You know how I started last episode's post with how I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier and it was awesome? I'm starting this post the same way because I just saw the movie again for the second time in a week and it's still awesome. Sorry, Steve, but I love another Steve.
Spoilers )
Comments 43
Still, sometimes I want to shake him. ;)
Totally with you on the rebar thing. I know this show isn't about realism, but it would have been just as dramatic had Steve ... I dunno, had to stop Danny from trying to yank it out on impulse, rather than have the injured one be right about leaving it in and having the trained Navy SEAL explain how it had to come out to avoid infection. (Because a gaping hole in one's side covered with a dirty T-shirt and duct tape ( ... )
Everyone has their pet peeves and grievously bad information is one of mine. This isn't like the time the murderer hid under a trap door in the floor and was magically able to replace the rug covering the trap door after he'd already sealed himself beneath it. That was just bad writing. Removing the rebar and the random frantic digging are both actively dangerous and could actually cause someone's death.
The thing is, people do things they see on TV all the time. There's a famous video showing people taking shelter from a tornado under an overpass. People saw that on TV and came to believe that overpasses were the best place to shelter from a tornado when they are in fact among the worst, which led to a whole rash of deaths in circumstances that had never been a problem before. People have actually left safer shelter to hide under an overpass and died because of it ( ... )
It's a fine line. Being a realist is often seen as pessimism. As for Danny, well - dude really does need to stop with the raincloud thing if the guy who lost his mother, lost his father, regained his mother, has an archenemy who should have lost his father but actually lost his mother, has PTSD (oddly untriggered by this latest big trauma - it's Hollywood Pick And Choose time - or any other foundational event, never mind that tangent) is the one skipping through life tossing daisy petals on the ground as the walks. ;)
the guy who lost his mother, lost his father, regained his mother, has an archenemy who should have lost his father but actually lost his mother, has PTSD (oddly untriggered by this latest big trauma - it's Hollywood Pick And Choose time - or any other foundational event, never mind that tangent) is the one skipping through life tossing daisy petals on the ground as the walks
Yeah, but it's not like Steve has ever dealt with any of that stuff in a healthy, adjusted way. He just locks it all in a box and pretends it isn't there. Danny may spray his feelings all over the place, but at least he gets it all out of his system and then moves on.
Well, anyway, I haven't rewatched Cap (yet) but I went and viewed secretlytodream's latest vid, because that's what I do with all her vids, and that was a mistake because then I had to go spend four hours of my evening that I didn't have reading Steve/Bucky fic, cause pining. OH GOD.
I know! I wish I knew why they were squandering that screen chemistry. Alex and Lenkov keep saying Steve and Danny's friendship is the heart of the show, and CBS used to advertise it as a selling point. Remember the Don't Call It a Bromance ad from season 1? Now they barely speak to each other.
I thought they'd stick to more the hurt Danny and true best friend, Steve, trying to comfort him.
So did I. I hate it when characters get a major injury and then basically act like it's a papercut for the rest of the episode. I wanted to lock all the writers in a room and make them watch old episodes of Emergency!.
This whole Doris backstory is getting really old already.
Since Show is so big on things happening off screen, I say let Doris clean up her own messes off screen and let Steve concentrate on his own issues, of which he has many.
Isn't she a little young for Danny?Different strokes, I guess. If Danny is in his mid-thirties (I'm guessing) and Amber is 10 years ( ... )
I like that you call it a paper cut after all he did have a cement block on his leg and a stake (I forget what to call it) hanging out of his side. Steve should have had to possibly fire fighter carry him even though that would produce more pain for Danny. Either that or leave him behind, get help and bring the cavalry back like in that Steve fell down the cliff episode. Oh well, I guess I need to get a life when I can sit and contemplate this stuff instead of work on bills, filing, laundry or writing fan fiction.
I just ended up being in a forgiving mood because it was so nice to finally see Steve & Danny acting like friends. Plus I was still on a high from seeing Winter Soldier for the second time. There will be a third time.
Steve is struggling with an "impossible" love
Steve want the best for the most important person in his life.
So classical, so right.
Correction: the show writers want us to believe so
Sorry for my english
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