You know...this whole waking up every hour, at least once an hour, starting around 2am when you have to get up at 5:45am, absolutely fucking sux. It can stop just any time.
We had a game last night. It was another planner, but stuff happened. kcracken will likely update later...which is for the best as I can't type that great in 2d and I feel like hammered hell. I didn't get to bed til around 12 due to some emergency mancure issues and I can't seem to sleep through a whole night anymore so I woke up at least
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Porky Pig! You scored 42 Aggression, 85 Sophistication, and 42 Optimism! Non-aggressive, possibly shy, dapper, well-mannered, and likely far too
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Oh gods the alarm clocks (all 3) were evil this morning. I was up til after 12. I returned a favor to an old friend by staying on the phone while they drove home from GSO very late and needed someone to keep them awake. Then I took by stumbly ass to bed and crashed like a druggie in withdrawals. It's hard to imagine stumbling before you are
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I had begun to forget the joys of working on ppls machines. Then alla sudden I have Mom's fuck itself (Bios corrupted) and I have a frantic BookStore Manager foaming on my desk at work about a scheduling program (which is ancient and should never be used, but he insists on using it anyway). Of course, the tech support that Mom paid for on
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