Title: Into the Haze
ciweyRating: NC-17 for excessive swearing and depiction of violence
Summary: A night at the Gamma Rho Fraternity House turns out to be hell.
Disclaimer: This never happened.
Author’s Notes: Angsty College!Mavid. Based on the Cold Case episode "The Promise". Comments and constructive
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Comments 21
Thanks for reading the fic and leaving a comment! I really appreciate that. :)
Deleted and reposted to fix a typo. x)
it just ends there?!?!?!
*is a month late in responding to this comment*
but that last croak of "Mikey?" means he's alive, right?!
i feel like the hunter situation is unresolved. i would've loved if they passed by his burning corpse as they made their way out.
i am picturing mike like burned!nathan from heroes.
i'm glad you didn't have dave confess his love for mike and then have them make out while surrounded with flames. thanks for that.
I'm actually not much of a fan of tying up all loose ends, so I tend to leave more than a few factors undone. I mean, if I don't see a reason in explaining what happened next after that, I probably won't go into it just for the sake of that.
In my version of events, Hunter did manage to make it out of the burning fraternity house, though you can be sure he's not going to fare too well after this incident.
I pictured Mike to be more defaced than that, actually, though your version of him does sound more appealing. To each their own, I guess? :)
And yeah, I'm glad you agree with me on this. x)
I'm kind of a stickler (is that the right term for it? I don't know) for realism and accuracy, so I really dislike it when they act unnaturally (or even out of character) just for the sake of advancing a plot. Which is sort of why this developed into the whole 24k words, I suppose.
Again, thanks for reading and commenting!
omg, i loved this.♥
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment, and I'm glad you liked it. :)
But oh my life that is heavy, It is a bit too horrific for me. People can indeed be the biggest monsters.
Glad that you wrote it tho and once I started it I had to read it all.
Yay, I'm glad somebody who's seen the episode (besides those I've already pimped it to) like this. I thought I did a well enough job trying to differentiate it from the original episode instead of making a direct parallel - with the exception of that invitation scene, I suppose. *cringes*
People can indeed be the biggest monsters.
And yes, I agree with this so hard - one of my personal fascinations is the human psyche and how much (or little) one can value the fact that other people are people just like ourselves, with their own life, hopes, dreams and such.
Once again, thanks for reading through all three parts and 24k words of it. x)
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