Genderswap (Optional)/Lady School

Oct 02, 2011 17:14

Perfect Little Angels. A name for an all-girl school were they were taught, wore uniforms with proper length measured skirts and buttoned up shirts. They had rules, strict ones in place, and some followed, and others broke them. That was where M. Bison, the new Headmaster came in. One by one she was calling in bad girls and when they left her ( Read more... )

series: street fighter

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Male Bison, please. :D ninjainviolet October 2 2011, 22:32:53 UTC
Sheena was a senior, just turned 19, and had spent the better part of her school career trying to change the school's current uniform. She had had no luck, and had actually been branded a bad influence and troublemaker, despite her good grades and otherwise clean reputation. In fact, the previous headmaster had written in her permanent record "likes to incite dissension among the students."

So when the summons came down from the new headmaster, she sighed, not really surprised.

She made her way to the office after her last class as the request demanded. Checking her watch, she discovered she was actually a little early. Deciding that might be a mark in her favor, she knocked on the door to announce her presence.

[ooc: Non-con is fine--especially if Bison disagrees with her opinion about the uniform :D. Here are her prefs. You can do whatever you like with (and to) her and as often as you want.]


ninjainviolet October 3 2011, 01:08:27 UTC
"Not if it's baggy," she murmured wryly without thinking. She looked up in horror when she realized she spoke that thought aloud. "I--I'm sorry, sir! I didn't mean to say that." Leave it to her to make a joke at the wrong time.

Her head snapped up and her eyes grew wide. She didn't like the word "interrogate". It made her sound like a criminal, even though he was only going to ask her questions. Still, she shook her head. She just couldn't do that--not to them or the school--and he'd grow tired of her refusals to answer anyway. Although, she seriously needed to learn when to shut up--or learn to carry a gag that she could shove into her own mouth with her.


psycho_energy October 3 2011, 01:15:13 UTC
"Baggy clothes are not permitted for the safety of the student body. Weapons can be hidden in them. However, you have refused me, and as I am a man of my word, you will have to be interrogated."

Bison rises to his feet, looking down at Sheena as he makes his way around the desk. Coming up behind her, Bison pulls the chair she's in back just a little, his hands at her shoulders. From there they slide down, effectively tugging down her top and freeing her breasts--of which he catches mid-bounce to give a gentle, cupping squeeze to.

"I'm glad you decided to go this route."


ninjainviolet October 3 2011, 01:47:48 UTC
She knew why baggy clothes weren't allowed--she just couldn't help making the comments because of how generous Mother Nature had been with a certain part of her body. Her head drooped as she averted her eyes in apology for defying him. Maybe if he took her reasons into consideration, he'd go easy on her in the end.

She could hear him moving about, her body tensing in reflex as he stood behind her. She couldn't see him, but she could sense him there. Even so, she was surprised when the chair moved and his hands placed on her shoulders. But that was nothing compared to her shock when he suddenly freed her breasts, cupping them in his large hands.

Her eyes snapped open and she turned her head sharply. "What-? What's going on?!"


psycho_energy October 3 2011, 23:47:59 UTC
Bison chuckles as his thick fingers gently trap her nipples between them, giving them a slight pinch each at once. "Your interrogation will begin."

Smirking, Bison leans in and kisses Sheena, his tongue strong and able to part the girl's lips well as he kisses her deeply, tongue moving and trapping her own, pressing against it, brushing over it.


ninjainviolet October 4 2011, 00:07:22 UTC
Despite his position in the school, he's going too far, and Sheena slaps at his hands, trying to get them off her while trying to re-cover them with her shirt. She stops in shock and stares at him.

"My--" her words are cut off and any further verbal protests are muffled as his tongue invades her mouth. All thoughts of covering herself take a back seat as she pushes her hands against his massive chest, trying to get him off her.


psycho_energy October 8 2011, 17:44:44 UTC
That doesn't seem to be working, Bison using leverage and just plain strength to keep her in place--until he seeks to move her, which he does only once he's had a fair enough taste of Sheena's lips and tongue. Once the kiss breaks, Bison's arms slip around the girl and easily lift her, tossing her the short distance onto his desk like she weighed nothing.

"Your interrogation." He repeats, a hand grabbing hold of one of Sheena's ankles to make sure she doesn't try to slide off of the table.


ninjainviolet October 8 2011, 19:51:21 UTC
Just because it wasn't working, didn't mean Sheena was going to stop. Planting her feet firmly on the ground, she tried to gain her own leverage as she pushed even harder. When he broke the kiss, she thought he had finally gotten the message and sighed in relief, only to find herself flying through the air.

There was no respect in her voice or answer as she responded, beginning to scoot across the desk. "Like hell it is!" She cried out in dismay when he caught her ankle in a firm grip, halting her progress. Shaking that leg in an effort to free it, she demanded, "Let me go!"


psycho_energy November 8 2011, 02:31:25 UTC
Bison let's her struggle for a moment longer before tugging her much closer without much strain. She was light, much lighter than him or anything close to his weight. He could toss Sheena around like a little doll if he so wished.

So he pulls her until she's within range, and then reaches out to give her a sharp backhand with his large, free hand. "It already has begun."


ninjainviolet November 8 2011, 02:51:49 UTC
She knows he could toss her around easily--being thrown on the desk like she weighed nothing had told her that. That doesn't mean she's going to allow it to happen. Her leg shaking continues, growing in intensity until she looks like she's doing high kicks--and giving him a good view of what was under the skirt--with his help.

They only stop when he strikes her, and her head snaps back from the force of the blow. She reaches up to touch her cheek before turning to glare at him. There's more anger and shock than fear in her eyes as she gazes at him; she's not going to give in that easily. "Let me go, now, or I swear I'll scream my head off," she threatens, not even considering he might gag her instead of doing what she wants. After all, she's not known as a 'Banshee' for nothing.


psycho_energy November 12 2011, 05:03:07 UTC
Bison chuckles, amused by the look she has on her after the smack, as well as her words to go along with it. "Do you think I don't own every faculty member in this building? Or that most of the student body is well under my thumb? Go on, scream. Show me how stupid you are."


ninjainviolet November 12 2011, 05:56:35 UTC
Normally, Sheena would have grown angrier when called stupid, but this isn't a normal situation for her. Surprise tinged with fear fills her eyes as they widen, and she can only stare for a moment before finding her voice.

"That...That's not true!" she cries, knowing her voice would carry to the hall regardless of what she's saying. "No one has that power!" she declares, renewing her struggles against his physical strength.


psycho_energy November 12 2011, 06:02:37 UTC
"Oh, but it is my dear. You, anyone that steps foot in here. You're all carefully chosen and allowed, especially my faculty. So cry out all you wish--I'm sure a couple of teachers wouldn't mind joining me in this little session of ours that we're going to have.

Now be still, or--" Bison pauses to hold up his free hand, clenching it into a fist as a strange looking energy surrounds it briefly. "--you'll quickly find out how this feels."


ninjainviolet November 12 2011, 06:43:56 UTC
Sheena's struggles begin to take on an air of desperation. She doesn't want to be with him let alone have others join them. He's supposed to protect the students, right? Not do this to them...

She's about to point that out to him when her eye catches that glow. Having felt his slap, she's more concerned with the fist under it. Her struggles don't exactly cease, but she does slow them down to a tug. "Please, let me go. I won't say anything. I promise." She's good at keeping her mouth shut.


psycho_energy November 12 2011, 06:47:06 UTC
"Sorry my dear. You have been chosen for a reason. Now serve your purpose properly or discover what I'm like when I've run out of patience." Bison finally does release her, but that's only to serve his statement to better show her how serious he was about what he said, and had been saying to her.


ninjainviolet November 12 2011, 09:18:59 UTC
Sheena can't help leaning back in an effort to put some distance between them. "Chosen?" She comes very close to asking 'For what?' but that's pretty obvious. Suddenly remembering her bared breasts, she covers them with crossed arms, her look still defiant. "Why me?" she asks, plotting her escape the moment he releases her.


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