OK so....

Feb 19, 2007 20:31

So this is the start of my LJ life... hehe Im so funny.... .... So anyway, simply to have a journal entry up on the page here is whats coming up in the Muso's calendar:
-joining LJ communities
-adding to my LJ and learning more about it
-'tweaking' my page
.... well thats it so far... see you soon

first entry, emotions, journal, profile, lj

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Comments 3

sapphs March 2 2007, 12:52:53 UTC
DUDE! Hehe, hey :)


missmonkeydust March 2 2007, 16:35:38 UTC
Hi! I just checked my profile and saw your name!

Hope you have a great time on lj!


lexalot March 3 2007, 19:14:12 UTC
Hi, hon! Welcome to LJ!
Thanks for friending me--I've friended you back :)
Looking forward to getting to know you.


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