001 | Event | Aphrodisiac'd | Intro

Apr 03, 2009 20:08

"Nngggh, ani...ki..." Korea's breath is steady and even, albeit a little husky. Normally there would be a lick layer of drool on his pillow but tonight it's coated with a thin layer of his breath. Korea tosses in his sleep, turning to a single side, then another, writhing and arching unconscious. The crimson sheets slowly slither off his body as he rolls around, revealing his bare, milky skin.

The next moment, his eyelashes flutter open. This bed doesn't feel like his; these sheets are too cold; this place is not home. Whatever pleasant dream he was once having is completely forgotten. He bolts up from his position and looks around. Wherever he is, it's classy - too gaudy for his liking.

The hair on the neck rises, the coolness finally causing him to shiver. Korea covers his chest which prompts him to take notice of a foreign object. Two thin, silver chains connect to clamps on his nipples. Just touching them make him feel tingly, but they won't come off despite his tugging. Even more disturbing occurs at his navel when the two chains become one and hook to a ring around his legs. Now concerned, Korea follows the chains up to what seems like a leather collar clasped around his neck.

A candle burns atop a small mirror on the nightstand, which he snatches from beneath. Cleaning hot wax hardly seems important when there's a strange thing attached to his body. He breathes heavily, fingertips resting on the clasp in the reflection. Right under his chin is an old fashioned lock and the whereabouts of the key is anybody's better guess. He's so shocked, in fact, that he falls over the edge and the mirror shatters.

Korea crawls back into the bed and shivers again. Even as his mind rushes to grasp a hold of this situation, his hands can't help but play with the chains. Lower, lower... His cheeks are burning. He'd swallow thickly but that's hard to do with this choker.

Suddenly, this doesn't seem confusing at all and it makes sense. This is just how it should be. Aniki whisked him away, forced this onto him, and... Well, the rest is obvious. Korea grins, renewed with the promise of XXX. He flops into the sea of pillows, squirming into a pose. He has to look amazing for when aniki enters.

[ OOC | Bite me? ♥ ]

series: axis powers hetalia

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