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Comments 16

scriggle July 29 2009, 00:51:20 UTC
Not another Russian bad guy! Oh Callum!

Callum, please take some nice guy roles!


c_regalis July 29 2009, 12:07:33 UTC
It's probably a totally different Russian bad guy! Maybe he even has good teeth! (And, well, we knew what the chances where for that particular project, right? *waits not so patiently for Shattered*)


scriggle July 29 2009, 13:01:22 UTC
Oh I knew he'd end up being a bad guy. I was just hoping to avoid any unfortunate accents. *g*


c_regalis July 29 2009, 14:04:15 UTC
Right. That wouldn't have been too much to ask, right? Maybe he doesn't get to talk at all.


ez_as_pi July 29 2009, 01:11:20 UTC
I was actually kinda of 'meh' when I heard he was going to be on 24...


c_regalis July 29 2009, 12:08:12 UTC
Well. And now you know why! \o?


j_s_cavalcante July 29 2009, 06:07:48 UTC
"Tin Man" hasn't been shown in Canada yet? I hope the audience doesn't actually expect a "fanciful, even operatic, world tinged with madness." Or that it's actually good, or anything. *hides*

I couldn't watch the whole thing, even though he was in it.

Maybe Callum should start looking before he "jumps at" roles? Sheesh.


c_regalis July 29 2009, 12:13:10 UTC
Hehe. Yeah, really, I should feel kind of bad for all the 'Oooh, Tin Man! Callum in Tin Man!' people, but somehow? All I can manage is a 'Just wait until you actually SEE it. Mwahaha.' Um. Sorry, Canadians.

Maybe Callum should start looking before he "jumps at" roles? Sheesh.

Well, to be fair, I would have jumped too. It sounded like it could be awesome. Biggest problem was the script (which might actually have been the editing in the end, cut scenes and whatnot) and the CGI. And, well, no one could have known at that stage, right? So, well. I guess I'll forgive hat one. *is totally generous and stuff*


nessreader July 29 2009, 17:25:58 UTC

Didn't he "jump at" Slap Shot two? I vaguely remember an interview bubbling with boyish enthusiasm from before the release. And silence after. */dour*

Tin Man looked pretty, and Glitch was a lot of fun, but I wish along with the rest of you that CKR had a more nuanced part in it.


c_regalis July 30 2009, 13:13:20 UTC
vaguely remember an interview bubbling with boyish enthusiasm from before the release.
Hee, I know. He was all happy and proud AND he gave up being in Men With Brooms for this. /c\ So it must have seemed like a good idea back then. (It's here btw.)


surya74 July 29 2009, 08:01:19 UTC
Another new interview! c, you are as busy as Callum, doing your thing. Good for us! \\o//

Russian mobster? Ah, well. But You don't get caught into certain styles of having to play it and since this is really true for him, I'm okay with this. Three episodes is not nearly enough though.


c_regalis July 29 2009, 12:15:16 UTC
Well, I blame the Canadians! They are all excited about Tin Man and write articles and post them all over the internet. (Poor them, I hope they won't be too disappointed.)

since this is really true for him, I'm okay with this.

See, I like you. You are all optimistic and stuff. *feels a tiny bit more optimistic as well now* \♥/


surya74 July 29 2009, 12:50:11 UTC
Dude! ♥ ♥ ♥

Hm. Over the last two months I've watched what felt like a gazillion movies and stuff featuring Callum, but haven't gotten to Tin Man yet. I don't know if I have the strength to skip it. But it can't be worse than Smallville, right?


c_regalis July 29 2009, 14:20:01 UTC
Oh, you shouldn't! Skip it, I mean. Zero is kind of hilarious. Most of the time. And hey, Callum as a grown-up school yard bully in black leather. There's no bad here. (I just wish he wouldn't play ONLY bad guys, that's all.)

Tin Man itself... well. It was a good idea? It's just that they put all the money into the sets and costumes, so that they had nothing left for the script. Or even the CGI. Also, they didn't seem to have time for actual directing. Most of the actors are kind of speaking their lines in the approximate direction of other actors, without any, you know, actual acting involved. (Okay, that might be a bit harsh. A little bit.) Zooey Deschanel as Dorothy D.G. is appallingly bad. And... yeah. There's a post about it here at the CKR Files (Sadly with no pictures anymore. Hm. *writes email to poster*).

Sooo, well. You know?


neu111 July 29 2009, 17:03:00 UTC
a Russian mobster on "24"
Aren't we surprised? Maybe he improved his accent and added it on his CV? not that I'd notice that much, still...And yes, as long as no bad teeth are involved *shrugs*

I like doing it.
It kind of shows! Good thing that he enjoys it - he seemed to be more bothered about it some time ago? - and he's not the only actor to say it's more fun and challenging to play a bad guy. But there's nothing left to prove here, mostly, so what about a new challenge? Lucky for him and for us that there are still Canadian productions :)


c_regalis July 30 2009, 13:28:35 UTC
Aren't we surprised?
Not really, right?

Maybe he improved his accent and added it on his CV?
No more roles without accent from now on! (/c\/c\/c\)
And yes, please at least no bad teeth. I am still kind of traumatized.

And, well, yeah, he is amazing as a bad guy, and it's good that he likes it. And it looks like fun. But still. And yes, he definitely seemed more bothered in the Name of the Game interview, and I seem to remember other, more recent occasions as well.
Maybe it's one of those things that sometimes bother you and sometimes not? Depending on your mood that day? Or maybe he just got used to it and now he makes the best of it. A 'when life hands you lemons make lemonade' kind of thing. Which, you know, on principle, I totally approve of.


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