Im not the one who broke you, Im not the one you should fear

May 05, 2007 22:35

OK so Im a little sucky at posting - Uni is full on kicking my ass, and this was the worst time to start a new job, what with getting used to the shifts and all. I have like 2 essays due on Monday (havent started) and a presentation on the Wednesday (havent started this either) plus my mum's 50th on said Wedneday and her massive surprise party on ( Read more... )

music, work, uni, jensen, dawsons creek, friends, supernatural

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Comments 24

lunaserenade May 8 2007, 06:11:45 UTC
Oh my god, you are so amazing! I was still kinda bummed/confused/frustrated/Ak;haslfdhasl! about James today and as I'm about to leave for work, the post comes and I got the package! *glomp, squish, hug, cling!!!!!!!* You're so amazing! The cds rock!! Sooo much Goo-Goo dolls love! :D Is the version of Black Balloon acoustic? Maybe its just been because its been so long since I've heard it and *face palm* I'm such a bad musician. Of course it isn't acoustic. Duh. And <33333 Acoustic Howie Day! *glomp* I love these cds sooooo much. I already have 2 post cards on the way to you. I'm working on your package right now. I'm so going to spoil you rotten, because you really made my day. *loves on* I'm gonna hit the sack. Its 2:10 am and I just got home from buying the most amazing dress at Ron Jons (God, I love my employee discount) and then I had to go get matching shoes at Wal-mart of course X3. I'll dress up later today and take a picture. Its a lovely and light summer dress. <3

You, darling, are made of awesome! And the buttons went ( ... )


the_muso May 8 2007, 06:21:17 UTC

Sooooooo glad you liked!!! The music choice was iffy ... i had no idea what you like so i took a guess + what im listening to right now and it worked!!

Whats up with you and James?? Tell me all :( I get the rest but what does "Ak;haslfdhasl" mean? :)

Yay for music that you havent heard in ages and is made of awesome - its things like that that make the days better :)

Oh and I didnt mean that cos I sent the package you you, that you would have to reciprocate... it wasnt about that... no pressure ok? Would be awesome, but you dont have to *blushes*

And yay for postcards!!

"And sleep perchance to dream" .... i dunno... im random

Could you read my crazy crazy letter?? HEE! Im a little INSANE!! Sorry :)

Cant wait to see this pretty dress!

And buttons rock!! Buttons = love

Gotta go.... am off to philosophy tutorial. Heh.


lunaserenade May 8 2007, 06:51:05 UTC
The music was PERFECT! I heard a lot of things that I hadn't yet and like alot! Me and James... God I have no idea. I'm going to see him by Friday at the latest, so I'll keep you posted. And the "Ak;haslfdhasl" was my keyboard flail of frustration.
And Yes, I am totally planning on spoiling you rotten, I was actually planning on sending a package from the very beginning. :3
The dress is just... I just love it. Its totally going to turn James' head, I can tell you that.
I LOVED your letter! I loved the random facts, and I totally tried to lick my elbow X3.

Buttons are soooooo much love. Have fun in class. I now sleeeeeeeeeeep and dream of hot steamy wall!sex with James >:3


the_muso May 8 2007, 12:45:12 UTC

Its hard... but if its meant to be, it will sort itself out. you know?

Gosh, you fully made me blush!! Youre so sweet - well anything is appreciated... :) *grins*

CANT WAIT to see this gorgeous dress.... and hear about how you make James fall head over heels for you *squee*

Yeah my letter was nothing if not random! ROFLMAO!! Dude, when I read it I tried to lick my elbow too. And then I had the bright idea that it was just the same elbow i couldnt lick and not the opposite ....SO I tried licking the other one, you know, different angles and all (stop laughing) and ... like DUH!! How dumb can I be??? *sighs*

wall!sex ... oh yeah... but instead, I think Ill dream bout Jensen and Jared.... and me too!... hell yeah!!! *drools*


trust_your_lust May 8 2007, 15:10:06 UTC

LOL Don't worry, I'm just as bad with the planning as you are, more than likely worse. Except I'm just lazy, I can't be fucked to do anything lol, such as homework.



the_muso May 9 2007, 03:14:29 UTC
Uh yeah I was fully obsessed at one point. Now the obsession is supernatural ( ... )


trust_your_lust May 9 2007, 14:07:07 UTC
Dude, I only have like Season 2! I need a job desperately lol, I have so many dvds that I want!

She sounds like such an awesome tutor! And that letter that she wrote is just so sweet lol! I know what you mean about the feeling like having to do it, but the only advice I have is what the tutor said and that just keep calm and show up, but if you seriously freak out don't do it. Are you worried about the other people in the group that they might be too critical? Just keep calm and you can practice on me if you want, run through ideas, actually talk through what you want to ect lol.

LMAO We are the biggest procrastinators in the world. I have 2 esays to do apparently by Friday (one of them I didn't know about because I was away we got it, and the teacher decided to be a bitch and didn't tell me) I have art to do and I just got the questions for the viva voce for Ext II and I'm officially freaking lol. *breathes* And I just unloaded all on you lol. Sorry about that =P.

*smooshes you*


the_muso May 10 2007, 02:18:43 UTC
Yeah I have 1,2,3,6 (i only bought 6 cos Jensen is in it... i usually like to buy these things in order.... cos i am anal like that)

Yeah I did it... and it went fine. Phew.

ROFL! Yes we are!! This morning I shouldve done my MARKETING assessment ... but i didnt!! whoops. I have been working hard tho lately. (not really an excuse, cos ive been working hard cos im behind) hee

unload away!! im here to be an ear. (sound it out, it rhymes!!)

youll be fine.... it will be ok. seriously. it will work out. all you have to do it get it done. yeah?

ill check back soon when im not late for work :)


sapphs May 9 2007, 06:29:54 UTC
Dude! Where'd you go lol? Guessing busy with Uni...

Anywho, I'm actually kind of excited about Sat night. If you need help with anything I'm literally just down the street *giggles*... Yep, I should lay off the caffeine..

*big massive squish hugs* Hope Uni is doing a number on your arse too bad...


sapphs May 9 2007, 06:32:26 UTC
Umm... I just realised how that might sound if you don't know what fandom it's from...

Just to clarify - I hope Uni isn't doing anything to your arse *nods*

LMAO! *squishes*


the_muso May 9 2007, 10:23:52 UTC
huh? was there something from a fandom in there? *scratches head*

*squee* so glad you will be there on sat night!!! ill have someone to talk to! :)

yes well uni is fully kicking it right now - but thankfully nothing worse :) *grins*



sapphs May 10 2007, 04:20:55 UTC
Yay! Pity it would be rude to take our laptops and play with PS *grins* lol.

Isn't Melanie going? I thought she was for some reason...?

And guess what? I'm going to wear a dress *giggles* That kinda greenish one that I took to Vancouver... Um, not sure if you've seen it...


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