No Event ♥ While the daughter's away the cougar will play ♥ Aphro variable~

Oct 09, 2010 19:05

"Well, hello there, aren't you just a pretty little thing." The smirk was practically written all over the woman's tone as she stopped her newest victim in the hallway. She was an older woman who appeared to be in her late thirties, with a few wrinkles around her eyes-- laughter lines she would have called them --and obviously not as young as half ( Read more... )

series: star trek

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mr_chekov October 17 2010, 00:22:26 UTC
"I am still on the werge of shooting someone." She gave a fair warning, confused for a moment as to how the hell after seeing her mother Lyon thought she could possibly be in the mood to screw. If anything she wanted to find the closest punching bag and take out some of her locked up aggression and upset out on that instead and try to ignore the resurfacing memories of her neglect and loneliness as a child."I wouldn't recomend getting too close just now." Most of all they were keeping her most closely guarded memories of her father to surface and with it the anger she felt at Kata for finding it so easy just to forget her father and move on in a matter of months. Pasha would never be able to forget her father, regardless of the short period of time she spent with him ( ... )


mr_chekov October 18 2010, 19:32:21 UTC
"Rematch. Definitely a rematch. There's no way I am letting you get away without repaying you for pushing me ower, bully." Pasha's mood seemed to have lightened since she had gotten it all off her chest and even her tone was more playful then before whereas before there had been an underlying tone of tension. "We can drink later once I beat you properly." She pushed herself up and offered a hand to him, that much she would help for now.

"Come on, somebody has to kick your butt." She offered a little grin at him. "It might as well be me."


anotherargeneau October 18 2010, 20:00:38 UTC
"Bully huh? This from the girl who took a cheap shot at my knee," Lyon teased back as he took her proffered hand and stood up. He was glad to see that Pasha seemed to be feeling better after their chat. Well, all he did was listen, but that seemed to be what she needed at least.

"You think you can take me Ensign?" Lyon quipped as he took up a defensive stance once again. "Then come get me!" He bounced eagerly on the balls of his feet as he waited for Pasha to attack.


mr_chekov October 18 2010, 20:11:28 UTC
"You're the big bully, picking on girls smaller and weaker then you. Shameful really." She tutted at him, hardly keeping the grin from her face.

Pasha smirked lightly. This was more like it. She couldn't deal with being serious for long periods of time, it made her uncomfortable and nervous, she had enough of being with serious on her ship, this was like an odd little sabbatical from the Enterprise. "Gladly." She laughed before springing forward with a renewed vigor, directing a swift kick for his hip.


anotherargeneau October 18 2010, 20:36:14 UTC
"Ha! Anyone dumb enough to think you're some harmless little girl deserves to get his ass kicked." Lyon's grin was back as he added, "Me? I know better." Pasha was his favorite kind of triple threat - a girl who was not only sexy and smart but who knew how to fight as well. It meant he had to stay focused when they sparred though, and not let himself get distracted by the things like the way her ponytail bounced against her shoulder or the way her clothes hugged her buxom chest.

Mentally berating himself for doing just that, Lyon tore his eyes away from Pasha's chest just as her kick was heading for his hip. With no time to block it Lyon was forced to try to side-step the blow. He partially succeeded and managed to lessen its impact, but it still pushed him sideways and started to spin him around. He risked stumbling and remaining off-balance if he tried to straighten out again so instead he turned the momentum of the spin into a backhanded swing at Pasha's head.


mr_chekov October 18 2010, 21:01:20 UTC
There were relatively few advantages to being short but being small and quick did have it's own advantages in sparring. Pasha ducked down, dropping to a crouch and attempted to kick Lyon's legs out from underneath him while he was still off balance. It was a typical 'fleet move, some of the more advance things they taught in the intermediate hand to hand classes. In times like this she poured all of her still remaining hurt and frustration into what she was doing, probably resulting in her putting more force into the kick then she usually would while sparring.


anotherargeneau October 18 2010, 21:29:40 UTC
As his fist passed through the empty air where Pasha's head was supposed to be it occurred to Lyon that going for a less than accurate head shot when your opponent was a good twelve inches shorter than you was probably not the smartest thing he could have done. Especially when Pasha then proceeded to kick his legs out from under him with surprising force. Lyon cursed loudly as he crumbled to the ground, remembering at the last minute to use his arms to break his fall.

"Nice hit," he acknowledged as he flipped onto his back and aimed a swift kick at Pasha's ankles. She wasn't the only one who knew the value in being able to knock someone off their feet after all.


mr_chekov October 18 2010, 21:55:39 UTC
Of all the things that could have happened, Chekov hadn't expected a rebuttal or fight back from the floor and so had dropped her guard. The kick landed fully on her ankles and caused her to crumple with a yelp, with only a split second to land she aimed for on top of Lyon. At least then she would have a slightly softer landing and this way she would have technically still have won.

She landed with a small pained 'oof', only allowing herself a few seconds- a few seconds she hoped that Lyon would be winded for -to recover before moving swiftly to straddle him. Not technically proper grappling technique. But hell, she was winging it.


anotherargeneau October 18 2010, 22:44:58 UTC
Lyon's feeling of triumph was short lived when he realized that Pasha wasn't just going to fall over but that she was going to fall over on top of him. He tried to scramble out of the way but Pasha's aim was too good and she landed squarely on his breast bone. His efforts did allow him to avoid serious injury though and he escaped with nothing more than having the wind knocked out of him ( ... )


mr_chekov October 19 2010, 20:21:22 UTC
The one thing about smart girls was they knew how to make every opportunity count and this one in particular knew a lot about momentum and using an opponent's weight and height against them. Unfortunately once again, she hadn't been anticipating the attack and when she tried to use her lighter weight to her advantage she undershot it, ending instead with just having Lyon on top her instead. Well damn. That was...significantly awkward.

It was even more so awkward as she could feel her breathing was ragged and her face was undoubtedly covered in a bright red blush from fighting, the closeness and from the physicality of it all being arousing. "I still win." She commented, trying to keep her tone at normal.


anotherargeneau October 19 2010, 20:48:54 UTC
Pasha wasn't the only one who was breathing heavily from more than simple exertion. Between the sparring and having the sexy little Russian pinned beneath him Lyon as more turned on than ever. There was no hiding the rock-hard erection trapped between their bodies and the silver in his unusual eyes swirled steadily as his gaze locked on Pasha's face.

"Absolutely," Lyon agreed breathlessly before pinning Pasha's arms over her head and swooping in for a hard kiss. He couldn't help himself; she just looked so damn good all flushed and panting like that that he couldn't resist the urge to kiss her.


mr_chekov October 19 2010, 21:09:37 UTC
Well hell. How was a girl supposed to maintain a good reputation if word got around of her doing things like that where people might have been able to see? Not that Pasha actually cared about such things. Oh no, not in the slightest. She was far too busy kissing back to care about what people might say. If the way she was hooking her legs over his hips was any indication either she didn't object in the slightest.


anotherargeneau October 19 2010, 22:23:24 UTC
The feel of Pasha wrapping her shapely legs around him and kissing him back was all the encouragement Lyon needed to deepen their kiss. His lips pressed even harder against hers as his tongue sought entrance to her mouth. One hand traded its hold on Pasha's arm for a firm grip on one of her luscious breasts. Lyon kneaded it eagerly through the clingy fabric of her exercise top as he rocked his hips to rub his cock teasingly against her sex.


mr_chekov October 20 2010, 17:21:40 UTC
With her free hand the little navigator curled her hand into Lyon's hair, pulling on it slightly as she rocked her hips up to grind against his. Pasha's ponytail was digging into the back of her head so it didn't take much prompting for her to lift her head to try to deepen and control the kiss. It didn't take much to figure out what the girl's patterns were, that was the misfortune of being a perfectionist, she had her set patterns of what she was perfect at.

But there were a few rare occasions where she broke her pattern, just as right know as she unwound her hand from his hair, snaking her hand down the young Immortal's body instead. Pasha cupped his bulge with her hand for a few minutes, rubbing at him through the fabric of his shorts although it didn't take her very long to decide that wasn't enough and with a devilish smirk she slipped her hand down the front of Lyon's shorts, wrapping her hand around his length and stroking him.


anotherargeneau October 20 2010, 17:57:04 UTC
He fought Pasha for control of the kiss for several seconds just for the fun of it, enjoying the feel of her small hand fisting in his hair, but in the end he let her have her way. He tightened his grip on her wrist and pinched her nipple through her top in response though, silently reminding her of just how much power he still had over her.

Lyon groaned against Pasha's mouth and rocked his hips forward to press his cock further into her hand when she began to stroke him under his shorts. The skin-to-skin contact felt incredible and made his pulse pound in his ears. Following Pasha's lead, Lyon's hand released her breast and burrowed its way under her clothes before working its way between her thighs. Once there he forced a finger between her folds and rubbed her clit with long, even strokes.


mr_chekov October 20 2010, 18:40:06 UTC
As a rebuttal to the pinch and the subtle squeeze on her thin wrist Pasha nipped hard at his lower lip, deliberately aiming to make it sting, and tried to pull her wrist from his grip. She wasn't exactly the passive kind after all or the kind to go down without a fight.

However her latent aggression was put to one side for a moment as she gave a little gasp, unfortunately undisguisable and feminine, at the feeling of Lyon's hand between her legs. The feeling prompted a little moan from her, only making her increase her hand's pace around his cock and nip at his lower lip once again. But the last part was mainly jut for the hell of it.


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