To the inhabitants of this world stumbling across these pages: My name is Wesley Wyndham-Pryce.
Having arrived here around noon today and spent a number of hours exploring this town, I will dispense with the preliminary exclamations of where I am and why I have suddenly sprouted wings, as much as the latter seemed on waking like some
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[Oh wait! Here's something she just remembered.] Wesley. Do you remember the spell for uninviting a vampire from a house?
Yes, of course. Why do- oh, Drusilla, I presume?
How is Dawn?
She's...suitable freaked out with a side order of bratty younger sibling. If not for the dinky little wings and the added weirdness that is this place, the emotional atmosphere may as well be back in Sunnydale, pre-kablooey.
But I do see your point. It has that Sunnydale aura of dark magic coated with a thin layer of normality.
What colour did you end up with?
A sort of dark gray. And yourself?
My cliche remark was more aimed toward Angel's wings being black. I almost didn't even notice it at first. As Cordelia might have put it: "Of course Angel's wings would be black. Because he's a fallen angel." [Alright, perhaps not the best impression of Cordelia ever.]
I was hoping perhaps the wing colors designated something, some clue or key to our purpose here.
Speaking of Angel's fashion proclivities, I don't know if Angel mentioned that we stumbled across a universe in which he could see himself in the mirror? It was rather humorous. Apparently he honestly didn't know what all that gel does to his hair.
Another universe? Where the whole vamp thing didn't behave as described? Really? Here it's all been business as usual. No reflection, no sunlight, no entrance without an invitation. But--[she trails off, here. Clearly, she had not before considered that the rules might chance from dimension to dimension.]
Pylea was quite terrible for vampires. Sunlight, yes, reflection, yes, but "vamping out" brought out a rather feral monster that echoed of the savage predator demons whose blood originally mixed with that of humans to create vampires.
However, when considering the power decrease and magic inhibitors here, I would venture a guess that this universe has an inverse effect, suppressing the demonic and magic elements in those who come here. It would certainly help ensure a more peaceful community, for whatever power created this place.
It's even possible that Angel could experience happiness without loosing his soul. It's not an experiment I'd be eager to attempt, obviously.
E-exactly. We wouldn't want to test that. We already had to deal with Angelus once here, already. No deaths, but a number of injuries.
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