Russian translation below.
Be polite and respectful at all times. We do not want to see prejudicial remarks, mudslinging, or aggression in our community.
TCE is not the place to argue about real world politics, with the writers or with other commenters. It is also not the place to air needlessly controversial opinions. TCE's readers come from many cultural backgrounds, and sensitivity and open-mindedness are required for all of us to get along.
Correcting our facts is very welcome, but please do so in a tactful way.
If you make a comment which we feel violates the above, you will be issued a warning. If it happens again, you will be banned. Warnings and bannings happen entirely at our discretion. We are friendly, reasonable people, but we are also very sensitive to drama and trolling. It will not be tolerated.
Warnings can be issued by
pyrrhiccomedy, and
erueru_2d from the official
chosen_end_post account.
Всегда будьте вежливы и почтительны. Мы не желаем видеть предвзятые замечания, поливание грязью или агрессию в нашем сообществе.
TCE - не место для споров о реальной мировой политике, ни с нами, ни с другими комментирующими. Это также не место для выставления напоказ ненужных спорных мнений. У читателей TCE разные культурные традиции, так что без чуткости и открытости нам всем не обойтись.
Исправление фактов приветствуется, но, пожалуйста, выражайте это тактично.
Если вы оставите комментарий, который, как нам кажется, нарушает вышеупомянутое, вам будет сделано предупреждение. Если это произойдет снова, вас забанят. Предупреждения и бан делаются полностью по нашему усмотрению. Мы - дружелюбные, разумные люди, но также весьма чувствительные к драмам и троллингу. Мы этого не потерпим.
Предупреждения могут делать
pyrrhiccomedy и
erueru_2d с официального аккаунта
How many writers does TCE have?
Just two:
wizzard890 and
pyrrhiccomedy. TCE is a product of very close collaboration. While we do write some chapters separately, they are edited and proofread by us both.
So who is
Eru is our Official Staff Russian Person and friendly moderator. If you see any Russian anywhere, or if any particularly interesting facts about Russia or Russian culture appear in TCE, Eru is the one responsible.
And who is
Vivider is our site maintainer.
How long is TCE going to be?
The exact number of chapters in our timeline fluctuates, but right now it's sitting around seventy-five.
Am I allowed to make fanart/fanfic/translations/any other kind of fanwork for TCE?
Absolutely! We love seeing TCE fanworks. All we ask is that you let us know about them, and give us a link to them, so that we can add them to the
What sources do you guys use?
Pretty much anything we can find on the internet. Don't look at us like that, we never claimed to be historians.
Are you going to continue TCE into the future once you reach the present day?
Almost definitely not. But we have other Hetalia collaborations in mind for Life After TCE!
Why didn't you include [some event]? / Do you plan to include [some event]?
You can read all about our chapter inclusion criteria
Have you guys heard about [some historical thing involving Russia and America]?
Probably, but you can never be sure! So please, by all means, tell us about it! We've added a number of chapters to the TCE timeline thanks to suggestions from readers.
C'mon, guys. It's a love story. Have a little faith.