Katekyo Hitman Reborn!: A Best Friend (TsunaKyoko, HaruTsuna)

Mar 09, 2008 17:47

Title: A Best Friend
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Tsuna/Kyoko, one-sided Haru/Tsuna
Word Count: 1,078
Disclaimer: This is merely for fun and I make no profit!
Summary: What it means to be a best friend.

Kyoko collapsed onto her bed, bonelessly, helplessly, absolutely completely overjoyed. The pink wash of her wall glowed like the blush on her cheeks and the sun streaming through the window shone radiantly, like her grin.

And she kept whispering it: “…Yes!”

But it was in this tiny little squeak, because her real voice had abandoned her long ago. Probably about the time he had kissed her on the cheek, thrust out a rose, and stuttered out the most adorable and flattering words she had ever heard.

“K-Kyoko… P-Please go out with me?”

Her heart skipped a beat and she rolled onto her stomach, buried her head securely in her pillows and let out a trill sound of delight. Everything was happy. Every part of her was absolutely glowing with joy. Even her fingernails. (They were glowing a nice shade of Blush Pink, actually).

She flopped back onto her back, sprawled out over her bed, and suddenly realized that she just had to tell someone! Someone who would squeal right alongside her and tell her how awesome it was that she had a boyfriend and ask, just a little bit scandalized, whether or not he was a good kisser.

To which Kyoko would respond, “He’s the best!” And they would giggle, embarrassed but delighted that one of them was now a part of the expansive and thrilling world of boyfriends, and kisses, and dates, and flowers.

Her stomach danced nervously at the memory of him asking her to a movie this coming weekend for their first real date and she covered her face with her cool hands; tried to relieve herself of the vivid blush staining her cheeks.

Closing her eyes and reaching out with one hand for her wireless, Kyoko wondered who she should call - deliberated over who would be just as excited as her and would actually ask all the dirty little questions she was dying to answer.

Finally finding the phone, Kyoko sat up and stared at it. Hitting number one on speed dial, the girl grinned stupidly. There was only one person she could call for this.


Haru replaced the phone back in its cradle on the wall with shaking hands. Her eyes were trained on the floor and she was blinking as fast as she could and swallowing hard and taking deep breaths. She didn’t want to cry. Besides, the kitchen wasn’t the place for this, this being a meltdown. Especially when her mother was bustling about tidying up the house…

She stepped back from the wall, placing some distance between herself and the phone and wondered if there was something horribly wrong with her. Best friends were supposed to be happy for each other. They were supposed to be overjoyed and interested nearly to a fault when their other half was asked out for the first time. So why wasn’t she?

The rule still applied when the boy your best friend had just been asked out by was the love of your life, right?

“Damnit,” Haru cursed softly when she realized a stupid tear had rolled down her cheek. That wasn’t supposed to happen. She was supposed to hold off on the crying until she was in her room, at the least.

“Haru, is something the matter?”

Jumping, the girl wiped at her eyes and whipped around to face her mother. She hadn’t even heard the woman enter the kitchen. A forced smile spread over her lips, and Haru shook her head, assuring her mother that no, nothing was wrong. And yes, she was being honest.

And then she fled to her bedroom, leaving her thoroughly unconvinced parent in the kitchen. Alone with her curiousity.

Haru knew already that that would come back to bite her in the ass later in the evening. All because she had acted so obviously like something was wrong! Which was stupid, because nothing was wrong at all.

Kyoko had a boyfriend and… maybe she was just a little teary-eyed because she was so happy?

Slowly, almost being delicate with herself, Haru lowered herself onto her bed and curled up into a ball on her side. Tsuna asking Kyoko out rang loudly in her ears even though she really didn’t want it to.

“K-Kyoko… P-Please go out with me?”

Why had the other girl insisted on giving her every little detail, anyway? Why had Kyoko sounded disappointed when Haru hadn’t wanted to know every little detail? Why would she even want to know half the things Kyoko had tried to tell her in the first place?



“D-don’t you… um, want to know if like… well… if he’s… a good kisser?”

Haru had wanted to say, “No!” with every fibre of her being because she didn’t even want to know that they had kissed at all. The thought of Tsuna kissing Kyoko was… disgusting.


It hurt. A lot.

Nuzzling her face into her pillow, Haru ignored the fact that she was now really crying, not just tearing up, and instead focused her efforts on not outright sobbing. She was happy for Kyoko.

She really, really was.


Well, she wanted to be happy for Kyoko. That had to count for something, right?

The other girl had liked Tsuna for a long time. Not that she had ever mentioned it to Haru. But…

But why did Tsuna have to like Kyoko back, anyway?

Haru was almost tempted to call him and ask him just that. Because it wasn’t really fair. Haru had liked him more and longer. And it wasn’t like Kyoko was the better out of the two girls. Haru tended to think they were pretty evenly matched. Really different but…

Clenching her eyes shut, Haru rolled onto her back. It didn’t really matter why he liked Kyoko back and not Haru. He just did and… well, Tsuna was a very nice person and he would make Kyoko a really happy girl.

That was good.

It just… sucked… that he didn’t want to make her a really happy girl. She sighed, shaking and heartbroken and making up her mind on something very important.

Ten deep, controlled breaths to calm down. Sit up and dab at her cheeks and eyes to dry them. Check the mirror.

She looked okay…

Walking back to the kitchen, Haru picked up the phone and hit number one on speed dial.

A best friend would want to know if he was a good kisser after all.

Posted @ hitman_reborn

Holla, dudes! I'm currently in the midst of planning out what is looking to be a pretty intense multi-parter fic and I would really like to have a beta for this sucker. A beta in general would be killer actually, but ya know XD.

What I really need in this beta is a good grasp on characterization. Particularly the characters Mukuro/Chrome, Hibari, and Ryohei (to an extent) as I never write them. A little direction from someone that gets them would be awesome.

That being said, this fic, while having central characters, has a large main cast. We're talking, Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Lambo, Hibari, Chrome/Mukuro, Ryohei, Kyoko, Haru, and Basil. They're the only characters in the fic, in all actuality, but all of them are super important.

The story will be written from Gokudera's POV and the pairing at the moment is slightly undecided. I originally planned it out as a YamaGokuTsuna fic, and I really want to keep it that way, but I'm having some issues deciding how that's going to happen...

Also, what I like in a beta is someone that doesn't just look at a fic and say 'Oh dude, you forgot a comma here. Maybe you could like, use this word instead of this word here?' But someone that actually is interested in really critiquing my writing and maybe giving stylistic suggestions. Or just suggestions as to how I can improve my writing as a whole, not just the quality of a single chapter. (I've had betas like this before so I know I'm not asking the impossible).

Right. So if you're interested, drop a comment here, email me at xxinexpressiblexx@hotmail.com, or IM me over AIM at xinexpressiblexx.


complete, harutsuna, katekyo hitman reborn!, tsunakyoko, one-shot

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