Breeding With a Purpose | High Aphro

Dec 15, 2011 23:50

It's hot, wherever she is. Unbearably, sweltering hot and damp, despite the ceiling fan spinning lazily overhead. The cool air barely helps even as it caresses her pale, sweat slicked body, an illicit breeze free to tip-toe across every divine, flawless inch of skin, teasing her sensitive nerves with every flickering, airy touch. With her sense of ( Read more... )

pairing: f/m, series: persona 3

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Comments 24

pakiluma December 15 2011, 17:22:09 UTC
Mori would be fighting back as they led him into the room but they had injected him with so many synthetic aphrodisiacs, his mind was a haze as he looked on Mitsuru's form. Her red hair cascading over porcelain skin, her bountiful breasts and her pink womanhood, leaking the musky fluid that dripped onto the cold table beneath her, it's scent filling the room and Mori's nostrils. That combined with the aphrodisiacs caused him to grow hard, were Mitsuru able to see, she would be able to see that he was massive in both length and girth, a fine specimen as the scientists had surmised.

They prodded Mori further into the room and shut the door behind him, leaving them to their "privacy". The tall young man made his way over to Mitsuru and leaned over her to press a kiss against her lips, hand going between her legs to lightly rub at her womanhood, finger slipping inside, feeling her hot folds grip his long finger as it rubbed at her G-spot, thumb rubbing at a clit.


red_snowcone December 16 2011, 02:37:50 UTC
Even though she can't see, this man is undoubtedly different from the men that have been checking on her. The first and most obvious clue is that fact that this man is kissing her, and she has no issue with kissing him back. It's only instinctual that her arms fight against her restraints when she involuntarily squeezes around the invading digit, both overwhelmed and relieved as he indulges her with every stroke of his probing finger.

With the addition his thumb rolling her swollen clit, she barely stands a chance before her body begins to tremble and rock to his rhythm.


pakiluma December 16 2011, 13:39:55 UTC
His free hand came up to undo her blindfold so that he can look into her crimson, desire-darkened eyes with his own. He pulled back to look at her beautiful face and brushed some of her hair out of her face. His finger still worked as he kissed her neck right over her pulse point.

"What's your name?" He asked, nipping at her skin.


red_snowcone December 17 2011, 01:01:46 UTC
She's visibly relieved when she finally has a chance to look at him at the level of desire reflected in his gaze. Relieved enough to lean her head into his gentle touch, though his warm, bent finger is equally responsible for her uncharacteristic response.

"Ah..." Mitsuru twists beneath him as a fiery sensation burns from the source of his lips, her naturally sensitive neck tingling in the wake of his teeth. "I'm...Mitsuru..."

A shudder tears the thoughts from her lips, conscious thought overwhelmed by physical sensation, making her tighten around his finger with a pronounced shudder. Not being able to move makes it even worse...or better, because there's no way to fight his constant thrusts or the texture of his thumb on her twitching clit, and she can't hide the orgasmic tremors beginning to shake her frame.


Could NOT pass this up. sanada_senpai December 16 2011, 03:09:13 UTC
As the steps faded, the sound of a door creaking open and sounds of a scuffle outside could be heard. Whoever this candidate is, he didn't sound too happy to be in the situation.


There was another bit of a scuffle before the candidate was pushed into the chamber, and the door closed behind him locking shut as it did. A half moment later a small beep was heard and the handcuffs restraining him fell to the ground. It was only then that Akihiko thought to look around. When he saw who was in the room with him, he gawked quickly moving to remove the blindfold.

"Mitsuru!? Thank goodness I found you." He moved to the side, trying to undo her restraints. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here, Mitsuru..."


I live to enable :D Also, notifs are dead red_snowcone December 16 2011, 03:46:21 UTC
She recognises that voice, aphrodisiacs or not. In any other situation she would be mortified to be seen like this by her closest friend, but it's gotten to the point where she's just glad to have a male in the room again. Mitsuru blinks slowly, unable to focus on anything except for her limited view of Akihiko at her side.

"Akihiko..." It's difficult to focus on his words as much as his deep, scratchy voice, but she can tell what the general idea is when her ankle restrains snap free. Unfortunately, the restraints keeping her wrists in place aren't nearly as disposable, keeping her pinned to the table.


And enable you did. Same here. sanada_senpai December 16 2011, 05:45:55 UTC
Aki couldn't help but admire Mitsuru's body, even though he knew he shouldn't. It would be so easy to just take her then and there, like he had wanted to for all those years they'd shared a dorm. However, he quickly forced those thoughts from his mind, though the immediately started to creep back in. Instead, he focused on trying to break the restraints on her wrists, to no avail.

"Don't worry, Mitsuru. The others are on their way. I let myself get captured so that Aigis and Koromaru could sneak in while the guards were distracted. ...Shit... I can't get the wrist restraints off... if only I had my evoker..." He trailed off, because even he knew that Caesar lacked the accuracy to destroy the braces without hurting Mitsuru. Still, it was something to say to distract him from the view of Mitsuru's perfect rear.


YES! red_snowcone December 16 2011, 06:41:17 UTC
Her stomach drops as it dawns on her that she's probably not going to get free without an extended wait, and she's already overheating as it is. She rubs her milky thighs together in an effort to keep at least some of her dignity, completely unaware of the way he action only serves to exaggerate her heart shaped rear.

"Please," She whispers, wine red eyes clouded with desire. "Hurry...whatever you do."


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red_snowcone December 17 2011, 01:10:43 UTC
Were she more conscious, her fiery temper would undoubtedly have resulted in an eloquent, cruel list of insults. But the scientists have taken her far past the point of fighting back, waiting until desire took her to the peak of need, her pink lips already slick with unsatisfied need. For a moment, Raidou's unaffected tone leads her to believe that he's one of them, but...none of them have done anything more than tease her intermittently over the hours, without any intention of taking care of her.

It's takes considerable effort to think and answer coherently, and even more to turn her blindfolded 'sight' in Raidou's direction. Even then, when she speaks her voice is unintentionally inviting, breathy and warm, a smooth sound even to her ears.

"You're not one of them?"


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red_snowcone December 17 2011, 01:52:40 UTC
Her arms strain weakly against her wrist restraints, a standing testament to both how long she's been trapped. She already knows that she can't break out, but can't allow this mysterious man to simply have his way with her without at least attempting to fight back. It's impossible to sound truly menacing while laid out on display, legs purposely splayed apart by her restraints to create a tempting view of her aroused figure.

"Never." She moans, as defiantly as possible as a woman who actually enjoys his rough, possessive grip.


Probably way too late, but I couldn't resist. 8D fallenforlove December 18 2011, 08:56:09 UTC
If Mitsuru is at all coherent enough, Penthiselea will know as soon as the "candidate" walks in the door that he's not human. Some sort of shadow, perhaps? There's a long pause. Then a new voice sighs in disappointment ( ... )


no such thing as 'too late' :) red_snowcone December 18 2011, 13:39:48 UTC
If she were a little more alert, Penthesilea's warning would be loud and clear. As it is, communication between the two is almost pointless with the thick fog of aphrodisiacs clouding her mind, and she only receives a vague feeling that she should be careful of this man- not that there's much she can manage to anger him much while restrained.

The request and apparent concession of such is even more surprising. Why would a supposedly dangerous man have any interest in her dignity or comfort? But she appreciates his manner all the same, blinking slowly as her eyes adjust to the light.

"The angel?"


\o/ fallenforlove December 19 2011, 00:22:21 UTC
He smiles more earnestly. "Yes. The angel. I am one of the Grigori."

Sariel reaches over and removes the wrist restraints, then turns to free her feet. Bent as he is, she'll get a good view of his back while he removes her ankle straps. that some kind of tail growing out of his upper back? It is. It's a thin rope of muscle that hangs limply down his back, coiling on the bed next to her. It ends in a flat, thin spade. As long as it is, though, there's still no comparison to how unnaturally tall the fallen angel is. Seven feet. At least.

He rubs her ankles to alleviate the faint bruises before turning again to do the same to her wrists. His eyes are on hers the whole time. Seeing only her. "What is your name?"


/o/ red_snowcone December 19 2011, 06:18:48 UTC
She flinches at the dull throbbing pain, initially assuming his touch might be less than well intended. It's a relief when her fear is proven unfounded by his gentle touch, although his strange, tail-like appendage is confusing. Demonic, isn't it? It would be easier to recall his origins if his gaze wasn't perpetually locked onto hers, luring her sight away from distracting observations like his inhumanly tall frame.

"Mitsuru." She doesn't return his smile, but the tense feeling between them begins to fade as his hands continue to massage her aching wrists. It's not the type of relief she was expecting, but it's still more than welcome. It's one of the simple things she hasn't been deprived of for the last few hours, including the ability to properly stretch her legs.

"...Thank you."


Is another latecomer acceptable as well? oxeeen_paawwnch December 20 2011, 00:34:05 UTC
The host had been prepared, and so was the provider- a man kept in a chemically enhanced state of arousal, ready and willing to fuck whomever he was directed at. He had been specifically chosen due to him having a Persona of his own, one that had granted him a most peculiar ability... discounting the almost complete lack of a refractory period- that was all the corporations handiwork, one they foresaw a very lucrative future for.

Bee wasted little time in going right for Mitsuru, straddling her on the bed as his hands roamed all over her chest. Her scent was so mesmerizing, her skin so hot to the touch that he could not resist leaning down to drag his tongue along her neck, all the way up to her ear.


always! there's no time limit :) red_snowcone December 20 2011, 04:02:45 UTC
"Nnh-" She's surprised by the sudden weight pressing down on her hips, pinning her to table even more successfully than the restraints holding her down. It's hard to hold back a relieved noise as his large hands squeeze and roll her breasts, and completely impossible when his heated breath puffs against the slick trail he's licked along the graceful curve of her neck.

"Yes..." Mitsuru sighs, too drugged to care if the feeling is illicit.


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