Intro | No event | possible Aphro

Dec 05, 2010 21:15

Jasper blinked awake, shifting on the bed and wondering when St Mungo's had changed its decor. Not that he was adverse to red and sexy; he just didn't think it was too appropriate for a place of healing. Come to think of it, he didn't remember all the kinky paintings either. Pushing himself up onto his elbows, he glanced round properly, inhaling ( Read more... )

series: harry potter

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OH HAI THURR huffle_puff8 December 5 2010, 21:30:23 UTC
Zacharias wasn't exactly in the best of moods. In fact, this hotel had been putting him in a rather foul mood. He'd been smoking more than normal and coming off his usual concoction of drugs. All this red was hurting his eyes. Whoever thought this colour was a good idea, was mad.

He paused at the sight of his room door open. "What?" He pushed the door open and peered at the man who seemed to be reclining on his bed. "'Scuse me, but do you mind explaining why you're in my room?"


huffle_puff8 December 8 2010, 16:32:10 UTC
Zacharias was really starting to hate this new found ability to blush at the drop of a hat. He was usually very good at keeping himself from reacting too very much. He made a face, which was more turned in on himself than anything else.

"I..." There was that pesky blush reaction again. Dammit, he was going to have to do something about this. "I guess you might. Everyone seems to have some sort of in when it comes to..." He forced neutrality into his features, frowning slightly. "Sex...if that's what you meant."


lycandy December 8 2010, 21:29:12 UTC
'No touching...' His lips curved into a smile again and he stepped closer to the other man. 'Shame that.' Jazz trailed his fingers down the side of his own neck, eyes fixed on Zacharias', letting his hand slide lower, down onto his chest. 'Guess, I'll have to touch myself then.'

He smirked, 'you can watch. Do you like that? Watching people fuck, bodies hot, moving in time, skin on skin...' He licked his lips slowly, taking another step forward. 'I could have you begging to be touched you know.'


huffle_puff8 December 8 2010, 21:46:10 UTC
Zacharias hand been about to say something. He was almost positive it would have been witty and intelligent and cutting, perhaps. But his eyes were transfixed and his breath caught in his throat. Shit. "I suppose you might."

The more Jasper spoke, the less sure he was of his ability to say anything of use. Perhaps it was best not to speak. He'd only make himself look stupid. "Begging?" He hadn't meant to make that sound so close to a whimper. Oh, Merlin. You are giving yourself away. He forced his voice to sound normal. "And who said I was the begging sort?"


lycandy December 10 2010, 21:09:02 UTC
'Mmm no might about it.' Jazz smiled, lips staying slightly parted as his hand trailed lower. His fingertips barely traced over some of his scars, though he let his nails drag against his skin after a while and a soft sigh escaped him. He could put on a show if that's what Zacharias needed, hell, he'd enjoy it. He could pleasure himself perfectly long before anyone else got to try.

'I never said you were the begging sort.' His voice was low, the hint of a growl hiding in the tone. 'Just that I could make you beg... if I so wished. His fingertips played across his belt buckle. 'You didn't answer the question though.'


huffle_puff8 December 10 2010, 21:32:37 UTC
Zacharias tried to force his eyes away, to focus on anything else. Other people were not meant to have this much sway over his attentions. This was not at all fair.

"You must find yourself to be quite talented, then." He found a way to force his eyes back on Jasper's face again. Question? He paused, thinking back. The repeat of the question in his mind made his cheeks heat up. Did he like to watch? "I-" He shrugged his jacket off-only to make himself more comfortable, of course. No other reason. None at all. "Yes."


lycandy December 11 2010, 18:51:01 UTC
'Oh I know I'm talented.' Jazz licked his lips slowly, every move now deliberate to try and get more reactions from the man before him. The removal of the jacket almost had him nodding in approval. Instead he let his eyes wander over Zacharias' form, letting his fingers work on undoing his own belt.

'I thought you might.' A lazy smile tugged at his lips and he tilted his head back to look at the mirrored ceiling. 'That really won't be a problem, you can watch yourself getting fucked...' His fingers flicked open his jeans, letting the denim slide down his thighs. Touching himself slowly, he bit down on his lower lip, making a soft sound in the back of his throat. '-later.'


huffle_puff8 December 11 2010, 19:03:43 UTC
Zacharias cursed himself for nearly moving closer. He could control himself. He didn't do touching. He had far more strength than all this. If only he could convince himself of this. If only his body would cooperate and listen to his rules. Stupid hotel. Stupid...people.

As he glanced up, he noted the ceiling for what was probably not the first time, but certainly felt like the first time. He let out a soft groan before his gaze dropped back to the man in front of him. He was fucked...metaphorically speaking.


lycandy December 14 2010, 22:49:06 UTC
'Your no touching rule... does that mean I can't touch you, but if you felt the need you could touch me?' Jazz was genuinely curious. He'd always been a fairly tactile person, especially in sexual situations. Most of guys he knew would have taken over by now, or alternatively he'd be fucking their mouths. 'Mmm...' his hand sped up at that particular thought.

'I wouldn't be adverse to that...' He trailed off, thinking he should maybe go lay on the bed.


huffle_puff8 December 14 2010, 23:00:04 UTC
Zacharias stared at him for a moment. "It means it takes a little convincing to get me to touch. I don't trust people," he replied, trying to force his voice not to shake. The aphrodisiacs in the air were making it difficult enough for him to stay where he was.

"Of course you wouldn't." He stepped forward, arching an eyebrow. Well, he could move closer and still keep himself in line. "You like to hear people beg for you, hrm?" He reached out experimentally to draw a small pattern on his chest, finger barely touching the skin beneath it. "I suppose I can understand that."


lycandy December 15 2010, 19:40:49 UTC
'I can understand that. I don't trust myself if that helps.' He smiled as Zacharias stepped closer, the expression brightening as a fingertip traced over his skin. He had to bite his lip as a scar was touched. They were so bloody sensitive.

'Not really, depends what mood I'm in. Sex is sex.'


huffle_puff8 December 15 2010, 19:54:32 UTC
Zacharias let himself smile for a moment. He was interesting, even if he was a stranger. Not really trusting people shouldn't be something to bond over, he supposed, but there were worse things. "Well, I still don't trust you, but I suppose, being as there's only one way out," he glanced over his shoulder at the door which seemed to have closed. That'd be locked now. "Perhaps I can relax my rules," he commented, letting his hand rest on his chest.

He tilted his head slightly at the words. "Sensible deduction."


lycandy December 16 2010, 19:22:24 UTC
'Relax your rules?' An eyebrow arched and he held Zacharias' gaze, pausing his wanking for the moment.

'Look either you want sex or you don't, I take it someone needs to get off for both of us to get out.' Jazz wasn't overly fond of bullshit in the bedroom, as Fred could tell anyone who cared to listen. The hand was still on his chest, so he figured, what the hell.

Leaning forwards he pressed his lips to the other man's. Making sure their only contact was there.


huffle_puff8 December 16 2010, 19:40:38 UTC
Zacharias felt his cheeks heat up as Jasper looked at him, but he refused to look away. All right, so he was more of a go and get to it sort. He couldn't understand why that made him blush more, or why he was blushing at all. This place didn't make anything make sense.

"Someone does..." He'd been about to say more when he felt lips against his. Oh. He leaned into it just slightly before pulling back.

"At least we should move to the bed. Fond as I am of standing in the middle of the room, I don't think it's an ideal spot..."


lycandy December 18 2010, 22:18:45 UTC
'Bed is a good idea.' Jasper grinned. Zacharias' no touching clause appeared to be failing. 'Also, you removing your clothes would be a good idea.'

Crossing to the bed, he crawled into the centre, turning to watch as the younger wizard stripped. The blond gave off a top vibe and Jazz fully intended on ignoring that. 'Course, I could do you against a wall or on the floor if you'd prefer.'


huffle_puff8 December 18 2010, 22:57:41 UTC
Zacharias glanced down, before nodding. He pulled off his shirt and paused in the middle of undoing his pants to look up at him. Merlin's beard. "Floor usually is unappealing unless there really is no other option," he murmured. Walls, however, he'd had experience with those. It had involved quite a bit of alcohol on his part, but that wasn't the point.

He finished undressing and walked over to the bed. He watched him quietly for a moment before moving to sit down. He shook himself inwardly before leaning over to kiss Jasper.


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