55 Days of BtVS: Day 10

Mar 23, 2016 20:21

Day 10: Favourite Male Character

Probably the easiest category ;) Spike.

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fandom: btvs, 55 days of btvs, meta

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Comments 29

kuwlshadow March 24 2016, 00:28:11 UTC
Spike is my fav too. :D


double_dutchess March 24 2016, 01:08:31 UTC
A resounding yes! to everything you said about Spike here.

ETA: oops, it looks like I accidentally hit reply here instead of comment. Sorry!


kuwlshadow March 24 2016, 04:09:06 UTC
That's ok. lol


the_moonmoth March 28 2016, 22:45:50 UTC
And an emphatic nod to your resounding yes ;)


rebcake March 24 2016, 01:39:22 UTC
That bastard.

Heh. I hear you loud and clear, sister! I pretty much lost my mind over this character the moment he turned to look at Drusilla in School Hard, and haven't regretted it since.


the_moonmoth March 28 2016, 22:47:09 UTC
There were pretty much two things I could remember about the show when I first re-watched -- Willow going off the deep end at the end of S6, and the fact that I liked the show better when Spike was in it ;)


amoonchilde March 24 2016, 01:49:14 UTC
Absolutely!! I've been completely over the moon for him since he stepped out of the desoto...and I still am! :-P


the_moonmoth March 28 2016, 22:47:41 UTC
It was an impressive first step ;)


feliciacraft March 24 2016, 02:51:16 UTC
I knew it was going to be Spike! (Of course it was going to be Spike!)

I was not disappointed. :D

*sighs longingly*


the_moonmoth March 28 2016, 22:48:14 UTC
I am nothing is not consistent in this department ;D


The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, March 23, 2016 livejournal March 24 2016, 02:57:54 UTC
User feliciacraft referenced to your post from The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, March 23, 2016 saying: [...] [Fandom Discussions] 55 Days of BtVS: Day 10: Favourite Male Character [...]


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