Asking for the Universe's Opinion

Dec 27, 2015 08:49

So. I committed to stay at Starbucks at least through the holidays; I have reached that threshold and I'm having difficulty deciding what to do next. The Starbucks job, although physically punishing, had some cool and fun moments at first, but those have seemed to wander off, leaving me with just work I have to endure, for money which isn't great, ( Read more... )

work, starbucks moments

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Comments 10

galadrion December 27 2015, 14:34:50 UTC
My personal opinion here, but I do have reasons for it. I'd say avoid the nuclear option, if it's at all feasible. Work may suck, but having some income, especially if Laurie's job search takes longer than expected (always a possibility, perhaps even more so during unsettled economic times, which these still are) is definitely a good thing. Starbucks may not pay a true living wage, but what it does pay will help stretch your savings if they need it.

Between the other two options, I see it as a wash. Continuing as you are now may not be attractive, but it represents a stable situation and may (I say, may) build some goodwill your direction from management, which could be parleyed into some improvements down the road. On the other hand, you may have more typical middle management for these days, in which case goodwill is a word from a carol and you may as well not bother, leading to the conclusion that option number two is the best bet for you personally ( ... )


haikujaguar December 27 2015, 17:28:24 UTC
This person is wise. Listen to them.


kylet December 29 2015, 19:37:47 UTC
Yeah, tossing my vote in this direction too!


sirfox December 30 2015, 04:19:21 UTC
cut yourself some weekend time with option 2. Commit yourself to a couple of activities in that time to tackle your creative job side. Time to write. Time to stream some art. Time to absorb media. time to scribble out rough silly ideas to see if they lead anywhere, etc.

Have you considered front desk work at someplace like a massage clinic? Greeting folks and making appointments on their digital system, kinda thing. It might be more low impact for maybe more money?


mooncat December 27 2015, 14:57:15 UTC
Seconding the "Avoid the nuclear option" sentiment, at least until such time as there is a viable alternative. Quitting without a backup plan is not, generally, a good way to go.

From my own experiences in retail, which may be different somewhat to the life of a barista, I'm a little wary of the second option. I just know that management et al. tends to look less favourably on those who cannot/will not work weekends, since those tended to be the highest volume sales days. However, the weekday morning shifts might have more volume for your business, as people collect their morning pre-work caffeination, so mileage may vary. (I can only surmise, as I just abuse the Keurig at work for my tea related needs :))

So, upon thought, I'd say maybe the second option, but with some explanation to the higher ups as to why. Stress the need for predictable days off for doctor appointments, so they will understand the request is not frivolous, but has health-related concerns.

Good luck in whatever you ultimately decide. :)


jamesbarrett December 27 2015, 15:13:20 UTC
I'd go with option 2. You're gonna want the more refined, less demanding schedule if you plan on doing anything else, but keeping the current income level is a must til Laurie is up and incoming.


tabbiewolf December 28 2015, 12:49:00 UTC
Have to agree with both galadrion and mooncat here. I also lack barista experience, but from working 5-some years in retail, I can tell you that not working weekends is basically a death sentence to your schedule.

If you're concerned about doctor's appointments (which is a *way* more important concern than conventions), I'd talk to your manager about it so they know that it's an issue for you.

Also I'd hope you've asked laurie_robey about this! These days especially, it's a lot of pressure to be the only one earning the income in the house, and both of you being jobless would probably put a LOT of stress on the both of you. What if she gets that 100K a year job and hates it? You having quit would not look good for a return to Starbucks.


the_gneech December 28 2015, 14:12:22 UTC
Actually, Laurie prefers the nuclear option. She wants me to be going full time on the writing/art and to be around on nights and weekends. ^.^' It's been my desire to staunch the bleeding out of our savings that led me to take the Starbucks job in the first place.

As for doctor appointments, the manager has made it very clear that the doctors must see me at her pleasure and not the other way around. :P I've only been at the job three months and I've already had to juggle appointments.



galadrion December 28 2015, 19:10:26 UTC
Given that additional information, I'd modify my recommendation slightly. Go on a job hunt to replace Starbucks, but don't worry particularly about what you replace it with. We're talking a McJob, here. Land a replacement job before you quit, though. Be upfront with the new place that your looking to replace an employer who won't work with you regarding medical appointments. And when you quit Starbucks, do so formally - written resignation letter, with a copy forwarded to corporate Human Resources. That sort of nonsense needs to be stopped, hard, and that manager needs to called in and talked at by HR. That sort of behavior opens the corporation to lawsuits, and HR is going to be definitively not amused.

Actually, if I had to make a recommendation for a McJob, I'd point you towards one of the TriCom Foods restaurant franchises - Burger King, Taco Bell, Long John Silver's. I had good experiences with them working my way through school.

Edited to add:Kestrelcat reminded me that this sort of nonsense (an employer being abusive about ( ... )


rowyn December 29 2015, 22:34:15 UTC
Oooh, I'd go with #2 or the nuclear option, then. If Laurie thinks it's worth the risk, I am inclined to trust her. :)


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