Sing It Loud! | Wintertime | BYOAphro

Dec 07, 2011 04:21

The little cabin was out of the way; the only way to it was a half-hidden branch of the main path - though it was easier to see now, when there weren't so many leaves in the forest to hide it, only a dusting of snow. It wasn't hard to get there once you knew where to look, and in fact it was close enough that from the main path you could hear the ( Read more... )

pairing: m/f, series: slayers

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Comments 83

rainboomaviator December 7 2011, 16:34:02 UTC
"Is... someone singing?"

Rainbow Dash raised a brow, looking around her as if to identify where the music was coming from. She had to get out of the Hotel for a while -- there was no way for her mind to be clear when she was within its walls. Also, it was the first snow of the season, and she wasn't about to miss that.

Seeing a small, scraggly path leading away from the main one she was on, the tomboy decided to investigate a bit further. Re-adjusting her dark purple scarf around her neck, she ventured along the path, the music getting louder. She soon happened upon this little cabin, with someone playing guitar on the porch. She dared to walk a bit closer, but froze when he finally recognized he wasn't alone anymore.

"Heh, sorry about that," she said, nervously scratching the back of her head. "I hope I'm not botherin' ya. I just heard someone playing guitar and I wanted to check it out. You're pretty good." Rainbow smiled softly at him.


onlysanechimera December 8 2011, 00:00:46 UTC
He flushed a little, shaking his head. "Um, thanks. But no, you're not bothering me at all. It's not like I'm doing much. I just wasn't expecting company - there aren't many people out here."

Zel wasn't, actually, entirely sure whether this was outside or not. Certainly the hotel was perfectly capable of having rooms and floors that mimicked being outdoors quite well - but then the hotel was perfectly capable of quite a lot of things, few of which made any real sense. Either way, it was peaceful here, and he didn't have to worry quite so much about running into someone who was having trouble with the hotel.


rainboomaviator December 8 2011, 01:35:20 UTC
"Well, don't blame 'em. It's getting pretty chilly outside and I'm sure everyone who stays at the Hotel would rather be stripping in a warm room rather than in the snow, heh. I actually had to get outta there and relax a bit, so I was taking a walk..."

She leaned against a nearby tree, her multicolored hair now decorated with the thin, white sparkles of snowflakes. Some fell on her nose and she crinkled it just lightly -- she loved those little bursts of cold against her skin.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, by the way. Who might you be, stranger?"


onlysanechimera December 8 2011, 18:20:36 UTC
"I'm Zelgadiss." He got up from where he was sitting, setting down the guitar, and stepped down off the porch to hold out a hand to her. "Would you rather come inside? It's warmer in there; I was just out here to watch the snow, really."

He had to at least make the offer; he wasn't going to let the poor girl freeze out here. She didn't look dangerous, and if it turned out she was, he was confident that he could handle it.


healsforjustice December 8 2011, 14:40:26 UTC
As per usual, Amelia had paid no mind to where she had been wandering, simply appreciative of the open space and some fresh air where she could train. Naturally the cold just brought more of a challenge rather than a hindrence, and so the princess had ended up having to heal her grazed knuckles due to the cold making them sting as she practised her punches against boulders. She had finished one hand and had just started on the other, before the sound of the guitar reached her ears. Ever curious, her boots crunched underfoot as she followed the tune, before seeing the cabin ahead ( ... )


onlysanechimera December 10 2011, 18:42:03 UTC
Zel smiled back at her, flushing just a little. He certainly hadn't expected Amelia to be listening. "No, not at all. I just didn't think anyone else would be all the way out here."

He noticed her holding her hand, though, and set the guitar down carefully before stepping down off the porch to come over to her. He couldn't help looking concerned, his mind running through the ways her hand might have gotten that way. "Are you alright, Amelia? It looks like you're hurt..."


healsforjustice December 10 2011, 18:59:32 UTC
"Well, I guess that makes sense, it is pretty secluded up here." she replied, eyes surveying the landscape, before the sound of his voice made her turn her attention back to the chimera.

She blinked, a little puzzled at first at his approach, only to realise what he was looking at, removing her hand to glance down at the marks across her knuckles. "Oh, that. It's nothing, just the result of a couple of hours training, I can fix it easily enough." she shook her head, preparing to mutter another recovery incantation. As per usual, Amelia didn't think much of the scrape, since she had suffered through worse injuries, many of which Zelgadiss knew of, so she didn't think it would cause much worry.


onlysanechimera December 10 2011, 19:15:56 UTC
Honestly, he'd been more worried about the circumstances than the actual scrapes - his mind had leapt to 'defensive injury,' which was never a pleasant thing to think of, especially in the hotel, between its tendency to draw powerful residents from across the worlds and the most likely motive for an attack. But if she'd just been training it was fine, though he supposed that meant she'd probably been punching rocks again. "All right, then. Though you know, if you wore gloves when you trained your hands might not get scraped up as badly."


rawker_vamp December 9 2011, 05:38:06 UTC
"Why, Zel, I didn't know you had it in you." A familiar voice purred, as Marceline strolled over to him, her umbrella blocking the snow from her hair, as she smirked at him with a fanged smirk. She, too, had her bass, but at this point, it was sticking to her back like a Popsicle sticks to the roof of your mouth.


onlysanechimera December 10 2011, 18:47:38 UTC
"Hello, Marceline." He grinned back at her, shaking his head. "I don't play much anymore, I'm afraid. It was a nice skill back when I was wandering in my world; some places wanted entertainment more than they wanted somebody who could get rid of goblins."


rawker_vamp December 10 2011, 22:50:28 UTC
((OOC: Marcy missed her Zel...))

"May I join you?" Marceline smirked at him, casually brushing some snow off of her red dress that gripped and accented her curves beautifully. "...after all, I'm CERTAINLY not dressed for the weather out here, and I'm getting mighty cold..."


onlysanechimera December 12 2011, 04:59:16 UTC
"Hmm, I suppose you could." Privately, he wondered whether Marceline actually could get cold - she was a vampire, after all. But he supposed if she could feel... other things, she could probably feel cold, too.

He held out a hand to help her up onto the porch, grinning down at her a little.


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