Open Post: Wedding Bliss

Dec 16, 2011 15:47

Your memory of the previous night might be foggy or clear as day. This is all either a drunken mistake or it could have been arrange or maybe it’s just because you are in love. Whatever the reason is, it doesn’t change what happened. You’re now married. Congrats ( Read more... )

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Comments 101

dolphins_cries December 16 2011, 21:41:24 UTC
The chirp of early morning birds was the first thing Tifa heard. She opened her eyes just a crack, but regretted it a second later as a breath hissed through her clenched teeth, hand immediately covering her eyes as a sharp pain ran across her forehead. Groaning, Tifa turned over so that her face was pressing into the pillow. From the view behind the white lace curtains, it was snowing, or had snowed during the night for there the sill was sporting a small mound of snow ( ... )


Forgive me, I have to, it's too damn funny. XD shinras_jester December 17 2011, 03:36:42 UTC
Reno's first reaction upon waking was to wonder where the Hell he was, because yeah, he had no memory of the previous night whatsoever, the second was that it was god damn cold. He swept his fingers through bright red hair, and then gasped in surprise. Gold band? What the Hell was he doing wearing a wedding band? And why didn't he remember getting married? More to he point why had he thought it was a good idea the previous night when Reno was normally one of the most commitment phobic men in the universe?

"What the Hell happened to me last night?" the words were muttered, then his stomach gave an ominous lurch, the flavor of stale cigarettes and beer coating his tongue as the first wave of nausea from the hangovers he very rarely got seized him, and he staggered to the bathroom, opening the door, only to see. . .

"Lockhart? What the Hell? Do you remember anything of last night, 'cause I don't, and I woke up with a fucking wedding band on my finger."


...i have to agree with you on that one. XD dolphins_cries December 17 2011, 03:50:27 UTC
Tifa was gripping the porcelain sink, trying to steady the spasms that rocked through her and not resort to crouching over the toilet and heaving up the various contents of her stomach, as much as she really wanted to. The cool surface of the sink was a respite against her fingers though it offered her little support as she tried to remember exactly what happened last night, the diamond ring still on her finger ( ... )


Re: ...i have to agree with you on that one. XD shinras_jester December 17 2011, 04:06:32 UTC
"Tifa, ya gotta let me in, I'm gonna. . ." and he pushed through the door again and took up the place in front of the porcelain throne she'd just abandoned, the sounds of a Turk being violently ill filling the small bathroom for the next several moments until finally all that was left in his stomach was bile and he knelt trembling for a few seconds until his stomach finally settled enough for him to sit all the way up. "Sweet Shiva an' Ifrit, how much did I damn well drink last night?"

He pushed himself back to his feet and leaned back against the wall. "Really, it ain't nothin' against you, Tifa, I just. . .don't know what the fuck happened last night. I don't remember any of it, and that ain't safe for someone like me to have happen to 'em." He swept his fingers through his hair and had the grace to look chagrined.

"Just yeah. ..what do you remember?" The thought that he might have been drugged had begun to enter his mind, but he wasn't blaming Tifa at all because she was in the same state.


rainboomaviator December 16 2011, 22:05:14 UTC
"What the hell is this?!"

Rainbow Dash sat up in her bed, her heartbeat in a panic. How in the name of Celestia did she end up with a diamond ring on her finger? Maybe this was Rarity's doing -- she had placed the jewelry on her hand as a prank to get her to be more feminine. But that made no sense -- neither of the two friends had no idea where the other was, and if this was a prank, why was it so subtle?

Rainbow's brain didn't always lead to the more sensible results when it came to freaking out.

She shifted in the bed, and instantly her head began to throb. Recalling what had happened that night would only make it hurt more, so she opted to being stupified for the time being. Looking around the room, she got up, noticing she was naked, when she usually went to bed in shorts and a hoodie. Had this been one of her usual nightly affairs gone awry.

"Dammit, what the hell did I do...?"

[[OOC: H'okay, so here you have a confused RD. Normal limits apply, she's open to anything except for stuff that belongs in the toilet. However, ( ... )


cuteflaws December 17 2011, 01:14:48 UTC
Miku was actually quite used to receiving gifts and other such things from various admirers, so when she awoke to find a ring adorning her finger, she didn't think anything of it. It was a little weird that she couldn't exactly recall who had given it to her just yet, though. She hoped she'd remember soon enough; it was a really nice ring, and if a guy was willing to give her nice things, she was more than willing to give him some of her time.

Maybe it'd come back to her a little later. It seemed as though it was still early, and sleeping in sounded like a good idea.

Yawning a bit, Miku stretched as she prepared to roll over and go back to sleep for a while longer, although she froze when her arm hit something. Something warm, that distinctly felt like another body. A few seconds passed before she slowly turned to look at her bed-mate, and then she did what any logical -- as long as 'logical' translated to 'overly dramatic' -- person would do in her situation:

She screamed. Loudly.

[ ooc: Guys only, please. Miku's quite the diva ( ... )


legendaryartist December 17 2011, 08:19:47 UTC
Last night had been a wonderful night. At least from what Yasuko could remember. The drinks that she had made her feel nice the entire night. But after her third or fourth way, everything sort of became a blur. And she really had no idea where the night took her. Right now, she was curled up in the bed at her hotel suite. Unbeknownst to her, when she returned home the previous night, she didn’t come back alone. But that’s the sort of thing that could happen when you consumed a little too much alcohol. Next time, if there was a next time, she’d have to be sure to drink much more in moderation.

She shifted so she was laying upon her back as she slept, covers clenched right up to her chest. She was completely naked beneath the sheets, but they were thick and kept her pretty warm despite the cold weather outside. Feeling as comfortable as she felt right now, she could probably sleep for the entire day and not wake up once.

[ooc: So here's Yasuko! She's a futa . Women only for this! You can find my prefs here.]


ninjainviolet December 17 2011, 14:10:55 UTC
The first thing Sheena noticed was the pounding headache threatening to split her skull apart. That was quickly followed by a wave of nausea that she was able to ignore and not succumb to. "Ohhh, what did I do last night?" Another wave of nausea and the stale after-taste of alcohol quickly reminded her, and she groaned, vowing to never let that happen again. She opened her eyes and got a glimpse of nicely-decorated surroundings before closing them against the light of morning.

At least she made it back to her room in one piece, she thought. Judging from her headache, however, she doubted she did it by herself and hoped she hadn't been too much trouble for the resort staff. What a way to start off my vacation, she thought, chuckling. An action she immediately regretted as the pounding in her head increased. She had to take care of that--and soon ( ... )


as_you_command December 17 2011, 21:14:18 UTC
I will never do that again, is a common wish of the recently-hungover, isn't it? It never seems to make a difference, but it is a good way to temporarily absolve oneself of the notion that the previous night's excursion was filled with nothing but mistakes. Mistakes which are not immediately obvious to Guilford, who was sitting upright with his cellular phone pressed to his ear.

"What is it?"
Grats again on the great catch, man! I didn't know you had it in you.
"...come again?"
Oh come on, don't be all modest. We were all rooting for you!
"You were... what?"
Fine, man. Be like that. But I didn't figure you for the type to tie the knot so soon.It was far too early in the morning for idioms. "Speak clearly, or-", and he trails off as his eyes scan the floor of the room. Those were his clothes, and his holster, but this was not his suite (his had windows on the other side of the bed, and a different night-stand) and the other articles strewn about were most certainly foreign ( ... )


ninjainviolet December 18 2011, 08:27:24 UTC
Sheena's vow to never over-indulge again had come as a direct result of the way her body felt upon awakening that morning. Now, as she continued to study the rings on her finger, she wished she had made that vow sooner. Not only would she not be suffering the way she was, but chances were, whatever she couldn't remember wouldn't have happened.

'Chances were'? More like 'definitely'. She shook her head and let out a wry chuckle before groaning slightly in response to the resurgence of pain. The tiles were helping to ease her headache, but not as much as an aspirin would. Unfortunately, the way her stomach was jumping around, she doubted the pill would stay in place long enough to do any good. She closed her eyes against the light coming in the small window, hoping by doing so it would bring both some relief and answers in the form of at least one clear memory ( ... )


as_you_command December 18 2011, 19:16:13 UTC
This is beyond awkward, and it creates far, far too many questions than he is comfortable with. The man is literally speechless as she manages to confirm her identity with a simple word. He slowly turns away to set his phone down on the nightstand, holding the covers tight over his waist the entire time.

Once he's taken a breath or two he turns back toward her, because it is time to admit to something. "I cannot explain this, Miss-" Hrm. Complex names are complex, and his head is killing him. "-Sheena."


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