Drama, Drama, Angst!/Hatesex || Rising Aphro

Jun 21, 2011 00:36

The priest hadn't been sleeping well. Too many nightmares, too many macabre scenes flickering behind his closed eyes. He hadn't been eating well either. Depression tended to make one's appetite all but disappear. He had attained some rare luck in sequestering himself away from the other residents of the hotel, managing to avoid getting locked in ( Read more... )

series: saiyuki, pairing: m/m

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Comments 27

narcistmongrel June 21 2011, 07:42:28 UTC
Daiki frowned as he continued to watch people meander by him in the hallways. Sure, there was no crowd, but being in such a small space only troubled him further, and two or three people could feel like ten or twelve, to him. As crazy as it sounded even in his own head. Doing his best to keep himself calm and his fears at bay, he stayed curled up on the floor against the nearest wall.

Getting stuck in a creeptastic library didn't exactly suit his definition of a good time....

Slowly, he began to regain his senses, and he stood properly with a soft sigh. At least he didn't have to throw the fake potted plant by his feet at anyone. They left of their own accord without really noticing him - which was good. It made the situation a lot less scary.

"Stupid fucking hotel..." he muttered, raking his fingers through his dark hair and sulking. He didn't really notice if there was anyone else at the moment.

{So um, have a bitchy, short-statured crowd-phobic brat? XD; He gets bitchy when he's mad/frightened, and roughness/dub-con are fine ( ... )


Dear LJ: Stop being stupid. kthx. hereticprince June 21 2011, 08:38:54 UTC
Not caring where one ended up was often problematic, as he was about to find out. Sanzo stopped, finally looking around himself. A library? Well, at least it was quiet. His chest ached, he was shaking, and he didn't know what he'd do if he saw anyone else -- though he didn't really get a choice in the matter because the next thing he knew he was staring at someone. The first thing he registered was the brunette hair.


No. It was too long to be Hakkai's, the face beneath the hair too young. He tried to force himself to take a deep breath but couldn't. Almost as if his legs had a mind of their own, he found himself closing the distance, violet eyes fixed on his apparent target.


it's okay narcistmongrel June 21 2011, 13:12:33 UTC
It wasn't until Sanzo was very close that he managed to properly hear him. Frowning in slight confusion, he watched him approach. Something about the man's body language put him on edge, but stubbornly, he waited and watched.

"What?" he growled, watching intently. Damn... why did most people have to be taller than him??


hereticprince June 22 2011, 11:11:09 UTC
The growl was met with a frown. For a moment, Sanzo merely stared down at Daiki, though he wasn't really seeing him. His thoughts were too unfocused. Then, he reached out, grabbing one of his arms and shoving him back against the tall bookshelf. "Don't talk." Without warning, he ducked his head, covering the others mouth with his own.


Aaaaaah! You're back! I missed you! green_eye_demon June 21 2011, 13:08:50 UTC
He thought it late enough to be able to slip through the halls unseen, or uncontested at the least. His room was his objective, but if his feet carried him elsewhere, then so be it. While rest sounded nice enough, he still hadn't been able to really rest since his darker side ran amok.

Perhaps it was survivor's guilt, or something darker, but in the end, they were all just as destructive.

Turning a corner, he caught sight of familiar golden hair and froze, his green eyes wide and muscles tense. Was he readying himself for a fight, or did he mean to run?


I had no idea I would be so missed. <3 hereticprince June 22 2011, 11:04:41 UTC
It was entirely too late to run, for both of them. Almost as if he felt the others presence, Sanzo stopped dead. He turned, slowly, violet eyes tracking down the hallway until they fell squarely on Hakkai. His breath caught in his throat, chest tightening to the point of pain. Everything he'd been feeling, or rather trying not to feel, coalesced on him at the sight of his friend.

He was moving before he even realized he was, and by then he'd already closed the distance between them. A hand closed on his shirt, fisting the fabric as he roughly shoved him back against the wall. Jaw set, he stared at Hakkai then, expression unreadable.


Psh <3 green_eye_demon June 22 2011, 11:58:02 UTC
He hit the wall with a soft puff of breath, but no other sound. If it was anyone else, he would've fought to get free, but not Sanzo. There was no way he'd raise a hand against Sanzo.

His gaze tracked along Sanzo's face before locking on his eyes in an attempt to read his expression, but for once, he failed. In the pit of his belly, something twisted at the failure, and for a long moment, he felt as though it wasn't his friend he faced.

It was a stranger.

"Now now, Sanzo. I've already ironed this shirt today."

When in doubt, fall back on the old standards, right?


srsly though. It makes me happy. o3o hereticprince June 22 2011, 12:25:14 UTC
The old standards wouldn't work, not this time. Something had snapped. Something important, something he'd been holding down for too long. He breathed in, lungs burning for the oxygen, no matter how aphrodisiac-laced it was. "Shut up." It was practically a hiss. "You don't get to act like nothing happened." His grip on Hakkai's shirt tightened.


WooHoo!! YOu're back! incubi_abel June 21 2011, 21:01:19 UTC
Abel was walking through the halls when he saw a familiar golden figure moving away through the hallways himself. There was something about the slump in the shoulders that indicated serious personal problems, but Abel didn't let that stop him.

Quietly, he moved after Sanzo and started walking beside him, letting the other priest lead the way while silently offering a willing ear to listen to whatever trouble the man wanted to unload on him.


*Snug!* hereticprince June 22 2011, 11:18:11 UTC
It wasn't until he reached one of the elevators that he seemed to become aware of Abel. Still, he pressed the call button, not bothering to look over at the other man. Where there was normally a calming presence about him, at that particular moment Sanzo only felt strangely cornered, already frayed nerves and emotions starting to disintegrate.


Missed you! incubi_abel June 22 2011, 15:26:54 UTC
Abel continued saying nothing, realizing the man was stretched taunt emotionally, and just entered the elevator with him when it arrived. He didn't care where they were going as long as he was there to catch Sanzo when the other man finally snapped.


<3 hereticprince June 27 2011, 02:35:53 UTC
The closed off space of the elevator made it feel like Abel was right on top of him, even though Sanzo knew he wasn't. A muscle along his temple started to twitch and he tried to take a deep, slow breath. It was no good. Before he knew he was doing, he'd grabbed the other man by his robes, hands fisting into the fabric as he shoved him back against the elevator wall.


mercurialbreeze June 21 2011, 23:06:00 UTC
Shit ( ... )


hereticprince June 27 2011, 02:52:24 UTC
He didn't feel any less tightly strung by the time he entered the kitchen. He hadn't been paying attention to directions; a turn here, a turn there, it didn't really matter just as long as he was moving because if he stopped, everything would catch up to him. Unfortunately, he didn't get much of a choice in that, because when his gaze fell on the too familiar red hair splayed out on top of one of the tables, he stopped dead. His throat locked tight. It felt like ice and fire surged through his veins simultaneously, setting every nerve alight with awareness and making him shake.

He stood there for what seemed like an eternity before forcing himself to step forward, slowly approaching the table. He lifted an unsteady hand -- only to draw it back before calloused fingertips could brush the crimson strands. He was breathing. He was alive. He was alive. Sanzo should have felt relief, but instead he just felt a strange, spreading numbness as he stared down at the slumped form.

"...Go-" His voiced cracked, and he had to try again. "Gojyo."


mercurialbreeze June 27 2011, 03:20:41 UTC
By the time he’d been discovered in his sad, lonely-drunk state, Gojyo had already passed out…just as he had been. Draped over the table like a slob, conjuring up images in his mind that would turn a priest’s cheeks the color of sangria while he dreamed, it only vaguely registered that the ero kappa wasn’t alone. While usually fairly aware of his surroundings, there were other people around him who were willing to smack him around in order to rouse his attention…oh wait ( ... )


gojyo_saaama June 23 2011, 20:01:22 UTC
Sanzo tried to leave his room, anyway. But the knob wouldn't turn. And there was something else, too... nothing so obvious as a cold patch hovering inside the doorway, or flickering lights, but even though nobody was visible, there was something - someone - in the room with him.

Someone who stank of a very familiar brand of cigarettes.


Whee. Sorry for lateness. hereticprince June 27 2011, 02:31:48 UTC
Why did nothing ever go the way he wanted it to? Sanzo tried the knob again. And again. And yet again, until he let loose a frustrated snarl and kicked the door as hard as he could. It didn't give, of course. He breathed out a low, venomous curse and leaned forward, letting his forehead meet the cool wood of the door.

Several minutes passed before he noticed the strange odor permeating the normally saccharine, cloying scent that laced the air. Cigarettes, but not his own, so whose...? Lifting his head, he turned.


Awesome! I'm just glad you came back. :D gojyo_saaama June 27 2011, 02:42:10 UTC
There was nobody there. The smell grew stronger, as though a person who had recently smoked was leaning right up into Sanzo's face, but he was completely alone. Just the same gaudy red room, red bed, red carpets. Everything was that uniform ruby red, the same color most of the rest of the hotel was decked out it. It's a horrible color, isn't it? The color of blood.

And then, an invisible finger poked Sanzo in the shoulder.


I always do! xD hereticprince June 27 2011, 03:13:59 UTC
Sanzo was thoroughly unsettled. He knew the brand of cigarette by smell alone, even when it wasn't so close he could actually taste it at the back of his tongue. It was a smell he'd come to relate with Gojyo, but he didn't have any of his cigarettes, and the room was empty. He was alone.

That thought was crushing by itself. Then, he felt the poke. Every muscle and tendon in his body coiled, breath catching in his throat. What the hell was going on?


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