intro|katara atla|no event (locked to azure_prodigy)

May 16, 2011 10:26

Her calloused fingertips dragged over the satiny walls of the Hotel's hallway; her steps were light and careful as a fawn's as she studied her surroundings as she half expected a predator to show up and drag her into one of the rooms with it’s claws. Of course, the predator would realize Katara had more than a few tricks when it came to getting ( Read more... )

series: avatar: the last airbender, pairing: f/*

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azure_prodigy May 17 2011, 22:48:41 UTC
The Water peasant's lack of fear is frustrating, but still subject to change. There must be something that would elicit a tremble or a whimper; the Princess just needs to find it.

Azula doesn't like to display her body, but the room is unbearably warm; stifling... and she never expected a visitor to pop in. Unfortunately, the sweltering air is acting to draw the fabric closer to her in much the same way as for Katara; it would normally hang from her form a bit more than it is at present. Having a feminine build attracts unwanted attention -- she's seen it enough times with Ty Lee, who considers her curves to be assets and utilizes them for that very purpose. It's not so for the Fire Princess. The armor and heavy robes denounce any emerging shape, which, in addition to functionality, is the look she's aiming for. Her current clothes are decidedly utilitarian in design as well, but apparently... not as concealing.

The flickering gaze of gold tears away from the peasant's curvaceous attire; an unwanted distraction ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 20 2011, 00:10:33 UTC
Azula dislikes the Watermaiden, but so far has no reason to actively hate her. Hate requires more effort than she's willing to grant what is, to her, a simple commoner. Additionally, she has more experience under her belt than the older girl. She's not exactly a stranger to girls, and has even spent a time or two in the bedroom with one. But that was...

It was over too soon. And her partner told her so. She's not exactly eager to relive that experience. Katara is just the type to point out any perceived flaw as a strike against the Princess's ego.

"I see." Tales of Koh exist throughout the world, extending even to Fire territory, but the prodigy has always taken them with a grain of salt. A frown pulls the corners of her mouth downward. "You're right about that much. This isn't home."

Her head tilts, following the motion of Katara's hands upon her breasts. The Waterbender acts so ashamed of... looking the way she does in those clothes? Feeling a certain way? Her own chest feels warm and her heartbeat grows ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 20 2011, 00:43:03 UTC
Before anything more could happen, Aang had told her things. Aang was remaining at the Fire Nation; he did visit the Fire Nation often and it just... she never thought it would have been Aang to end things ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 20 2011, 01:05:43 UTC
One might suspect the Avatar had his own reasons for visiting the Fire Nation so much. Had Azula (as she is now) been in the picture, she would've suspected something. At least Katara can take something away from the experience; a new outlook and a new sense of inner strength... because she'll be needing both if she hopes to last long here ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 20 2011, 01:40:44 UTC
She had been doing very well. It hurt, but they remained friends. After all, Zuko had something that Katara did not. It wasn’t something she could change with a whisk of the fingertips. Aang couldn’t change such things either.

It eases Katara’s suffering and the material of her clothing is highly different. Besides, she wasn’t studying Azula nearly with the same attention as the princess was studying her. “Are you good at telling when someone is lying as you are at lying?” Katara murmured.

Katara stands up and moves over to Azula and pauses only a yard in front of her. The effects of the room’s steamy environment do wonders on the clothing and how it clings like a second skin. Shadows tease and enhance. “You were the one to ask. If you’re dying to have a set plan, why don’t you tell me what we do?” The Watermaiden snaps.


azure_prodigy May 20 2011, 01:54:18 UTC
Maybe it's possible for Katara to remain friends with Aang because that's how they started out. And it must hurt to be "replaced" by a newcomer... but the reality stands, and Katara wasn't the only one to lose out. Mai, too, had suddenly found herself single.

And the Firebender is secretly thankful for her foe's inattentiveness. The Watermaiden's murmur is a strain on Azula's ears, but she manages to piece enough of it together to form her own response, "Actually, yes."

When Katara draws closer, the younger girl's eyes immediately swivel to the side. Seeing that sweat-soaked garment clinging to a curvaceous form up close would only make her little problem worse. As for the demand the Waterbender issues, she appears unfettered. "Don't turn this on me. You're the one being purposely vague. I suppose I could lay back and read a book, but I hardly think that's what you meant by 'do whatever'." She exaggerates a shrug, lips arcing into a devious smirk. Might as well have some fun with this while she can. "I have no idea what ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 20 2011, 02:27:19 UTC
Oh, royals are special. Katara has found out. And Katara has moved on and lost out on quite a few things while Mai has gained. If it hadn’t been for the friendship prior, everything would have shattered. And it helped she didn’t travel as much as she used to. She didn’t have to be reminded.

She glances down at Azula now, eyeing the other girl and absolutely hating the fact she’s more dressed and easily can hide the effects of the drugs and the vapor. And now she studies because she doesn’t want to feel like the room doesn’t affect Azula. It has to or neither of them would be here.

“And don’t you dare turn it on me! I can out last you in this room if we are lacking food and water. I can get water, you can’t. And you were looking, weren’t you?” There’s a swell of excited triumph at the thought that Azula was looking at her combined with the heady uncomfortable throbbing between her legs and the disgust that Azula was looking.


azure_prodigy May 20 2011, 02:42:11 UTC
Royals are special, and if Katara allows herself an open mind, perhaps she'll see that it runs in the family. If even awkward Zuko can land a mate, surely his magnetic sister can -- should she want to. But right now? She isn't looking to. The Waterbender need not worry about travel or seeing her ex any time soon if the Hotel has its say.

Without looking directly at the other girl, Azula feels eyes upon her, and her leg crosses that much tighter. Much as she wishes the peasant would back up, voicing this desire would make clear her discomfort with the sudden closeness. The glare upon her intensifies, but still, the Princess refuses to meet the icy gaze.

"Would you really be able to live with yourself if I dehydrated in this room because you wouldn't share your water source?" She almost sounds bored by it all; a ploy to further aggravate the Waterbender. "I wasn't looking at anything," she dismisses, as though Katara had no effect whatsoever on the stiff ache between her own legs.


imaq_uajuq May 21 2011, 14:21:30 UTC
It took her weeks to be able to trust Zuko, it took her months to truly care for him as a friend. And she saw what that earned her; though she couldn't bring herself to hate Zuko like she couldn't bring herself to hate Aang. And Zuko tried to befriend her, even if his methods had been questionable.

Katara notices that little gesture and she's suddenly reminded of her brother again. When they first began to travel with Aang, Sokka was at an age where the wind was enough to make his body revolt. If he was sitting, he would sit exactly like that. But it doesn't quite strike her there's something different with Azula, only the fact she's shielding herself from the physical fact that Katara is turning her on.

And the Waterbender smiles a soft but mean smile. What would have repulsed her just minutes ago has become something of an advantage. But she dares not admit Azula being turned on brings a delicious ache between her legs ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 21 2011, 15:05:05 UTC
For as long as it took Katara to trust and like Zuko, the Hotel is forcing her in a matter of minutes -- hours, if they held out -- to act in intimate ways with his sister that she'd never even consider doing with him, let alone her.

And Azula seems to have reached that precarious age herself; she's a good year or so younger than Katara's brother. But Sokka never needed to worry about aphrodisiacal vapors or being trapped in a room with a girl wearing skintight clothing, the only means of escape being what they are. At least he could get up and leave, or utilize an object to shield himself. These are options unavailable to the pensive Firebender, whose discomfort only grows the longer her enemy stands nearby.

Azula hates the advantage the older girl now holds over her. Katara doesn't have to seat herself a certain way; she can even stand up and look down upon the Princess. It's demeaning to her station, and unless she wants to reveal something, she's stuck like this until the Watermaiden gets bored. Her breath is measured as ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 21 2011, 15:37:51 UTC
And Katara finds it fascinating how the Princess is reacting. The younger girl's chest seems to fall up and down rapidly and the sweat highlights the soft curves of Azula's face and the plumpness of lips. Funny, she always thought Azula wore makeup to make her lips look bigger. They look full and lush and she wonders what they can-

Katara merely steps closer and she attempts to hold herself provocatively. She can bare this, she thinks, if she can get Azula to admit to it first. But the throbbing continues and she swears the vapors are getting thicker around them. The Hotel seems amused by the passionate hatred between the two and ready to stroke the fire.

But Azula can see Katara is only a little better off and if she looks to the older girls eyes, she can see the pupil is dilated in cool pool of blue. Katara wants... wants out and she will do her best not to admit her need first"I really don't know how to help you," Katara says, hands on her hips and her eyes never leaving Azula's face. "You won't tell me anything." And a smile ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 21 2011, 16:18:55 UTC
It's true: Azula's back to sweating, a thin sheen of moisture emerging upon her brows. There may even be the faintest beginnings of a flush to pinken the pale skin of her cheeks. Even when draw to a flat line, the fullness of her lips is undisguised -- and she's not about to wonder what she could do with them. Regulating her breathing is becoming more and more of an effort, chest rising and falling very apparently beneath her vest and undershirt. It's hot in this room, and the pulse beneath her leg is hotter yet...

She's not about to openly admit anything, 'lest her body betray her. Her foot is beginning to fall asleep from being held at an odd angle; she consciously curls her toes within her boot to return blood to closing veins. An eyebrow involuntarily twitches. Stubbornly, she refuses to give full attention to the Waterbender and her sensual pose.

In that brief flicker of a glance, she could see the dilation of pupils, and she can't help but wonder for that moment what the older girl is thinking ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 21 2011, 18:52:41 UTC
The light within the room gives Katara a lovely coppery sheen and she does feel almost faint. Her blue eyes are intense in the darkness and a soft stain of crimson settles upon her checks. Her lips, not quite as full as Azula's, express her growing delight in her petty revenge. She knows this is a rarity; it may not happen again, but she has the power right now. She can read it in the other girl's face.

It's almost a pity, hips held at a tilt, shoulder raised to present the silhouette of her body. And the clothes are suffocating Katara now; she can't even imagine how the Fire Princess can deal with all those clothes.

"To help myself, of course." Katara rolls her eyes and steps even closer, there's barely a foot between them now. "I don't want to be stuck here with you, and you don't want to be stuck here with me. We're not going to get out by killing each other or harming each other." Water-blue eyes dart in the director of the bookcase before she turns back to Azula. "Shall we check it out then?"


azure_prodigy May 21 2011, 19:25:06 UTC
Those eyes. Azula begrudgingly admits to herself that they're quite striking, exotic in their color and even their size; very wide and expressive, so unlike her own, perpetually harsh and narrowed. The blue gaze almost appears to glow in the murky light.

The Firebender has a sneaking suspicion as to why Katara feels so emboldened. She doesn't know the gravity of their situation like Azula does. Maybe she has some kind of illusions about intimacy, but the Princess does not, having indulged in another girl's body. She knows what it entails; how powerful and vulnerable all at once it can be. And more and more, it seems as though Katara isn't privy to the younger girl's little secret -- maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't be as eager then.

Stretching in place, she absently reaches back to wipe at the clammy skin of her neck, dampened by beads of sweat. She's going to hold on to her clothes for as long as she can stand; she'll fight the Hotel's cruel whims. But it's getting harder and harder to resist glimpsing at the other girl ( ... )


imaq_uajuq May 21 2011, 20:50:10 UTC
Katara’s always was frustrated with her eyes, though she’s become a woman in Water Tribe terms (16), she looks younger because of their expression. People read her so easily because of her eyes. Her biggest flaw; even her brother’s eyes are more like their mother’s. She had to get their father’s eyes ( ... )


azure_prodigy May 21 2011, 21:16:16 UTC
...But they're lovely eyes. Very alluring. That's why Azula can't look at them right now.

If there's one thing the Princess is secretly grateful for (not that she'd ever concede that it meant anything), it's that her first time was with someone of her own choosing. It wasn't glamorous or even well-coordinated, but it happened at her own behest, and it was a physically satisfying experience without pressure. No perverted brothel could ever take that away from her. And fueled by the heat of the room, coupled with the attractiveness of her forced mate, the idea of sex is admittedly very compelling; the throbbing between her legs will tell her so before her brain submits to the truth, but why must it be with someone so irritating?

Azula blinks at the attention being given to her neck, one of the few areas of her body unobstructed by cloth. Yes, another peek was taken.

"I am calm," she nearly snarls, frustration eking out. Frustration with the situation; frustration with Katara; frustration with herself and her inability to ( ... )


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