Things I Shouldn't Be Reading This Early

Dec 09, 2009 09:29

Seriously. I Shot Marg is just one of those. I nearly spat out my morning cup of milk. Then the brain caught up the fact she's talking about a photo shoot. Makes it all better ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

smartyshortie December 9 2009, 09:37:48 UTC
Erin Brockovich: Because Julia Roberts and Marg Helgenberger were on the same set and somehow the world didn't implode.

Mr. Brooks was FABULOUS.

Fire Down Below is just depressing.

I hated In Good Company the first time I saw it, but the second time it was hilarious.

ER: She was Clooney's lover and she even gets to wear her own Northwestern sweatshirt in an ep.

I think Jorja actually DID share a scene with Mariska on ER though XD

China Beach: OMG KC AND MCMURPHY! They are SOOO shippy...well first season it's kinda more KC/Cherry, but then KC/McMurphy take over...McMurphy is Dana Delany and omg the hot...

Doesn't get much better than this:


the_dark_zodiac December 9 2009, 11:18:37 UTC
Seriously? Jorja And Mariska? Please tell me there's a photo of this pair! Even tho' she's Cythina but it's Mariska. Ah two of my favourite brunettes.

Yeah just scoped some ER icons on margmania. *sings* icons.

MCMURPHY meets McLurchy know makes sense.

Thanks for the heads up. Seriously Marg and Jorja are becoming that ingradined my head I'll be writing C/S fic until I keel over from the hotness.


smartyshortie December 10 2009, 04:35:16 UTC
I tried to find a picture but couldn't...I think you might be able to see a scene on youtube...dunno where though....I'll try and find it later if you can't.

yeah...I have to admit, her with George Clooney is kinda pretty XD



the_dark_zodiac December 10 2009, 09:44:17 UTC
Yeah I'm working on a christmas fic, I've got Sara dressed as an Elf and Catherine's Mrs Claus.

I saw Mrs Claus kissing an Elf under the mistletoe

*is a sleep deprived writer*



rainbowjumpsuit December 9 2009, 14:01:16 UTC
I have the movie Erin Brockovich and Marg is GREAT in it. I also have Mr. Brooks, which she is totally hot in. And I LOVE her as Kc on CB but sadly, I can only catch clips of that on youtube.


the_dark_zodiac December 9 2009, 19:27:43 UTC

Didn't Marg say something about being a little annoyed that they're not bring it out on DVD.



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