No Event | High Aphro

Oct 27, 2011 18:53

It wasn't enough to suddenly be in yet another strange hotel room, oh, no, he had to be naked as well. Ky was peripherally aware of another person, although he didn't look at them to determine anything like age, gender, and whether they were naked as well ( Read more... )

pairing: m/*, series: guilty gear, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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healsforjustice October 28 2011, 00:20:14 UTC
While had been fortunate in waking up with clothes, she felt self conscious nonetheless. After all, the attire that had been provided for her left little in the way of imagination, and only emphasised the point of their entrapment more.

As she finally dared herself to look at Ky, though keeping her eyes to at least shoulder level, she bit her lip on seeing the attempts to open the door. This scenario wasn't a first for her, so naturally had expected as much. Even so, she felt bad at the sight of the other occupant of the room trying to leave, which only worsened on seeing his frustration.

"Well, that's not a new trick for this place." she sighed, though obviously sympathetic, but unsure of how exactly to bring up the obvious escape route. For the moment, she would settle on easing the awkward tension, smiling softly and offering a friendly hand. "At the very least, we don't have to be strangers during this. My name's Amelia, what's yours?"


healsforjustice October 28 2011, 22:55:11 UTC
"Well, while some people tend to be more proficient in one area, there's no reason for them not to know how to use other types. White and black magic might divide a bit, but shamanism tends to balance that out, since there are both offensive and defensive spells." she continued, folding her hands in her lap, listening to Ky's words.

"It sounds like those elements are very similiar like how shamanism is divided up, with the elements and such." she reasoned, pondering over the connections before overhearing the last part. It sounded as if he had dealt with a rather heavy burden with that much responsibility. "So, your weapon played a big part in ending the war, along with the others then Sir Ky?"


placemyfaith October 29 2011, 01:14:09 UTC
"Some of the fragments were out of commission or lost by the end of the war," Ky said, trying to keep his eyes from focusing on the movement to her lap. "I was the Commander of the Sacred Order when we ended the war. The sword was given to me in that role."

Ky shrugged. "After I disbanded the Order I was permitted to keep it."


healsforjustice October 29 2011, 09:19:24 UTC
Despite feeling warmer the longer she sat still, Amelia willed herself to keep focused on the conversation, nodding as she listened. It was still interesting regardless of everything.

"Well at least you'll still be able to protect people if anything happens again. I admit I have to admire your will there Sir Ky, speaking as someone who's useless with weapons." she laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head with one hand.


placemyfaith October 29 2011, 14:38:11 UTC
"It's merely a matter of sufficient devotion to practice," Ky said, tracing her figure with his eyes until he realized what he was doing and ripped them away. "I wasn't permitted to join the Order until I'd demonstrated that I had that devotion."

If that meant that he'd spend the time between ages nine and fourteen learning to be good enough that the Order would take him in, it had been better to have a goal than to simply be concerned with his own survival. Besides, his efforts had paid off.

"But one of the goals of my work, particularly...for the last couple of years, as an officer of the International Police Force, is to make it so that people who prefer not to have a weapon can still be safe."


healsforjustice October 29 2011, 17:24:54 UTC
"Well, to be honest, I actually don't use a weapon simply because I...can't. I promised myself I wouldn't use one, so the closest I've come to carrying anything is an antique blade, just to show the insignia on it." she explained, stretching out a bit, if only to keep her mind off other things.

"Still, I can appreciate the effort it must have taken. Not to mention the fact that now you're working so hard to protect other people." she smiled warmly, her own ambitions of spreading justice making her all the more interested in what Ky had to say.


placemyfaith October 30 2011, 04:26:39 UTC
Ky made a little choked noise and pressed his face into the door when she stretched. It was getting harder and harder to resist joining her on the bed.

"Other people are very important," he agreed, sure he had been going to say something more profound than that.


healsforjustice October 30 2011, 10:50:22 UTC
Amelia had planned to simply answer, but the way he was turning away made her pause. Not that she didn't have a fairly good idea of why, but it was better to check anyway.

"Are you alright Sir Ky?" she asked gently, moving to stand up, though not approaching just yet for fear of getting him more worked up. If this was the way things would go, she would have to tread carefully. She didn't wish him to feel guilt for any actions later.


placemyfaith October 30 2011, 13:14:28 UTC
"Not really," he admitted, but it was for the reason she thought. He wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, glancing at her when she moved. "I'm supposed to be stronger than this," he said, biting his lip. He already felt guilty.


healsforjustice October 30 2011, 13:26:19 UTC
A small frown formed on her features, her worries confirmed at least somewhat on seeing how he was clutching the blanket. She took a few cautious steps forward, though still respecting the distance for the moment. He needed to be accepting of this before anything happened, and she didn't wish to appear to be, quite literally, backing him into a corner.

"Please don't blame yourself, your will isn't at fault." she tried to assure him. "I understand that you don't simply want to cater to what the hotel wants, but it doesn't have to be this way. No one here finds this ideal, but at the very least, it can be made bearable if it's made to mean more than just...having sex." she attempted to explain. Amelia didn't wish to just fall into bed with because of an urge, rather to allow some semblance of physical comfort and companionshup, with the affection overriding the more lustful tones.


placemyfaith October 30 2011, 13:40:17 UTC
Ky let out a short breath of air. "If I can't keep myself from having sex when the hotel wants me to with who it wants me to, then it's not like I can stay faithful to someone." And Ky didn't think he could step into the church here that he'd been in without being terrified of what the hotel would make him do in it this time. Both of which would make marriage nearly impossible, combined with the fact that he really still wanted to go home. No long-term relationship could therefore be stable.


healsforjustice October 30 2011, 13:49:14 UTC
"No matter what you do with your body, that's going to change how strongly you feel about a person, if they're the right person. You should trust yourself more. You're only hurting yourself the longer you hold out. The next time you wake up, you might be restrained and have no say in the matter anyway." she reasoned.

After all, while the hotel didn't make fidelity something that could really be kept, Amelia knew that it couldn't alter emotions that easily, which kept with faithfulness of the heart. She did like Ky, and also didn't wish for him to be subjected to punishment for his resistance later.


placemyfaith October 30 2011, 14:11:04 UTC
Ky stared at Amelia. "That happens? That's disgusting." He really wanted to bring this place down to the ground right now, which was a strong enough feeling to temporarily dull the effect of the aphro. He'd like to address her other points, but that made him too angry to do so.


healsforjustice October 30 2011, 14:18:07 UTC
"Unfortunately, yes. It's sadly not uncommon, and some other residents are, well, a bit more than willing to go along with it if someone is forcibly provided for them." she replied, lips pursed and eyes downcast a moment, before looking back at him once more. "I wouldn't wish that on anyone, including you."

She could only hope that he understood her. There was no wish to blindly comply with the hotel, but she wouldn't allow another person to be subjected to that sort of torment if she could help it.


placemyfaith October 30 2011, 14:52:06 UTC
Ky shuddered and nodded. "I need to be able to find a way to stop it from happening." Such a thing happening simply wasn't acceptable, so he wasn't about to accept it.

"But if the hotel is going to be this...vapidly immoral, then does complying do any good?"


healsforjustice October 30 2011, 15:02:06 UTC
She doubted any reasoning she gave could persuade him otherwise. Amelia had been in such a position before, and knew better than trying to deter someone who was clearly set on their goals. In an odd way, she was doing the same for some people she met, acting out of a desire to help to let them ease into things as painlessly as possible. "From my experience, it doesn't always have to be bad, provided two people are consenting for the right reasons."

Moving a couple of steps closer, sighing softly. She wouldn't push, but offered a hand to him anyway, content to wait and respect any choice he made. This was an offer of help, of understanding, not just an invitation for sex. "It's not ideal, but then nothing usually is. I certainly don't have regrets, knowing that there are people who I can enjoy spending time with in any circumstace, and if worst comes to worst, we'll both have someone who we trust and feel some companionship for. That is certainly better than being driven to act or being forced."


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