We're Just Trying To Be Friendly ...

Jun 14, 2014 00:07

As a child, pretty much all of my memories (especially the happiest ones) happened on or around my grandparents farm. These were my father's parents and the farm was way, way, out in the middle of nowhere. In fact, my mom went into labor there because my parents were there helping my Grandparents(Nana & Papa) move in. My earliest and happiest ( Read more... )

lj idol, horror, family, papa, trauma, happiness, scars, my past, tragedy, transformation, joy

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Comments 18

kagomeshuko June 16 2014, 19:14:55 UTC
I've heard of people owning monkeys, but never known of them. The center sounds like a neat place!


the_dark_snack June 17 2014, 15:17:19 UTC

roina_arwen June 17 2014, 18:32:54 UTC
I'm glad Rocky helped to heal some of your trauma. Thanks for sharing!


the_dark_snack June 17 2014, 18:59:17 UTC
I was really surprised myself. Rocky's pretty awesome but so are the rest of the crew.

I'm looking forward to seeing them again soon now that everything is opened.


halfshellvenus June 19 2014, 01:34:19 UTC
In my earliest years, we lived on a "gentleman's farm" (my Dad has a lot of eccentricities), and there was a period of about 1 1/2 years where my mother's dad stayed with us on and off and built a barn on the property. I used to trail after him constantly, and he was so very much the center of my world. The sad part is that I don't remember it at all. I've seen pictures, and it meant a great deal to him, but this was during the time I was really little (about 14 months onward), so it didn't stay with me.

I'm glad you have more of those early memories, even if things with Spooky turned sour in the end.

I see now how the title of this post fits in, though I honestly was expecting something about The Monkees and cursing myself for not even thinking of that approach!


the_dark_snack June 19 2014, 17:13:42 UTC
What really sucks for me is that there were a lot of pictures of me trailing after Papa but someone else has them and I can't get them or copies. Actually, I have only one or two pics from my childhood. I wish I had the ones that were lost.

As for The Monkees, I had to include them as they were my Beatles. Seriously, my mom refused to have any Beatles music played so I still am rather unfamiliar with their music. However, The Monkees were allowed and I adored them & their music.


penpusher June 19 2014, 12:52:47 UTC
That's a wonderful story, and a great step towards helping heal your past.

Certainly animals are intelligent and the skills they have are there to help them survive. I'm sure that Spooky and others become mean as they age because they don't have the ability to fight off attacks and it's a preventative way of keeping potential predators away from them. Still, that's never an answer a child wants to hear!

But are you saying that Selina KNEW what was going to happen and let Spooky out anyway? That's pretty outrageous and irresponsible.

Meanwhile, Rocky seems like quite the character! Congrats on meeting him!


the_dark_snack June 19 2014, 17:17:39 UTC
I honestly don't think she expected that to happen. He was only starting to get temperamental and was actually calm until he just snapped for no reason.

Rocky and the rest are really an awesome bunch. I'm really looking forward to seeing them again.


ecosopher June 20 2014, 06:00:35 UTC
Aw, that's just such a lovely moment between you and Rocky! How special!

My third and fourth children have a similar relationship with my father that you had with your Papa. I'm really glad we moved to be closer to them so they can see them more often. It's lovely to watch them connect.


the_dark_snack June 21 2014, 02:46:49 UTC
I really miss Papa. I regret that he died before I could introduce him to beldar.


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