Late Goodbye | Room 74,240 | Aphro as Needed

Jul 13, 2011 23:43

As the full moon shone through the clouds above, the entire kingdom of Seyruun seemed to glow under the sliver rays, only further illuminating the stunning white architecture of the city. It was a place of white magic, of goodness and truth, where all were equal and life was happy and prosperous. However, to the usually happy princess of the land, ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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mizunosenshi July 15 2011, 05:59:32 UTC
It was from the full moon above that a pair of somber blue eyes watched the world below. The city of Seyruun stood out among the others, and not just because it was clearly visible from space. Though the leadership was at times misguided, the kingdom was a beacon of peace and prosperity the likes of had yet to be equaled save for the hidden kingdoms of the moon. Libraries, gardens, everything one could imagined finding in a virtual utopia was present both in Seyruun and within the Silver Millennium ( ... )


mizunosenshi July 18 2011, 22:01:32 UTC
So many times Mercury overheard people commenting about Amelia, stating how wonderful it would be to be the princess. She knew it wasn't always the glamorous parties and dinners the public often saw. There were affairs of state, royal duties and a distinct lack of privacy. Others spoke of how unprincess-like Amelia was, which always brought a smile to Mercury's lips. How often she'd heard the same said of a few of her friends. What mattered to her was Amelia's willingness to help others, to defend what she believed was right, even if she did go overboard sometimes ( ... )


healsforjustice July 19 2011, 01:13:32 UTC
Admittedly, she had problems with her position at times. And yet Amelia respected her duties and followed through on them regardless. She knew she had responsibilities to uphold, and fully intended to do so. Surely though it wasn't such a terrible thing to want a little happiness herself? She was all too happy to make sacrifices for others, and rarely asked for anything for herself. Just once, could she be allowed to be like a normal girl in love? She truly with for that, both for Mercury and herself ( ... )


mizunosenshi July 19 2011, 01:53:17 UTC
Mercury had been the opposite, always the regal and respectable princess who tended to her studies and never offended or upset anyone. Her rebellious nature was subtle, presenting as simple curiosity at first that blossomed into something more after her first few meetings with the Seyruun princess. it had started off as a friendly chat, two people interested in the same topic but going about things in entirely different manners. From there she never looked back, allowing herself to grow close to the girl, finding they balanced one another strangely well ( ... )


healsforjustice July 19 2011, 10:58:40 UTC
Yes, there were different, almost polar opposites in the way they approached their duties. And yet under it all, they both shared the same feelings in regards to what was right for them to do. Getting to know Mercury's alternative perspective was insight to Amelia, and she felt she learned a few things from listening to the other girl, and of course grew to respect how she handled certain tasks ( ... )


mizunosenshi July 19 2011, 23:30:54 UTC
Amelia's outgoing and at times aggressive personality countered the otherwise shy and demure Mercury. The education had gone both ways, seeing the world through a different set of eyes and growing from that. It was easy to look down at the Earth and try to imagine that motivated people, but with Amelia she could see and hear it right there in front of her eyes. She was motivated to help others, to see that no one was mistreated though sometimes she needed guidance to temper her enthusiasm ( ... )


healsforjustice July 20 2011, 00:58:27 UTC
When not being forced to deal with paperwork or council meetings, Amelia enjoyed her free time, but often lamented not having that much company at home. Her friends were always around while they travelled together, but in Seyruun she was often by herself unless her father could get out of his own duties. Meeting Mercury and dragging her out into her exploits gave the healer someone to confide in and have fun with. Yes, she did get told off a couple of times for being reckless, but it was well worth it to get to know the other girl better ( ... )


mizunosenshi July 20 2011, 01:32:00 UTC
They shared that in common, though in the case of Mercury, it was not completely involuntary. She sequestered herself often in the Moon's library, studying a vast array of topics from history to science. Only Neptune had read more books than she had, but it was gap the younger princess was quickly closing. Coming to Seyruun she had expected to do the same, only to find someone else studying but with a slightly different goal in mind ( ... )


healsforjustice July 20 2011, 19:25:32 UTC
Even though Amelia was still far off from inheriting the throne, and knew she may not ever do so, she still was diligent in her work, even if she found it dull on occasion. Still, if she hadn't promised herself to work hard, she might not have even been in the library on that fateful day Mercury wandered in. She would never have gotten curious about how she didn't recognise the newcomer, wandered over and started a conversation. And of course, nothing would have come of anything, and they wouldn't be in their current position ( ... )


mizunosenshi July 20 2011, 22:15:33 UTC
Their first meeting was one Mercury wouldn't soon forget, but it was the debate she had with herself that proved both frustrating and liberating all at the same time. To tell one of the Earth what she was could get both of them into trouble, but she couldn't conceive of lying to the girl, not after they'd become such close and dear friends. She'd even taken the matter up with Venus, who had already been following her anyway. Explaining her position, the kingdom on the moon, and the reason why she had to keep a low profile had been difficult, but without that last hurdle keeping her from opening up completely, it was if nothing was out of her grasp ( ... )


healsforjustice July 20 2011, 23:20:36 UTC
Needless to say, Amelia had been a bit surprised when she was told the truth by the other princess about where she came from. Even for all her naivety she had a hard time believing the tale at first. However it didn't take too much coaxing, since she had no reason to think her friend would lie about something like that. She trusted her too much to have doubts, and it made her feel rather special to think that someone like this girl from the moon would come and visit her so often, nevermind fall in love with her ( ... )


mizunosenshi July 20 2011, 23:35:18 UTC
The only thing Mercury couldn't do, rather, hadn't tried to do, was sneak Amelia into the moon kingdom. How often she'd thought of dressing her up, passing her off as a servant or low ranking court member, but the risks were great. Had she not received the letter when she did, it was very likely she'd have made the offer within the week. A plan had been laid out, margins for error calculated, and of course a little help from a certain blond haired princess ( ... )


healsforjustice July 21 2011, 15:48:39 UTC
While Amelia had did her best not to pry or pester the other princess too much, she was curious about the world she called home. It all seemed so unbelievable, like something out of a storybook. Needless to say if she had been offered the chance to go and see the moon kingdom for herself, there would have been no hesitation. She would have been genuinely surprised as well, considering how by the book her lover tended to be, and wouldn't want to force her to take any risks for her own amusement ( ... )


mizunosenshi July 24 2011, 16:27:03 UTC
In some ways it was the stuff from storybooks, at least that's how many people on the Earth had written it out. The presence of a kingdom on the moon startled some, angered others, but the majority accepted it as legend and folklore, unless visited by someone from that kingdom. They helped facilitate peace, guided those in dire need, and sometimes sneaked away to make friends as Mercury had done ( ... )


healsforjustice July 24 2011, 21:12:43 UTC
Amelia had always had an over active imagination; that was how she ended up breaking free of the castle walls and wandering the world with her friends, with permission from her father of course. Stories of adventure and romance were ingrained into her mind, and being the optomist, she often believed in things that couldn't be proven with logic. If there was no way to disprove it, what was the harm in having faith ( ... )


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