights. You're gonna have to work out for yourself what they fell out about this time.
The picture's also done for a request, from
redsplodge, and I'll quote her description verbatim to explain what's going on: "Post war, Leckie turns up on Hoosier's doorstep in dress blues saying his number's next up. Bonus points would be awarded if he dragged Runner and Chuckler along to help carry the dress he bought for Hoosier."
I'm personally not sure if polka dots are Hoosier's style, but that's what you get when you let Runner shop for you.
And finally: this is not for a request, but it is, nevertheless, all
spirograph's fault. Mainly because of
this gif.