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let_me_bite_you December 4 2011, 22:46:40 UTC
She eyed the lad up and down and smiled maliciously. She made her way over to him, her skirt dragging across the floor and rustling as she walked, several bats following her.

She leaned towards him, eying him up and down, then making a circle around him. "My name is Nevan. What is yours?" She tilted her head to the side, hair seeping around her shoulders.


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let_me_bite_you December 4 2011, 23:01:04 UTC
"Me?" She asked in sing-song, playing with the strand of her hair. "I am what I am." She flipped her red hair back, then stood behind him, leaning in to whisper in his ear:"Don't ask a lady such inappropriate question. Be," she ran her red nails across his neck,"more of a gentleman." She reappeared in front of him, smirking:"Even if you are a devil."

She placed her hand on her stomach, running fingers across it:"I want many things. But from this place, I can get only one."


funsizeflame December 5 2011, 00:30:31 UTC
[OOC: Do you mind someone fairly young? Hikaru's 14, but I can play her aged up and behaving accordingly. ]


let_me_bite_you December 5 2011, 04:15:53 UTC
[Play her however you want 8D I just don't want Nevan to kill her with her 'love' bites, that's all x3]


funsizeflame December 5 2011, 04:28:04 UTC
[ She's tiny, but she's shounen-hero tough, she can take a little nibbling. ]

...a bat? The little critter interrupted Hikaru's meal, but she saw so few animals here that she it immediately caught her attention. At least until it was joined by a swarm, prompting her to leap to her feet and wish that she didn't have to rely on a broken broomstick for a weapon.

She brandished her improvised bokken as a figure appeared from the flock, but was caught off guard by the woman's appearance - a woman, and a beautiful one at that. "Wh-who are you?"


let_me_bite_you December 5 2011, 04:34:33 UTC
She scanned the room with her green eyes before a grin slipped on her face. This was absolutely beautiful. So much better than Devil's Nirvana she was previously locked at.

She raised her hand slightly, and the biggest bat in the group immediately came to her, catching on her finger upside down. She bowed slightly, then stroked the head of her favorite pet with finger:"I apologize for interrupting the meal. The name is Nevan," she smiled, a smile that looked not so innocent as she talked.


phinsteller December 5 2011, 00:39:16 UTC
Ferb glanced up from his work bench at the screech from the bat? He blinked and lifted the welding mask from his face and started to step closer to the small creature. When the lights appeared he stepped back, blinking evenly when the bat changed into a woman.

A very pretty woman but given the bat and black motif. Ferb had an idea just what had appeared in the room with him. He tilted his head at her question but simply gave her a bit of a look.


let_me_bite_you December 5 2011, 04:17:53 UTC
She gave the man a curious look, before slowly and elegantly making her way over to him, her hips swaying. She licked her lips as she sized him up and down, smirking a bit, teasing a bit:"Mmmm... cat got your tongue, boy?"


phinsteller December 5 2011, 04:20:29 UTC
He watched her move, appreciating the graceful sway of hips and the way her hair moved. Not really the worst thing that could come from a little bat. He gave her a rather flat look at the question though. It seemed to be the favorite of most around here.

The look she gave him however threw the sarcasm from his gaze. He simply shook his head. Removing his worked gloves he leaned against the bench, letting take how ever much of an eyeful she wanted.


let_me_bite_you December 5 2011, 04:24:24 UTC
She smirked and leaned backwards a bit:"Hmmm... I like what I see here." She did. This place held a lot of different persons- new, fresh humans and devils and blood. It made her shiver from head to toe.

She opened her arms and bowed slightly, sending him a blow kiss from the tips of her fingers:"Do you like what you see?"


commandshumor December 5 2011, 05:43:53 UTC
The room she found herself in was unlike any she'd probably been in. Everything for starters seemed to be living. As though she'd been swallowed by a great beast. The lighting was minimal, casting shadows on the organic veiny wallsAll the furniture within the room was organic as well, either growing out from the floor or walls. The chair, couch and a low table looked relatively recognizable. The bed however at first glance resembled more of a kiddy-pool sized vat of black oil. No sheets, no pillows, and it moved and felt like a water bed. There was no door to the washroom, just an archway, a large tub set in the floor more akin to a hot tub with the ledge on the inside, and the usual other facilities. While the bats may have flown in from a normal sky or wherever they'd come from, the sky on this side of the room in the window above the bed and set in the wall were of space. A closeness one could never hope to touch except by ship. The stars seemed within catching distance it seemed, and the blackness of the sky and their gas lights ( ... )


let_me_bite_you December 5 2011, 06:15:30 UTC
Oh this looked nothing like Devil's Nirvana. She liked it. A small smirk crept on her face as she freely walked around the room, inspecting everything. She saw many things in her life and withing the demonic world, and this place almost resembled of her home. Of course- a little of woman's touch is needed- who likes green and muddy brown walls these days anyway?

Apparently the man that was the occupant of the room. She smiled while continuing to walk around, watching everything with curiosity with her bleached-green eyes. If she were a human, she would probably feel nostalgia towards her small opera house.

Her pet bat, the first one that flew in, landed on her shoulder, much like a parrot. She smiled at it, petting it with one finger, before turning her attention towards the man,"You have really nice setting here, sire." She grinned:"It almost makes me never wanna leave it," she said in deep, sing-song voice.


commandshumor December 5 2011, 06:27:07 UTC
"The hotel plays its tricks well, but not perfectly" he replied, getting off the bed and slowly onto his feet, setting the tablet down on the nightstand-like shelf beside the bed. He stood almost six and half feet tall, and he drew himself up to every inch of that height, eyes flicking over her form, the sensory pits beside his nose taking in her body heat and scent.

A scent he recognized. Different, but still spelled the same way.

Vampire. The flying mammal-bats?-should have been the first clue. He'd encountered a vampire before. They could be as dangerous as a queen wraith in heat.

He growled, "What do you want?"


let_me_bite_you December 5 2011, 06:47:12 UTC
She made small, tsking sound:"So rude. Here I was making a compliment about your residence and I get that greeting?" She didn't sound insulted, however. Not while that smirk was on her face anyway.

She waved with her hands, and bats that "adorned" her dress split into million other bats, making her a floating seat. She didn't trust anything in this room for now. She crossed her legs and hugged her knees, tilting head to the side. "That is no way to treat a lady."


Why you have no Dante yet? guns_n_swords December 5 2011, 07:46:15 UTC
"This again?" Dante muttered as the bat fluttered into her room. She recognized it automatically. Nevan. She really didn't want to deal with that vampire again, but she would if she had to. She calmly picked up Rebellion and placed it on her shoulder as she waited for the flock of bats to change into the demon that she had turned into a guitar.

"You have someone who kicked your ass already," she said. "Though you might not realize it."


I dunno hmmm a girl Dante<3 let_me_bite_you December 5 2011, 14:59:03 UTC
She walked over to her, her hips swaying and her dress rustling as she walked. She smirked:"Mmm.. I thought you might want another run with it. To let me," she circled her slowly, "treat you even better than before."

She stopped in front of Dante and played with lock of her red hair:"What do you say, sweet?"


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