A Fairy Tale Nightmare

Apr 09, 2011 12:45

You had felt yourself falling through a dark hall that was filled with moving objects. Things that you hadn't realized what was until one of the forms reached out to grasp at you. It turned out to be a woman who was literally part of the wall, followed by dozens others. Making your escape (or not), you managed to get to the bottom floor where a ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, series: alice in sexland, pairing: f/m, pairing: f/*

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Comments 222

Alliiiiiiice. :D shiro_megane April 9 2011, 19:23:32 UTC
Of all the games the hotel has played, this is certainly one of the most elaborate... and one of the most unsettling, in many respects. Still, there's little for Ishida to do but to keep moving. Given what happened in the tunnel, he has a feeling about what might happen if he stays in one place too long. And though he's leery of what the candy may be able to do, he pockets a few of each kind-- he won't take them himself until he knows their effects (though he expects they may simply be aphrodisiacs), but having them may come in handy at some point, and he's a cautious individual.

He avoids as best he can the public, carnal displays, never participating (though, deep down, it's possible a part of him is tempted to), instead seeking answers, seeking a way out of this madhouse-- though a part of him does wonder why he's trying so hard to escape, when he knows if he does, all that will happen is that he'll find himself back in the hotel, from one madhouse to another...


I love playing Alice. But I can only brain her so often orz gives_love April 9 2011, 19:28:10 UTC
Alice was spending a little time alone that day while Bunny and Cheshire went out looking for food, sex, or whatever ailed them that day. She was relaxing under a tree at that moment, humming to herself.

She had been feeling rather good, being back in Sexland since it was more familiar trappings. To this end, she sung a little song, if a little perverse in nature.

Flower bloom, bring out your shine
From the petals a girl will rise
Give her love, sex and come,
and she will blossom into fairydom

Give her life, give her love
Give her a wind sprite and she will have fun
Worlds are wonderful, sex is nice
Give us the time, and the spark and the space~


Understandable. XD shiro_megane April 9 2011, 19:55:52 UTC
Ishida caught on the air a voice singing, though, at first, he couldn't quite hear the words. As he drew closer to the source of the voice and the words became clearer, though, his cheeks mottled. He really shouldn't have been surprised, given how the rest of this place was.

Still, as he caught sight of the singer, her appearance gave him pause. He was a clever boy who did well in his studies; he hadn't missed the many similarities that this place had to Lewis Carroll's novels. And the girl's attire, while naturally somewhat... altered from the original certainly did seem reminiscent of the girl who was supposed to be Alice Liddle. Her hair was blonde, not brown, as Alice's had been in the novel, but he knew the media often portrayed her as blonde, too. He hesitated a moment before stepping into the clearing. If anyone might have answers about this place-- or, at least, if journeying at the side of anyone might lead to answers about this place-- she was the one he was looking for.



gives_love April 9 2011, 20:00:29 UTC
Looking up, Alice was surprised. Men were not uncommon in Sexland, but he looked too human to be one of the animal or plant-based people of this world. Nodding at him, she got up, dusting off her dress and smiling politely. "Welcome!" she exclaimed happily. "Welcome to Sexland traveller. I'm Alice."


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Definitely gives_love April 9 2011, 19:39:34 UTC
Alice hadn't been expecting someone else to be around since her friends were taking a nap. As she turned the corner into the clearing, she blinked at the slightly wild looking man there. Another human, like herself?

Slightly worried since she knew that a human being in Sexland meant that they were dead, or bar that dimensionally shifted, she cleared her throat and was about to say something when the word 'hotel' perked her ears. "Excuse me are you from the hotel?"


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gives_love April 9 2011, 20:03:02 UTC
"Mmm, well there's only one hotel I know of save for the ones here in Sexland," replied Alice. "A special hotel which is another sex dimension. The people there have sex as well."

She shrugged and nodded at him. "I'm Alice by the way. Welcome to Sexland."


Oh god I totally have to get in on this. Hope you're cool with OC's? altalita April 9 2011, 19:53:21 UTC
Strange though it may've been, Altalita was rather glad for the difference from the hotel was nice. Let alone being outdoors. She wasn't aware of the fact that being a human here was an oddity, so she did extraordinarily little to hide that fact.

As such, news probably spread fast while she was exploring things, even while keeping her distance from some things (perhaps wisely, in some cases).


Oh totally! gives_love April 9 2011, 19:58:13 UTC
She had heard that there was a newcomer, and Alice had sought her out instinctively. Humans made a beeline for each other in this strange trippy world, and soon, Alice located the newcomer. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized she was seeing an incredibly attractive woman.

Oh my.

"Hello!" called out Alice happily, waving her hand at her.


Awesomesauce! She's also game for pill-type-fun, Altalita's quite open. XD altalita April 9 2011, 20:08:31 UTC
Indeed. Altalita was a curvy thing, too. Standing at about five foot four at best (she was in flats, too), Altalita was an impressive, proportionately curved woman with long dark hair that had blue beads scattered throughout it. She was wearing a robe as a top, that tied at the waist and hung to her knees (also, cleavage is hello), and cloth pants underneath this, as well as flat shoes.

"Ah, hello there. Quite an interesting place here," for a definition of '..interesting', "Is this part of the hotel, or?" Not? Was she actually outside it, or who knew, really?


Excellent~ gives_love April 9 2011, 20:11:03 UTC
"The hotel?" Alice thought back to her brief stay and she shook her head. "Probably not. It must have sent you here though. This is Sexland, a world all to itself actually."

"I'm Alice by the way," added Alice, appreciating the view of Altalita.


Oh God. You have an Alice account too? I <3 you forever skimpypilotsuit April 9 2011, 20:28:23 UTC
Xine had... heard things about this place. Once before. When she found out that the Agony Aunt she wrote about her Hotel-kickstarted love of endowing herself with a cock happened to come from this crazy place. She'd made sure to grab those wonderful little pills due to an inkling they were the Sexland equivalent of the Hotel's pills, and so here she was.

For once, the clothing of the people around her made Xine's own lingerie outfit seem conservative in comparison. Plus, for all the insane and bizarre sexual acts going on, nobody seemed to be unhappy, which was enough to set Xine's mind at ease. And in the meantime, she decided to try for a familiar face, giving a description of Cheshire to everyone she could along the way.


X3 I only bring love and win to this place gives_love April 9 2011, 20:39:51 UTC
Making her way around the area, Alice was humming to herself as she nodded at a few passing by residents of Sexland when her "human sense" perked up. It was the same buzz she felt around the Queen of Hearts, in that another human was nearby. Again with the humans? My goodness, by now Alice was certain someone was playing tricks on her.

Still, she followed it like a beeline, and soon noticed the incredibly attractive woman there in the lingerie. My oh my. Definitely not a resident but welcome all the same.

"Hello!" called out Alice, waving at her. "Welcome to Sexland traveller!"

By now, the route was commonplace for her.


I'd say we can put off the Xine/Shiori stuff for another day or two thanks to this. But that's fine skimpypilotsuit April 9 2011, 20:44:41 UTC
Well, that cleared up any doubts about this place not being Sexland. Xine waved back at Alice and turned around to meet up with the attractive girl, smiling all the while.

"Thank you for the greetings, miss," Xine said casually, although her eyes seemed to carry a hint of something else before she bowed down slightly. "Although... if I'm not mistaken, maybe 'your highness' would be a better title for you."


hehehe yes just for another day~ gives_love April 9 2011, 20:53:25 UTC
Alice blushed a little. "I'm not really highness material. That's why the King is in charge right now."

"You know of me?" inquired Alice. Was this someone's friend from outside the world?


clawsandguns April 9 2011, 22:35:52 UTC
This. Had the be the strangest place he'd ever would up. And this was counting that episode in his own head prior to becoming a Rym, and finding out his own world was some sort of recursive Dyson Sphere.

Alph moved slowly through the crowds, hackles up, feeling naked without his weapons and halfway wishing he could think of a less suggestive simile. He managed to dissuade some way-too-interested sprites with a death glare before spotting something useful - mercy be, another human.

"Hey!" He called out, waving. Whoever they were, maybe they could give him some answers.


gives_love April 9 2011, 22:44:28 UTC
Looking over at Alph, Alice could only think that this was quite the day, having been encountering human after human. It wasn't to say she didn't enjoy the company, but she figured that there was some kind of influx from said hotel or any other world that decided to spontaneously link up to Sexland.

"The Queen, the Queen," chanted a couple of Wind Sprites as she stepped forward, and Alice tried not to feel self conscious about that.

"Welcome to Sexland weary traveller," greeted Alice, bowing politely as a couple of adorable loli-types ran up, offering Alph drink and food. "I am Alice."


clawsandguns April 9 2011, 22:47:52 UTC
"Sexland?" Well at least this place was upfront about it's purpose. Cautiously, Alph accepted a drink and took a sip - he needed to steady himself enough it was worth risking whatever might be in it right now.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Alph."


gives_love April 9 2011, 23:58:25 UTC
For Alph's sake it wasn't drugged like normal hotel food at all, given that it was fresh fruit and ice blended together.

"Sexland," confirmed Alice. "You're one of the new visitors here. I'm quite surprised that so many are passing through. A pleasure to meet you Alph. Do you have any questions?"


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