So work has been great; I think Target will be the best part-time job I've had (next to KD Bowl... if only they had paid me more... and didn't close down). I spent almost the entirety of my first paycheck on a CD/MP3 player for my car. If anyone's interested it's a KD-G310. Well worth the time and patience of CD Receiver shopping ^_
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What part would you play in a horror movie??? The Boyfriend Of The Lead Victim Half the time you're either the killer or right away acused of being the killer and the other half you're the hero who tries to save his girlfriend but dies dramatically in the process
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Yesterday (Tuesday) I went into Software Etc. to find a turbo PS2 controller and all I could find was this petite pink one. Well, beggars can't be choosers. I just hope I never need it for the directional pad
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