Intro/ No Event/ BYOA

Oct 12, 2011 23:31

The mirrors, red decorations, plush pillows and beds straight out of a cheesy 70s porno made the message clear enough to the lanky thief-excess, debauchery, greed, and lust reigned king here.  Lust at the top of them all. His lips curled into a goofy grin when the realization hit him.

Lupin III, international thief, master of disguise ( Read more... )

series: lupin iii, pairing: m/f, pairing: m/m

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Comments 120

skullfuck_a_nun October 13 2011, 04:05:47 UTC
In the hallway was a redhead with a bright smile - and one hell of a rack. She didn't notice Lupin at first, distracted by unwrapping a lollipop. She was dressed in her normal, punk/Goth attire, the form-fitting, bright clothes and her numerous piercings probably cluing Lupin in that this may not have been as much of a dream as he thought.


redjacketthief October 13 2011, 21:47:30 UTC
A redhead in the hallway caught his attention. How...convenient. The pig tails and lolipop threw him off--he was a man, and liked women, not girls. But, a few questions couldn't hurt.

Lupin III straightened the wrinkles in his red coat before he stopped directly in her path.

"Hey," He said, with a friendly, if confused smile. "What's a pretty little thing like yourself doing here? This is where big boys and girls play..."

His eyes couldn't help but drift downward. "Wow, this really is a good dream, " He muttered to himself as an aside. Although the new goth/punk fad wasn't to his taste--he liked classy, more mature women with a brain as well as a rack, he wondered if he could make an exception here.

The style, the piercings, and the tight, tight shirt really did suit her.

"...Unless you are a big girl. Then...wanna play?"


crams_til_4am October 13 2011, 20:47:09 UTC
To some it was a dream. To others, it could be a nightmare. To Tsutomu, is was just an inconvenient accident of him being pulled into a weird, sexual world right in the middle of night cramming for a test.

He didn't really think too much about that. right now, he was getting a bit hungry. Taking advantage of the hotel's free stuff, he walked down a particular hallway, remembering that there was a nice cafe nearby. On his way down this hallway, he somehow had noticed a man walking down the other direction, towards him. He didn't pay much attention, but as he got closer and he noticed the man's brightly colored clothing and weird grin? Yep, something felt weird alright.

He stared for a bit, probably making himself seem obvious, before turning his gaze away and focusing on walking straight forward as if he saw nothing.


redjacketthief October 13 2011, 21:12:44 UTC
Even in the midst of his a mental haze, Lupin III always knew when there was something worth notice. The slim young man trying too hard not to look at him was worth notice.

Lupin casually took pursuit as the young man walked passed. He quietly hummed Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now,' to himself as he trotted along after the young man.


crams_til_4am October 13 2011, 21:45:56 UTC
Okay, good. It didn't seem like the man had noticed. Or so Tsutomu had assumed. He continued to walk pass the man, facing forward and showing no interest.

Everything seemed fine but...there was whistling. Tsutomu looked around the shiny red walls of the hotel. With the reflections they revealed...dear god that man was following him! Tsutomu tried to ignore it. Maybe the man was just going in his direction? Tsutomu kept on walking. Though...a bit faster now.


redjacketthief October 13 2011, 21:54:48 UTC
The speed picked up. It was a chase! A wide grin curled onto Lupin's face.

He liked a good challenge.

"sa sa sa sa sa," he muttered to himself as he picked up speed.

He darted beyond the young man and propped himself up on the wall directly in his path.

"Hi!" He said, overconfident in his certainty that this was all a dream.


OH MY GOD I WAS ON HIATUS AND TOTALLY MISSED THIS. Also, TL;DR m19_lover October 15 2011, 02:49:51 UTC
So, virtually NOTHING had happened to Jigen the past month. really nothing ( ... )


Least you caught the message! XP I was wondering when you'd show! redjacketthief October 15 2011, 04:04:40 UTC
Lupin had been meandering through the 'Hotel California', as he had come to thing of the Love Hotel. It was far more grandios than anything he had ever seen before, even beyond the submarines made of gold and the 'trick' that occured when he returned the Trick Diamond to its rightful home.

A part of him wondered how many balloons it would take to lift the place from the ground and steal it. His calculations numbered in the millions and millions of millions so far.

In his wanderings from room to room so far, stumbling upon people in various states of undress and ecstacy, the one constant that helped him keep his mind clear was his cigarettes. He'd gone through half the pack so far, with no regrets. The acrid smoke was comfortable, familiar.

Just like a voice that caught his attention.

Lupin III, international thief, would recognize that voice even if he were in the pits of Hell. He grinned that cheshire grin.

"Jigen-chan, it's been a while!"


I need to thank Riza's mun for showing me this... m19_lover October 15 2011, 04:28:31 UTC
Well, at least that voice was pretty... unmistakable, if anything. That was a positive point. And as long as Lupin stayed as Lupin, things would continue to run smoothly - because people sometimes turned into others in that place.

Seeing his partner smoking reminded Jigen of how long it had been since he himself smoked. Maybe he was starting to get 'comfortable' in that place and didn't need to be comforted by cigarettes... Nah, he couldn't be accepting that place so much, right?

"So you finally ended up here?" Again... Jigen added mentally. Why everyone seemed to be able to go back home but him? What was connecting him to that place so much?

"And you bet your ass it has been a while! I haven't seen you in months!" The gunman said, in an almost scolding tone. Really. Why does he have to stuck in that place without any familiar faces?


Re: I need to thank Riza's mun for showing me this... redjacketthief October 15 2011, 04:40:09 UTC
Lupin crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, letting the scolding wash over him. It wasn't like Jigen had been any better lately. Lupin figured that they all needed some time off from each other, a small 'divorce.' They would regroup when needed.

"I've been undercover, planning a job for myself. Just a little one, really, but it keeps me busy."

He sighed, and took another drag of his cigarette. The smoke really did help him feel grounded, all things considered. The thought of drugs being in the air, the food, the water was uncomfortable even to him. Even if it was sex, sometimes there needed to be something beyond just fucking.

"And what do you mean by 'finally', Jigen-chan? How long have you been here? This doesn't seem like a place I'd normally find you."

Unless Jigen, like himself, had been hauled here mysteriously from God-knows-where. Then...well, it made sense.

He hoped the liquor cabinet was stocked. He might want to use that later.


I'm the one who messaged Jigen about this. miss_sniper October 15 2011, 05:24:04 UTC
There was someone else wandering the halls of the hotel. Someone who happened to be rather blonde. She wore a pair of simple jeans along with combat boots and a tight fitting black short sleeved shirt. She also had on a shoulder holster with a semi-automatic pistol. She didn't even bother covering it up.

She had heard someone behind her, but it didn't bother her at all. People wandered the halls all the time. The way she carried herself screamed either soldier or law enforcement. At least she wasn't wearing any handcuffs.


And I humbly thank you. My messages didn't get through. redjacketthief October 15 2011, 17:12:41 UTC
Lupin spotted a sweet looking someone in the hallway he was wandering through. Although she dressed simply and carried herself with a militaristic efficiency, her curves were still as evident as her maturity.

Lupin liked blondes. A part of him wanted to help her relax that steel straight spine.

"Hey," He said, turning on the casual charm, "need help finding something?"


Your welcome. Glad I could help you out. miss_sniper October 17 2011, 14:55:27 UTC
His blonde had more in common with one of his partners than him. Then again, she was the closest thing to a girlfriend that Jigen had in this place. Of course she was a part of the military, but that didn't matter. They were from different worlds. She paused for a moment when she heard someone call out to her.

"No, I'm fine. I was just headed back to my room," she said with a small friendly smile.


redjacketthief October 17 2011, 15:37:39 UTC
Ah. she was cute when she smiled.

A part of Lupin wanted to offer his company to her, if she wanted it, but the presence of the gun gave him pause. She seemed nice at that moment, but it wasn't much of a stretch for Lupin to imagine her eyes becoming steely as she drew that gun on him if he made the wrong move.

He didn't want to give her reason to do so.

"Ah. Sorry," He said, embarrassed. "I didn't mean to bother you."

But her words made him realize that he hadn't kept track of his location throughout the day. He thought he had been dreaming when he arrived, and in his haze he believed he would just find his way back. It was impossible to get truely lost in dreams--he would just wake up, at worst.

But he was awake. And mentally kicking himself at his own stupidity.


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