Things Can Only Get Better ...

Dec 07, 2010 18:44

Today was my first day of work at the new job. While the actual work was pretty good (for the most part - there was some slightly intense physical exertion), the heat there works overtime and I was so horribly hot the whole day. I also had a hell of a time just getting to work in the first place. I was given incorrect directions to the parking ( Read more... )

friends, stress, work, links, health

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Comments 6

beldar December 8 2010, 00:04:19 UTC
Considering it's a gub'mint job, I think it went pretty well =)


veronica_rich December 8 2010, 01:34:32 UTC
It'll improve. Really!

(How do you guys feel about eating lunch this Saturday? I hear somebody has a birthday coming up. You have to buy your own eats, but on the upside, I'll buy my own, too!)


the_dark_snack December 8 2010, 23:57:55 UTC
That might be nice but just note that they are predicting a huge snowstorm this weekend (it's still not 100% clear as to when it's going to start). Also, we'd have to eat around noon (I have a free meal at BD's that I'd like to use) because beldar & I are supposed to be going to see "A Christmas Carol" at IRT at 3pm.

Still, if you're up for it and the weather behaves I'm in. Oh, BTW, the CoJ's Holiday party is that evening if you're interested.


veronica_rich December 9 2010, 00:08:35 UTC
How are you fixed for Friday afternoon/evening/dinner? Just in case of snow coming Saturday. How late do you work?


the_dark_snack December 9 2010, 02:21:29 UTC
I seem to get off work at around 4:30. I manage to get home around 5ish. What do you have in mind?

BTW, I'm about to power down for the night. If you need something sooner than tomorrow night, you can either call my cell or get my work email from John & we can hammer out the details.


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