Suburbia // Incest // No aphro needed

Oct 03, 2010 17:41

Kia knew he should've been home a few hours ago, but he'd been too caught up in racing his bike around and trying to get in someone's pants to give a fuck. He didn't drink or do any other drugs and he wasn't about to get some girl pregnant, so he didn't think his family should care how late he came home on the weekends, especially when he helped ( Read more... )

series: absolute obedience

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brothercumface October 4 2010, 00:20:27 UTC
Minatsuki had been up still. She wasn't quit interested in sleeping just yet, let alone when she had a paper due the next day and hadn't done anything but write her name on the top left hand corner. She had just given up and gone to brush her teeth when there was the tell-tale sound of the laundry room door squeaking opened and then closed. It wasn't as if the walls were thin or anything, but the brunette had been tip toeing as it was, straining her ears for the sound of her mother, father or brother to wake up and gotten on her case about being up this late on a school night.

Ears perked, Minatsuki safely deduced that if her parents woke up at this time, she wouldn't be the kid in trouble: her and Kia's curfew had to have been hours ago, right? He was so fucked if he was caught, and Minatsuki grinned demonically at the thought of the fight or punishment that would eventually happen. Spitting the frothy mint foam of the tooth paste out into the sink and quickly rinsing both her mouth and brush, the seventeen year old all but sprinted ( ... )


brothercumface October 5 2010, 04:54:55 UTC
"Will do," she accepted, flopping onto her bedspread and picking up the garish, risqué magazine she had filled out half a survey in and sucking on the end on her pen. Minatsuki was trying to distract herself, shifting rather uncomfortably on her bed and attempting to quash the slightly aroused sensation she felt the more and more she thought about

The brunette had never been the type to keep quiet when something was bothering her, and that common known flaw did not hide it's ugly head now. Ten minutes of silence and she still hadn't compleated the dumb survey designed for blonds. With an exasperated sigh, she tossed the magazine at the back of her brothers head. "A blow job? Really? Aren't you supposed to be telling me you'll castrate any man that comes near me, and - oh, I don't know - not trying to get in my pants?"


rideonmyharley October 5 2010, 05:07:32 UTC
Kia read over the sheet with instructions before he started to write. Sure, he'd dropped out, but that was more because he wanted to focus on getting money than any lack of intelligence on his part. He grabbed the pen and started to write while Minatsuki did...whatever it was she was doing on the bed.

He didn't expect her to stay quiet for long, though, and that proved true the moment after he didn't quite dodge the magazine flung at his head. "Anyone who wants to get near you will have to go through me first. And I didn't expect you to seriously take me up on the offer, but I'm not complaining." Not complaining was the weird part, of course. He couldn't explain why he was attracted to her, but it had lasted long enough that Kia didn't expect it to go away any time soon.


brothercumface October 5 2010, 05:16:24 UTC
They were at least on the same page about some things. "The fuck aren't you complaining for? I'm complaining!"

But, of course, that was more out of her need to fake disgust and couture just about every move her brother made - where he had dropped out, she had prepared college nightschool applications, and here he was a bad kid...alright, she was a bad kid, too, but at least took steps to hide thy fact.


rideonmyharley October 5 2010, 05:36:17 UTC
"And you're officially the more normal one of us right now. I can't complain because I got myself into this mess so I can't exactly back down." He lied about his reasoning a little longer so he could try and keep himself from spilling that he was attracted to her until he had no choice but to admit it.

Kia kept writing, not bothering to even look at her now.


brothercumface October 5 2010, 05:49:51 UTC
Minatsuki snorted in response, swinging her feet over the side of the bed in order to sit up and glare daggers at the back of his head. She did not buy that reasoning. Just...just no. It was a lie, and as a very accomplished liar herself, the teen couldnmore than spot one. "Yeah, uh-huh. Sure. That or you just wanted to fuck me, right?" A hint of disgust ran through her tone, primarily to hide the semi excitement she felt as that sick, perverse mental image flashed through her mind. Of course, though, just ecause the idea somewhat excited her didn't mean the teen had any clue how spot on her statement had been.


rideonmyharley October 5 2010, 07:34:18 UTC
It wasn't completely a lie, but it was enough of one that Kia didn't think he'd be called on it. He didn't answer for a long moment, since he was in the middle of explaining one of the points most on his mind, but when he was done, he turned to look at her seriously. "And what if I do?" he wondered, no humor in his voice right now.


brothercumface October 5 2010, 23:28:27 UTC
...she stared at him, the teasing and taunting air that had ghosted the frustration and annoyance in her eyes slipping from her expression. "Then you're a fucking pervert," she deadpanned rather seriously.

Minatsuki bit her lip. Were they seriously having this conversation? Legitimately? In her bedroom? When it was almost three in the morning and their parents were one door down the hall? was an interesting conversation. They were being as legitimately truthful as could be expected, her bedroom was better than a laundry room, three in the morning was a nice and quiet time and their parents slept like logs... It seemed rational. Almost. She shrugged, then, make the casual, offhand comment; "God, you should have told me. I would have lost it to you instead of the gym teacher."


rideonmyharley October 6 2010, 02:49:17 UTC
"I've been a pervert for a long time," he said just as seriously. Not just in regards to his attraction to her, but in the other things and people he did too.

If their parents woke up and listened to this, they were both in for a world of trouble and probably pain, Between being up, Kia's state of undress, Kia doing Minatsuki's homework for her, and this conversation, they'd be in more shit than either of them could easily get out of. Thankfully, that wasn't likely to happen right now.

His eyes widened at her next remark. "I figured you'd try to stomp on my nuts if I told you rather than actually have a good time."


brothercumface October 6 2010, 03:11:28 UTC
Minatsuki shrugged. "I probably would have," she said off handedly, brushing a hand absently through her hair and thoughtfully curling a strand around her pointer finger. "Back then at least. That was before you did my homework."

Long before, in fact. Three years, long ago, and in a completely different school. But small details. She would probably get some uncomfortable and unwanted questions asked if she admitted to losing it at fourteen. 


rideonmyharley October 6 2010, 06:13:06 UTC
He chuckled as he kept writing. Kia's hand cramped a little -- he'd never learned a good way for a lefty like him to hold the pen -- but he didn't take a break yet. "So which of us is the bigger pervert: me for wanting this or you for agreeing to it?"

The answer didn't matter, but he couldn't help tease her a little.


brothercumface October 6 2010, 06:32:34 UTC
"Probably you," she returned in tandem, smirking as she flopped onto her stomach and holding a pillow to her chest, big brown eye glinting playfully at his back. "I wouldn't have ever said anything," Minatsuki drawled, stretching slightly over the lumpy plush pillow. "And we wouldn't have ever fucked tonight - after you finish my paper, of course" Screw politically correct - she blamed it on morbid curiosity.


rideonmyharley October 7 2010, 04:44:20 UTC
"Yeah, probably." Not that he minded being the bigger pervert or anything. Kia was content in his perversion. He had to be to admit to wanting his little sister. But then he blinked and stopped writing. "Who said anything about fucking? All I said was you had to suck me off." He'd go along with that glady, he just hadn't expected it to take that turn.


brothercumface October 7 2010, 05:54:59 UTC
"I said something about fucking," she drawled, reiterating the point she had already made. Minatsuki smirked at him, almost coquettishly, nodding her chin in the direction of her paper. "You done yet? I'm getting tired." If tired meant horny, yeah. She was becoming downright exhausted.


rideonmyharley October 26 2010, 05:20:41 UTC
He turned to her and matched that smirk with one of his own. "Done enough, I think. You didn't really need that many pages, did you?" Kia left the paper as finished as he could get it, which wasn't too bad, and moved towards the bed easily.

[OOC:Sorry for ignoring this for a while - got sorta overwhelmed with RP for a bit and had to back down from DR interaction to keep myself sane.]


brothercumface October 26 2010, 05:50:02 UTC
"Hm~?" she hummed as if she hadn't heard a word he'd said. Of course, that wasn't quite true - she'd heard all of it, and found it all the easier to remain calm looking if she pretended she had no idea what dirty, dirty actions were about to transpire.

[ooc: oh it's no problem. we all have those days - weeks or even months - so don't fret~]


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