With the weather growing warmer, I'm itching to get back into my flip flops. But I've worn out my last pair so that meant it was time for new ones! I got them today for 50% off. Whee!
Oh, but it is is so soft! And comfortable! And surprisingly sturdy and supportive. I had my last pair, made by the same company, for over 6 years. If it weren't for the fact that they were getting thin in the toe are, I'd still be wearing them. :P
Funny "flip-flop" story!ratty_skipnessMarch 24 2007, 09:52:46 UTC
First, very cool. Good going with the 50% off too!!! :)
Anyway, I have to share this coz it always makes me LoL when Americans and "flip-flops" come up. In Australia, "flip-flops" are more commonly known as "thongs." Which as I understand has a different meaning in the US... Anyway, so we have this poor naive exchange student ('D') come to Gero a few years ago. D's host-sister (not me, the one from the family she was at first), announces to her about 3 days after D's arrived that she's going thong-shopping, and would D like to come? D is completely horrified - not least because of course we hadn't even begun to corrupt her yet! :p - but agrees to go in the spirit of what's drummed into us pre-exchange "embrace as many new experiences as you can" blah blah blah. So D timidly walks with host-sister down to one of the local surf-shops and only finally gets the message when host-sister and sales assistant start discussing the different available styles of thongs while pointing at flip-flops... :p
Re: Funny "flip-flop" story!the_marchionessMarch 24 2007, 14:57:35 UTC
LOL. Ah, the wonderful world of the English language. Yes, "thongs" can also be "flip-flops," but no, that's not what we usually think of when we say "thongs." *snickering at what I can just imagine was D's initial reaction*
It reminds me of a story someone once told me about how when he was in high school there was a British exchange student and as they were working on their homework together one afternoon, she asked him for a rubber. In a fit of raging teenage hormones, he stared at her wondering if he'd heard her correctly, and wondered if by rubber she was trying to hint at something else . . . and then realized she was asking to borrow an eraser. Hee!
Re: Funny "flip-flop" story!ratty_skipnessMarch 25 2007, 05:31:46 UTC
LoL! In about year 6 or so someone in our class must have somehow picked that situation up from a movie or tv somehow, so for about 6 months it was just not done to say 'rubber' (we say that as well), and of course any time a teacher said it it was met with stifled giggles. Then eventually it started dying out because, after all, 'eraser' is SO much harder to say than plain old 'rubber.' It might also have had something to do with the automatic forgetting of such trivialities when shopping for items on the booklist the following year and needing to suck up to your mum so you'll have the coolest pencil-case, pens, rubbers etc in the class. :p
Comments 12
I need a pair of flip flops desperately.
Mostly the sole, though.
Anyway, I have to share this coz it always makes me LoL when Americans and "flip-flops" come up.
In Australia, "flip-flops" are more commonly known as "thongs." Which as I understand has a different meaning in the US... Anyway, so we have this poor naive exchange student ('D') come to Gero a few years ago. D's host-sister (not me, the one from the family she was at first), announces to her about 3 days after D's arrived that she's going thong-shopping, and would D like to come? D is completely horrified - not least because of course we hadn't even begun to corrupt her yet! :p - but agrees to go in the spirit of what's drummed into us pre-exchange "embrace as many new experiences as you can" blah blah blah. So D timidly walks with host-sister down to one of the local surf-shops and only finally gets the message when host-sister and sales assistant start discussing the different available styles of thongs while pointing at flip-flops... :p
It reminds me of a story someone once told me about how when he was in high school there was a British exchange student and as they were working on their homework together one afternoon, she asked him for a rubber. In a fit of raging teenage hormones, he stared at her wondering if he'd heard her correctly, and wondered if by rubber she was trying to hint at something else . . . and then realized she was asking to borrow an eraser. Hee!
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