The last couple of weeks have been pretty sucktastic and I can't say I want to dwell on them, so instead I am going to share with you the contents of a notebook that I have mentally entitled Fics I Wish Existed But Don't Want To Write (But Maybe I'll Write When I've Finished Soul But Probably Not
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Comments 19
I am too, I've just never come across them :)
There's a ton of Spuffy time travel stories too, and a whole subgenre of them devoted to Buffy and/or Spike going back in time to fix things, and at least a few of them ought to be pretty close to what you're looking for.
Time travel is one of my big kinks, so I've read pretty much everything I can find on this theme, and there's nothing quite as interestingly non-linear out there as what I have in mind.
I would rather like to read #2A, as well.
I've read fic sort of similar to #3, although usually there were alternate dimensions involved.
And as for #4, I'm thinking there are a few that would fit the bill, even if they're not exactly what you're describing (all of them older fic... written Season 2 and Season 3 timeframe, before the show's actual mythos had gotten fleshed out).
One of the things I would absolutely love would be if some clever soul figured out how to do it without creating an alternate dimension or actually altering anything at all. Like somehow it had all happened as it did the first time (blech, that sentence makes sense in my head...)
Fixing the Factors by immortalspuffy
Domino Effect by anaross
Those are the two "repeating days" that come to mind, but there are a whole bunch of good Spuffy time-travel stories out there.
I also love Spike and Joyce backstory. I've written a few stories that have that as a central point, and have read many others that do a fantastic job. I just checked the "Joyce Summers" and "Spike (BtVS)" character tags at AO3 and a whole bunch of promising stuff popped up.
The overall shape of #4 is something I'd very much like, since it's pretty much a giant pile of my favorite things. Since it is pretty much me-nip, I have read a lot of stuff that features an accidental/forced claim that I'd be uncomfortable praising. Lots of oogy "men are dominant" stuff seems to come out to play, and a lot of it is very rapey.
Right? And I actually like and enjoy dubcon/sex-magic/spells-made-them-do-it scenarios, and even some non-con scenarios, but I kind of want the author to own it for what it is, otherwise you inevitably end up with character A trying to excuse character B's actions, which I actually find kind of worse than the original scenario.
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