No Event ♥ While the daughter's away the cougar will play ♥ Aphro variable~

Oct 09, 2010 19:05

"Well, hello there, aren't you just a pretty little thing." The smirk was practically written all over the woman's tone as she stopped her newest victim in the hallway. She was an older woman who appeared to be in her late thirties, with a few wrinkles around her eyes-- laughter lines she would have called them --and obviously not as young as half ( Read more... )

series: star trek

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anotherargeneau October 9 2010, 22:25:17 UTC
Between his boyish good looks and his mental abilities Lyon was used to girls hitting on him, but it was rare for a woman to do so. He wasn't complaining though. The dark haired beauty poured into the skimpy red dress currently showering him with attention was seriously hot. Sure, she had a few wrinkles here and there, but for someone from a race as long-lived as Lyon's was, age wasn't really an issue.

"Sure babe. But I have to warn you - I play rough." Lyon lifted his chin away form Kata's finger and grabbed her wrist with startling speed. His grip was painless but unbreakable as he tugged her sharply forward. "Are you sure you can handle me?" The young Immortal's grin was devilish as he blatantly ogled Kata's shapely form.


anotherargeneau October 17 2010, 14:42:25 UTC
Lyon waved off her apology and followed the enticing site of her lightly bouncing pony tail as Pasha led the way to the gym. Part of him regretted not being able to pull on said ponytail while taking the sexy little Russian from behind, but he'd get over it. Pasha obviously needed a good fight more than a good fuck just now and he was always up for either where she was concerned.

"Alright, I'll meet you on the mat in five minutes," he said as they entered the gym. He turned to Pasha with an impish grin and added, "Unless you want to watch me get changed?"


mr_chekov October 17 2010, 15:28:44 UTC
"No thank you, seen it already." Pasha replied wryly. There was very little malice behind what she was saying and Pasha actually laughed instead. Well that was a good start for the not-shooting people front. "Fiwe minutes." She agreed, slipping off to the women's changing rooms without another word.

It seemed the hotel was being kind enough to actually not mess about with her too much while she was in the foul mood she was in. It had even left proper clothing, although tighter then she usually favoured it was better then she could have hoped for, just a simple black vest shirt and a pair of gym shorts, not unlike the ones she used to wear in hand-to-hand training. Folding her clothes neatly as ever she went back into the main gym, adjusting her ponytail once again and moving over to the mat.


anotherargeneau October 17 2010, 16:41:49 UTC
Her joke earned Pasha a good natured laugh from Lyon. She had indeed seen him naked a good many times already, usually under highly enjoyable circumstances. With a small nod and a wave he left to go get changed. He found a lose fitting tank top and a pair of shorts to change into as well as sparring pads for his hands and feet. Stashing his clothes haphazardly in on empty locker, Lyon returned to the gym proper and joined Pasha on the mat. He couldn't help but give her a visual once over thanks to the incredibly snug fit of her outfit, but he didn't let it distract him for too long.

"Ready?" Lyon asked with an air of casual nonchalance as he settled into a defensive stance. He watched Pasha closely but made no move to strike first, figuring she'd probably prefer to start things off.


mr_chekov October 17 2010, 19:21:33 UTC
Pasha was strapping on her own sparring pads by the time that Lyon appeared by the mats. "As always." She confirmed, dropping into her own stance. She didn't have a set plan for once, she just wanted to get out her pent up aggression and anger at seeing that woman and everything she was associated with. She took a few seconds to calm herself and still, silently assessing just as she always did before switching into attack. Pasha pressed forward immediately, sending her right hand to clip at Lyon's shoulder, attempting to knock him off balance. If she could do that then there was more of a chance of her actually winning for once.


anotherargeneau October 17 2010, 20:42:17 UTC
Lyon skipped backwards in an attempt to avoid the blow but for once he wasn't fast enough. Pasha's hand still managed to connect with his collarbone, throwing off his balance just enough to change the direction of his retaliatory kick to her midsection. His foot ended up heading for her hip instead of her stomach. His arms came up at the same time to protect his head and torso for further attacks.


mr_chekov October 17 2010, 21:02:58 UTC
Pasha just missed out on parrying the kick with one of her own, having the effect that she stumbled back, trying to keep her balance and not loose ground. But one of the two had to be lost and in the end she gave up an good amount of ground to prevent herself from falling. Damn it! Today just wasn't her day at all, evidently if the events so far were anything to go by. With a scowl now marring her features she forced herself to move quickly back in with a roundhouse punch, not aiming just swinging.


anotherargeneau October 18 2010, 00:47:33 UTC
Having followed Pasha as she stumbled backwards meant that Lyon was in a little too close to be able to lower his arms fast enough to blow her roundhouse punch. It hit him in the side and made him grunt with the force of the impact. With his arms already in motion Lyon quickly decided to keep lowering them and trap Pasha's arm against his ribs. He spun into her and added his momentum to her own to pull her around in an attempt to yank her forward and pull her off balance.


mr_chekov October 18 2010, 15:40:45 UTC
She gave a yelp at the pull, having to follow through with the motion, very nearly stumbling over her own feet. Quickly evaluating the situation Pasha took a risky move, attempting to kick at the back of Lyon's knees, hardly balancing on her other. It was a dirty move and not one she often used when sparring but she could worry about the moral implications of her actions later on when she wasn't completely focused on sparring.


anotherargeneau October 18 2010, 16:19:20 UTC
The kick caught Lyon off guard and connected solidly with the back of his knee. He was forced to release Pasha's arm as his leg buckled beneath him, but before he did so he gave it one last tug in the hopes that she would end up even more unsteady than he was. Lyon's knee then hit the mat with an audible thump and he dropped his hands to either side of his leg to keep himself from collapsing entirely. After taking a moment to steady himself Lyon launched himself forward with his torso turned so that he was leading with his shoulder. With any luck he'd catch Pasha before she fully recovered and knock her on her firm little ass.


mr_chekov October 18 2010, 16:35:36 UTC
His shoulder connected with her firmly, causing her to stumble for a final time even more so as she tried to keep her balance, tripping over her feet and despite her attempts with flailing arms to stay upright. Evidently her luck wasn't working today as Pasha ended up loosing her balance entirely and falling backwards with a small squealed curse and onto her back.

"Fuck." She grumbled to herself. And Ow.


anotherargeneau October 18 2010, 17:04:16 UTC
Lyon flopped down next to Pasha and gave her a sympathetic look.

"Your mom must have really rattled you. Normally you're a lot harder to take down than that." Lyon ran a gloved hand through his hair, somehow managing to make it even messier than it already was. "You wanna talk about it?" he offered quietly, shifting into a sitting position.


mr_chekov October 18 2010, 17:18:06 UTC
"Not particularly. If I talk about it it just makes me want to shoot her more and I am trying not to shoot family members and friends. Tends to look bad." Pasha gave an annoyed groan and sat up properly, she knew she needed to vent, but there was a good chance that if she didn't she would end up building herself up into a proper rage and end up doing something dangerous to herself or somebody else.

She gave a sigh. This wasn't the kind of thing she usually shared with fuck buddies. "My Papa passed away when I was wery small, only fiwe. Kata-- she didn't cope well with it. Instead of staying on Earth with her children she chose to go back to her old job of being the Keptain of a commercial ship." The memories stung. "Myself and my sewen brothers got shipped off to live with our Grandmother but she was so old that we were pretty much looking after her. My oldest bother, Dimitri, dropped out of school to support us all. It wasn't fair of her to do that, just abandoning us and expecting we would be alright. I was only six years old at ( ... )


anotherargeneau October 18 2010, 18:12:25 UTC
Lyon listened intently as Pasha recounted her history with her mother. It was quite something, and by the end of it Lyon was not only glad that he hadn't slept with Kata he actually had an active dislike for her. It didn't matter how hot someone was; that didn't give them a free pass to be a lousy parent and steal their daughter's girlfriend like that. It made Lyon reflect that as annoying as his parents could be at times he knew that they at least would never pull the kind of stunts that Pasha's mom had.

"Don't worry about it babe," Lyon said nonchalantly as he moved closer to the little Russian and placed a comforting hand on her arm. "That's what friends are for, right? There's more to me that just fucking and fighting you know." He gave Pasha an impish grin as he release her arm. "So, you up for a rematch? Or would you rather get changed and go get a drink instead?"


mr_chekov October 18 2010, 19:32:21 UTC
"Rematch. Definitely a rematch. There's no way I am letting you get away without repaying you for pushing me ower, bully." Pasha's mood seemed to have lightened since she had gotten it all off her chest and even her tone was more playful then before whereas before there had been an underlying tone of tension. "We can drink later once I beat you properly." She pushed herself up and offered a hand to him, that much she would help for now.

"Come on, somebody has to kick your butt." She offered a little grin at him. "It might as well be me."


anotherargeneau October 18 2010, 20:00:38 UTC
"Bully huh? This from the girl who took a cheap shot at my knee," Lyon teased back as he took her proffered hand and stood up. He was glad to see that Pasha seemed to be feeling better after their chat. Well, all he did was listen, but that seemed to be what she needed at least.

"You think you can take me Ensign?" Lyon quipped as he took up a defensive stance once again. "Then come get me!" He bounced eagerly on the balls of his feet as he waited for Pasha to attack.


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