BIOGRAPHY: Will Harris/Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog)

Sep 23, 2008 13:34

Character Name: William "Will" Harris, formerly Dr. Horrible

Medium/Fandom/Etc: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Age: 32

Physical Description: Lanky, fair skin, blue eyes, blond hair, American, geeky, cynical, shy, arrogant

Occupation: Pre-exodus: supervillian, member of the Evil League of Evil
Post-exodus: electrician, welder

Character History and Background:

The events in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog occurred two years before the exodus. In that time Dr. Horrible -- aka William "Will" Harris -- *not* "Billy" -- became a very rich man thanks to earning his place in the Evil League of Evil. He managed to not kill anyone by his own hand, although he did order henchmen to take out those who threatened his place in the League.

In two years Will invented two dozen devices (some of which were weapons), landed scores of patents, made and/or stole more money than he knew what to do with, and grew more socially isolated than ever. Penny was gone. His friend Moist spent most of his time being the Pink Pummeler's sidekick. Captain Hammer was a gibbering wreck at Betty Ford. Getting to know his fellow League members would be a deadly mistake. So Will made due with the handful of his groupies who could hold a semi-intelligent conversation. Or were hotties. Sadly, the two groups didn't intersect.

Will did not win a spot on any of the Lifeboat colonies through the lottery. Generous financial contributions, his technical expertise, and a few threats carried out by henchmen rectified that oversight.

Ironically, leaving Earth meant leaving the League and Dr. Horrible behind. Even if Will could have brought his billions of U.S. dollars to the Gamma site, the paper money was meaningless. His henchmen had been blown up with the rest of the planet. He'd brought as much of his inventions, projects, and tools as he could, but it was a far cry from the labs he'd had before. At the Gamma site he's just Will, the nerdy electrician and welder who trips over his words more often than not. If anyone's noticed the quality of Will's shelter and other supplies, word hasn't gotten back to him.

A POV Snippet: Maybe later


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