As the Moon Rises

Aug 10, 2008 22:20

Who: Teyla
When: Wednesday, May 15, after sunset
Where: Tau Site, a day's march outside the settlement proper
Invited: Anyone
Status: Incomplete

The moon still had not reached its apex, and it hung low in the velvety black sky against a back drop of sparkling diamonds. The clouds were thick and ropey, drifting across the silvery half-orb and casting odd shadows upon the ground; sometimes obscuring it totally. Watch rotas had been decided, and four two-man tents encircled the entire encampment. They could have slept on the ground, but the possibility of rain - the air was heavy with it and in the distance darker clouds hovered.

Teyla sat outside of the tent that she would share that night with Ami Jackson. The archaeologist sat by lantern light, alternately reviewing her notes and scribbling in the margins of her notebook. It brought a smile to Teyla's face to see the archaoelogist at work. It reminded her of Atlantis, of home and of Rodney, though Teyla's absent teammate would have been muttering loudly under his breath, insulting everyone and abusing a laptop.

Legs folded, Teyla rested her hands on her knees and closed her eyes. She had agreed to a later watch, but was not quite ready to seek out sleep as of yet. Now was a good time to meditate and find her center and refocus. Tomorrow would be another long day, and perhaps a harrowing one as well.

jack harkness, tau site, ron boone, bobby hobbes, darien fawkes, vivian wu, may 15, teyla emmagen

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