Intro ~☉~ Shuma-Gorath is his own event! ~☉~ No need for your puny aphro!

Sep 13, 2011 21:58

"Flesh!" The waving and bubbly voice of the almighty one cried out, somehow speaking without any mouth. Perhaps it was all in the hearer's mind as after all, all planes of existence, physical or of the mind, were safe from the ravaging touch of- "SHUMA-GORATH DEMANDS FLESH!The voice was of little warning, the elevator from which it emanated opening ( Read more... )

pairing: m/f, series: marvel vs. capcom 3, series: marvel

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Comments 52

pacifistqueen September 13 2011, 22:11:45 UTC
What the creature caught was a surprised and struggling young woman. Relena had been caught by surprise when she heard something call out. The words had sent a lance of fear down her spine even!

At first she was frozen to her spot, then instincts kicked in to run. Only, by then it was too late and she found herself caught up in his tentacles. Moments later she was spread out and glaring at the creature. No matter how she moved, she couldn't get loose!

"Let me go!"

[ooc: For kinks, really the sky is the limit so please, be as strange and as creative as you want! I'd prefer more of a semi-serious thread if you don't mind, though a little humor is always appreciated. ^^;]


strongtentacles September 13 2011, 22:30:50 UTC
"Silence!" The bubbling voice of the demonic creature was massive, a booming noise that should have rustled her hair with breath, yet had no effect on the outside world.
"I want nothing of you but your body," the titanic creature informed her in the same painfully loud mental voice. Relena was a fine specimen, the elder god had to admit. He had always found humans to be attractive-it was one of the reason he fought so hard to try and capture it. Without hesitation, a tendril lashed out whip like, rapidly gripping and tearing at her clothes, soon leaving her in nothing but shreds. He wanted a closer look, it seemed.


pacifistqueen September 13 2011, 22:45:46 UTC
The large mental voice made the young woman flinch as she renewed her struggles. Even as she felt a tentacle lash at her clothes, tearing them from her body, Relena continued to writhe.

"I don't care what you want! Let me go."

Before she really knew it, she was naked in his grasp. Her body on display for his exploration. Relena was definitely a fine specimen with well endowed assets for his use.


strongtentacles September 13 2011, 23:21:57 UTC
"I said silence!" He repeated his order, for what he was sure wouldn't be the last time. Frankly though, that was fine with him. He loved to shout 'silence,' and it made it all the more satisfying to force her to stop speaking by otherwise occupying her mouth later.
"Yes...Your body is all I want, and I shall have it now," he concluded as he examined her. Splitting an examining tendril into multiple tentacles, they began to drip with a sticky secretion, which he painted over her skin. First pressing all together at her navel, they spread out, exploring every curve, flexing over every shape her body had. Wherever it touched, the liquid made the skin many times more sensitive. Soon enough, he would have her desires so inflamed her body would accept his attention even if she still remained stubborn.


fallen_israfel September 13 2011, 22:21:34 UTC
Tsukasa had been expecting anything but a large green tentacle to curl around him and snatch him towards the elevator. He'd.....well she had already been having a bad day in that the hotel had deemed it necessary to change his gender.

"Wah!! Let me go!"

The angel struggled in the tentacles grasp trying desperately to free herself.

(ooc:Tsukasa has wings but on his head. they are currently hidden. he also has powers but hasn't fully learned to control them and is probably to scared to do so. And yes he's a she just for this post. also anything goes. Have fun ^^)


strongtentacles September 13 2011, 22:34:09 UTC
The demon turned Tsukasa this way and that, rotating his great eye to take in each detail. Even going so far as to sprout another pair of tendrils to grip the tips of those wings upon the recently transformed girl's head, pulling them to their full wingspan to see just how large they were.
"How quaint...It thinks I care for its desires," he spoke to himself, in order to mock her.


fallen_israfel September 13 2011, 22:37:16 UTC
Tsukasa continued to struggle in its grasp as that eye looked her up and down. When those wings were grabbed and spread she gasped.

"Do...don't....that hurts...."


strongtentacles September 13 2011, 23:11:23 UTC
"Silence, worm." The order came sharply and instantly, before Tsukasa was dropped without grace to the ground, the tentacled creature looming over her.
"Your flesh is now forfeit to me."


striped_biceps September 13 2011, 22:22:05 UTC
Tentacle monsters weren't exactly a new experience to Cyuss. He'd never met one he didn't kill before. He didn't know they existed inside the hotel, but back in his home world, what sort of monster didn't have tentacles every once in a while? As a swordsman, they were pathetically easy to cut down.

Which is exactly what he had tried when he noticed all of the green tentacles swarming everywhere, and when he couldn't slay them he ended up feeling pathetic and annoyed. After all, not only did he not manage to defeat them, but now he was being pulled apart in front of a giant eyeball for his failed efforts.

"What the hell is your problem, dammit?!" Cyuss wasn't sure if he should assume sentience or not, but now he was pissed off. His sword was somewhere back along the way he had been dragged, and he didn't make a connection between this and the cry of "FLESH!" he had heard minutes ago.

[ooc; So, uh, Cyuss is clearly male, but...Shuma-Gorath is amazing. Understandably, since you're looking for females, he can use all the magic he ( ... )


strongtentacles September 13 2011, 22:40:35 UTC
Shuma-Gorath looked equally as displeased as Cyuss. Well, perhaps just a shade less, since he was merely disappointed and Cyuss was being molested by a creature from beyond the extremes of reality. The two didn't compare very well. Surprisingly expressive for a being with only a single eye as a facial feature, the demon's mental voice sounded decidedly sulky.
"Unacceptable! You are a waste of flesh!" The tentacled titan glared with the force that only an eye the size of a grown man could, inwardly considering what to do with his unwanted catch. Throwing it back just seemed...well, he didn't think of it in such words, but it seemed pretty lame.


striped_biceps September 13 2011, 22:45:06 UTC
"...Huh. So it can talk." Cyuss tried to strain the grips on his ankles and wrists, trying not to wonder about why that giant eyeball in front of him sounded disappointed. He was not used to being captured. People as awesome as him were supposed to break out of bonds and kick ass.

"Why don't you try letting go of me and saying that?" It was a weak effort to get the monster to let go, though. Being caught in the first place severely damaged his ego and credibility as a badass, so he knew it was unlikely to work.


strongtentacles September 13 2011, 23:09:23 UTC
Shuma-Gorath wasn't really sure how to react to this, aside from his never ending state of arrogant bluster. His ridiculous pride meant that surrendering in anyway, even to the idea of admitting to himself that he had made a mistake in snatching up the wrong person entirely, was impossible.

The only solution then was to act like this was his plan all along.
"No, foolish flea! Instead, I shall recreate your flesh, so that it is a waste no more! Feel the honour-for you shall be touched by the great magic of Shuma-Gorath!The demon's eye opened all the wider, energy fluctuating through his body-having no mouth or hands, he didn't cast spells with evocations or incantations, but merely through though ( ... )


hispanic_fencer September 13 2011, 22:30:21 UTC
Elena was calmly wandering the halls when she heard the command. Fear, excitement, and curiosity shot down her spine when she heard it. She began to look for this Shuma-Gorath, wondering what he looked like.

She turned a corner and saw him, she froze for a few seconds. A part of her wanted to run away, but something about him made her take a few steps forward. Before she could react she was pinned to the ground by tentacles. She struggled in the grip of the tentacles, but quickly realized that she was not strong enough to escape.

"Who...what are you?" Her voice was calm as she relaxed slightly in his grasp.

((ooc: i'm open on kinks, have at. this is my first run-in with a tentacle monster))


strongtentacles September 13 2011, 22:47:50 UTC
"Puny fleshling, Shuma-Gorath is beyond your comprehension! To explain what I am, in a way you could understand, would be impossible."" The giant creature's booming mental voice rang out as the tendrils lifted Elena from the ground, to instead turn her slowly, as if she was a piece of produce that needed to be examined before consumption.
"As for who...I am the great devil-god who rules more than you could travel if your life lasted more than a billion years! I He Who Sleeps But Will Soon Awaken." Content to ramble arrogantly, the tips of the tendrils began to split apart, into smaller and smaller feelers that slipped under her clothing, creeping over her flesh, scoping out her shape and texture.


hispanic_fencer September 13 2011, 23:07:47 UTC
That harsh voice in her head made her shiver in excitement. She let out a small gasp when she was lifted into the air.

"What should I call you when..." Those feelers cut off the rest of her sentence. She leaned into the touches as the feelers explored her very curvacious body.


strongtentacles September 13 2011, 23:21:19 UTC
"What all should call me, at all times!" Still booming, the tendrils flexed deeper and deeper, her clothing expanding and contracting as they squirmed over her. Without any concern for her, they curled around to tear her clothing to shreds from the inside, allowing the pieces to fall like snow and revealing her to him in totality.


You rang? devilishlight September 13 2011, 22:32:21 UTC
"Oh, great. Is there ever any shortage of freakish otherworldly deities around here?"

Trish didn't look particularly surprised to be snatched up in the creature's grip, nor did she look particularly pleased about it. She gave up on struggling after a few seconds, frowning irritably in the direction of that massive eye.

"Why don't we just skip the whole fight scene and you let me go before I fry you crispy?"

[ooc: I really don't have many no-nos for Trish... she'd probably enjoy just about anything. We can aim for maybe 70-30 funny to serious.]


/explodes strongtentacles September 13 2011, 22:57:40 UTC
"What nonsense...What exactly do you expect to do now that you're in my grasp?" Shuma-Gorath's mental voice practically radiated smugness as he recalled his prey's face. He could most certainly remember the rest of her as well, and who could blame him? The demon thought that very few would forget a body like that.

A body that he wasn't going to waste any time in getting a better look at, tendrils immediately sprouting with the aim to strip her completely bare. "You should surrender yourself to the honour of the moment!"


devilishlight September 14 2011, 00:42:30 UTC
Trish was already annoyed to put up with the ego trip, but even moreso when she found her clothes being shredded and yanked away from her. She was left completely naked, her voluptuous body exposed to him.

Well. She hadn't expected this, somehow.

"Rude," she snapped, charging up electricity in the palms of her hands and sending it thundering into the tentacles that held her, hopefully hurting Shuma-Gorath enough to punish him away.

You know, if he was even vulnerable to electricity.


strongtentacles September 14 2011, 06:46:48 UTC
There was utter silence for a second or two, as Shuma-Gorath did not react in anyway at all. Sadly, without the interests of even game play taking effect, the demonic deity was far beyond her capabilities to repell.
"I see I shall have to tame this one," the demon mused aloud pulling Trish into a pose like she was little more than a puppet. Pulling her legs up and apart, he aimed to force them all the way behind her shoulders, changing the grip so that only one tentacle was wrapped around her ankles, pulling her arms across her knees. Such a position meant that not only was she pulled open, but her breasts were squeezed and pushed out by her own arms.

For now, a little old-fashioned dominance to show her who was in charge here. Next perhaps he would work his mind control, force her to think of him as the sexiest thing she had ever seen. That would teach her, that Shuma-Gorath was stronger in body and mind.


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