Molly had been worried she'd upset Jack somehow by suggesting they do something for her birthday. She knew it had been a tough year for her, but it seemed silly to pretend like her birthday wasn't happening. Still, she'd respect her wishes and not worry about it. Much. She was getting ready to reply a final time to Jack, when she spotted something far more interesting than the 25 emails selling flowers she'd received throughout the day.
Weekend was good, thanks. Yours? I actually was working yesterday, it's too bad I missed you. I didn't hear about anyone in an awesome t-shirt, but I certainly approve of its existence.
I did, however, see a very interesting flower arrangement floating around the ER. It started in the nurses station, but I think made it's way to the oncology department after awhile. It was...lovely?
As for Friday, no plans now, no. Have something in mind?
Pretty good! It's my mom's birthday today so I'm headed down to the fam's house later. They can't get enough of me. I'm sorry I missed you too. It was 72% of why I offered to deliver those things for Devri. Glad you approve of the t-shirt, though. I'd been saving it for something special.
"Lovely" is a good word for it. I ended up leaving it with a nurse who promised she'd give it to some very lucky person. I hope it found a good home eventually? Or at least is happily fertilizing some dirt somewhere.
I do have something in mind. I've found myself in possession of some Robyn tickets. Somehow. I blame you.
Molly stared at the email for a good ten minutes, wondering Aaron had bought the tickets with the intent to take her, not because he liked Robyn, but because she liked Robyn. Grinning like a crazy cat lady, she bounced in her chair a little.
They found a good home, yes. A delightful little girl with leukemia, if I remember correctly. She was thrilled.
Well, then. Robyn tickets. You beat me to buying them I see. So, you're looking for someone to go with and blame for your conversion to loving Euro-pop, or you're trying to get rid of them?
I was hoping you hadn't picked them up yet. See, I'm kind of enjoying blaming you for this brief, entirely short-lived bubblegum lark I seem to be on. I can't blame you if I don't take you with me and then pretend you dragged me into it.
Comments 9
Weekend was good, thanks. Yours? I actually was working yesterday, it's too bad I missed you. I didn't hear about anyone in an awesome t-shirt, but I certainly approve of its existence.
I did, however, see a very interesting flower arrangement floating around the ER. It started in the nurses station, but I think made it's way to the oncology department after awhile. It was...lovely?
As for Friday, no plans now, no. Have something in mind?
Pretty good! It's my mom's birthday today so I'm headed down to the fam's house later. They can't get enough of me. I'm sorry I missed you too. It was 72% of why I offered to deliver those things for Devri. Glad you approve of the t-shirt, though. I'd been saving it for something special.
"Lovely" is a good word for it. I ended up leaving it with a nurse who promised she'd give it to some very lucky person. I hope it found a good home eventually? Or at least is happily fertilizing some dirt somewhere.
I do have something in mind. I've found myself in possession of some Robyn tickets. Somehow. I blame you.
They found a good home, yes. A delightful little girl with leukemia, if I remember correctly. She was thrilled.
Well, then. Robyn tickets. You beat me to buying them I see. So, you're looking for someone to go with and blame for your conversion to loving Euro-pop, or you're trying to get rid of them?
I'm really glad they made her smile.
I was hoping you hadn't picked them up yet. See, I'm kind of enjoying blaming you for this brief, entirely short-lived bubblegum lark I seem to be on. I can't blame you if I don't take you with me and then pretend you dragged me into it.
My logic totally makes sense in my head.
How about it?
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