Happy Birthday, Pili!

Aug 10, 2009 09:55

Title: Birthday Surprises
Author: shiiki
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Word Count: 762

Summary: Ron has a surprise for Hermione.

Notes: This was written specially for pili204's birthday. Pili, you are an awesome and generous friend, and I hope you have plenty of lovely birthday surprises coming your way! ♥

(I know the title is the same as that one in HBP, but these are good birthday surprises, so I hope you don't mind!)

Hermione stood next to Ron on the platform and waved until the scarlet steam engine was out of sight. Then she looked instinctively for Hugo before remembering that he, like his sister, was on the train.

'I can't believe they're both gone,' said Hermione.

'I can,' said Ron cheerfully. 'I've been looking forward to this moment all week!'


He grinned at her outraged expression. 'I know, love, I'll miss them, too, soon enough. But you can't deny that the first couple of weeks will be blissfully peaceful.'

'Well … I suppose it will help in getting some work done without Hugo bursting into the study to ask all his questions every two seconds …'

Ron laughed and tapped her nose. 'He gets that from you, I believe. Don't you remember yourself in first year? Professor, I know Alohomora, but what about other unlocking incantations?'

'Don't be a prat, Ron.'

'You love me anyway.'

'Unfortunately, that's true.' But she smiled at him and slipped her hand into the one he held out for her. 'There's Harry and Ginny,' she said. 'Why've they still got a trunk with them?'

'Oi, Harry!' Ron called. Their two friends turned and headed over. Harry was pushing a trolley on which a school trunk still sat.

'Ginny, you didn't forget to load --' Hermione started.

'Of course not.' A wide grin spread over Ginny's face. She put her mouth to Hermione's ear and whispered, 'You're going to love it, Hermione. Enjoy yourself.'

'What do you mean?'

But Ginny didn't answer. Harry clapped her on the back, shook hands with Ron ('Thanks, mate,' said Ron, which Hermione didn't understand either) and the two of them walked off through the ticket barrier, leaving Ron and Hermione with the trolley and trunk.

Hermione rounded on Ron. 'What's going on?'

'Shh,' said Ron, 'follow me.'


'Trust me.'

He took the trolley handle and pushed it through the ticket barrier, out onto the Muggle platforms. There he took a long look at a sign for departures before turning to the left. Hermione followed him, mystified, to platform twelve.

'This is it,' he said, pointing at the train there. 'Hop on.'

'Ron, what-'

'Trust me,' he said again, so she boarded the train as Ron heaved the trunk up. An idea of what was going on flickered in her mind. But it couldn't be …

'Ron,' she said, once Ron had found them a compartment, 'are we … going somewhere?'

'Clever girl!'

'Ron, we can't -- we have work, I'm Head of Department, I'm expected in the office-'

'Don't worry, Hermione, I took care of all of it. Harry gave me three weeks, and Kingsley was all too happy to give you some time off. Merlin knows you've earned it!'

'But …'

'Come on, Hermione, it's me and the South of France. Would you really rather be at the Ministry of Magic doing piles of god-awful paperwork?'

'The South of France?' Her voice came out a little squeaky.

'Yup. Er -- Mar-sails. Didn't you say you wished you could've gone there?'

'Marseilles,' Hermione corrected automatically. Then, 'but it's really very presumptuous of you, Ron. What if I had important business that I couldn't put off at the moment?' But her arguments sounded weak. Her heart was already singing at the thought of three weeks of holiday. Three glorious weeks of holiday by the Mediterranean. With Ron. Alone.

'You don't,' said Ron. 'I've been listening to your work talk, you know. Even when you think I'm not.'

'I --' She shook her head and started over. 'How long have you been planning this?'

'Oh, not that long. Had to get Harry and Ginny to help. And Percy, if you'd believe it. All his contacts in International Co-operation turned out pretty useful. Ginny packed the trunk. If there's anything missing that you need, just owl her. Unless it's anything work-related. That I absolutely forbid.' He grinned at her. 'So, Hermione -- happy birthday.'

Her mouth dropped. 'It's for my --' But of course. Three weeks, Ron had said. How troll-witted could she get?

Ron burst out laughing. 'I know it would be more appropriate to start on the day itself. But the timing wasn't so good. And besides, it's more of a surprise now, isn't it?'

She didn't answer him, at least not with words. She was still kissing him when the conductor slammed the doors shut and the train started to chug slowly out of the station, carrying her and Ron southwards for what was certain to be a beautiful three weeks ahead, together.

pili204, birthday

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