
Sep 05, 2011 13:19

It's not actually possible to force himself to be happy, but Priestly can at least force himself back to work and back out into the world of people instead of keeping to the treehouse and slipping out at night to pick up whatever he needs to survive on. (He could probably have counted on Rachel to keep him supplied, but what kind of an asshole ( Read more... )

meal post, priestly, betty rizzo, delirium, rachel gatina, saffron, ray vecchio

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Comments 43

endlessdel September 5 2011, 18:28:49 UTC
Delirium looked at Priestly calm and curious before turning her gaze to her sister sitting near by. Del made a face walking over to where her sister was and pressed a kiss to her cheek, a kiss into thin air as she stared at the beautiful and terrible face of Despair.

"Go away sissy you can't have him." Del said before wandering over to Priestly to hug him and hug him tight. "She won't stay, I won't let her. Don't worry about her hook in your heart, I'll make her go away."


ilovemykilt September 5 2011, 18:41:11 UTC
Like most of the rest of the time, Priestly has no idea what Delirium is talking about but he gets the sentiment behind it loud and clear.

"Here, this one's for you," he says, pushing a pancake in her direction that has all of the different colors in it, in swirls and stripes. "I knew you'd come."


endlessdel September 5 2011, 19:13:11 UTC
"Your hair is brown," Delirium said reaching up to pat limp, brown hair that was once the colour of stars and forests and happiness. "It's okay hair we'll have you blue and purple and red and orange and all colours soon. You knew? Have you been peeking in big brother's book? Naughty Priestly."

Delirium smiled at the swirls in her pancake, her sigil and her realm where in there. Before she would be able to grasp it and tug at the magic but she couldn't any longer. "Of course I'd come, you're my friend."


ilovemykilt September 5 2011, 19:42:46 UTC
"Brown is a color too," says Priestly, but it's without much conviction. He doesn't feel like himself, so why should he bother looking like himself? Especially when he only has so much energy right now and it's going into other daily functions. "You're supposed to eat that. It's not just decorative. I can make you another, if you want."


poison_lipstick September 5 2011, 18:33:25 UTC
It wasn't often that Saffron cried, truly wept, over a disappearance, but she had over Brooke's. In that first week after she was gone, Saffron had gone to where they usually met for self defense lessons, had made it all the way over before realizing that Brooke wasn't going to show, that she couldn't, and she'd broken down and cried, right then and there.

It near broke her heart every time she saw Priestly.

She was bound and determined to be there for him, though, to be a source of support and encouragement as he'd unfailingly been for her. So when she entered the kitchen she forced a warm smile onto her face, well-practiced in showing emotions she wasn't feeling, swept over to Priestly, and stretched up to press a kiss to his stubbly cheek. "Good morning, honey," she said, turning to survey what he was making. "Well, isn't this a colorful breakfast!"


ilovemykilt September 5 2011, 18:46:35 UTC
"You should have some hearts," he says, grabbing a few off the pile even though he knows she hasn't just come for something to eat. There are a lot of hearts in that pile, all different sizes but all the same shape. Some of them have little fork marks right in the center, from picking them up and throwing them around from pan to plate. "They suit you best."


poison_lipstick September 5 2011, 19:01:56 UTC
Even now, after so much time, Saffron was inclined to disagree with Priestly's sentiment. Her shape, the one suited her best, was the red hourglass. She said nothing to that effect, though, just dismissed the thought easy as a breeze and smiled fondly as she got a plate to put the offered pancakes on.

"Thank you, Priestly, I'm sure they'll be delicious," she praised as she went to sit close by at the counter. "Your pancakes never disappoint."


ilovemykilt September 5 2011, 19:44:52 UTC
"There's honey, to make them sweeter," he says. And jam and some kind of syrup that's definitely not maple. "You know, because you're a sweetheart and all." He smiles, and it's definitely genuine, but more amusement at his cheesiness than happiness.


first_pink_lady September 6 2011, 01:55:23 UTC
"Hey there sailor," she perched on a stool and propped her chin on her palm over the counter, "come here often?" It wasn't flirtatious, and really more teasing than anything else.


ilovemykilt September 6 2011, 14:52:58 UTC
"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" Priestly counters, with as much friendly energy as he can muster. It's not a lot, but it's a start. And he does have a stack of rainbow-ish pancakes to back him up if the smile fails.


first_pink_lady September 7 2011, 00:31:12 UTC
"A gal's gotta get her kicks while she's still young enough to get 'em," she said, and she does smile at that, because she can respect that he can still toss 'em back while looking like some sorta wilderness man. "I'd like my pancakes straight, no ice, barkeep."


ilovemykilt September 7 2011, 04:44:48 UTC
"Girl after my own heart," he says, but he fails to punctuate it with a smile this time. Still, he gets it out, so that's something. "What's your pleasure? Red? Green? Red and green?"


sluttylyingliar September 6 2011, 05:55:47 UTC
Rachel knows that she should be supportive and everything, but Priestly is too hot to let this happen. Brooke wouldn't have wanted this. Brooke would have wanted his hotness preserved.

"Honey," she sighs, strolling into the kitchen, despite the desire to puke every time she smells food. Fucking maybe baby.

"This looks delicious but what the fuck is going on with your head and face area?"


ilovemykilt September 6 2011, 14:54:15 UTC
"What's wrong with it?" says Priestly, raising a hand to his hair without touching it. Normally that's because of its stiffness and precarious shape. This time it's because he suspects it needs a good wash. "It's still there, isn't it?"


sluttylyingliar September 10 2011, 00:12:08 UTC
"And other places," she mutters, eyeing his face. "Is that your real hair color?" she asks, reaching up to tweak a limp, sad piece.


ilovemykilt September 11 2011, 01:53:55 UTC
"More or less," says Priestly. He's not really sure anymore, but he didn't dye it this color so it's probably as close to natural as he's been in a long time. "Is that disgust or disappointment I hear in your voice?"


speakscanadian September 7 2011, 03:58:38 UTC
Ray wasn't sure if it was possible to have vagrants on the island when nothing cost a cent in the first place, but if it was, then he was definitely sure he'd just walked in on one making breakfast.

Wrapping the lead tighter around his hand to keep the puppy at bay, he peered towards the food, trying to make out what it was.

Clearly he should have worn shades this morning.

The puppy tugged at the end of its leash, eager to get closer.

"Woah, did a rainbow throw up in here?" He asked aloud to nobody in particular. Delirium was in the kitchen too so it was entirely possible that his question was valid.


ilovemykilt September 7 2011, 04:51:33 UTC
"I killed a clown," says Priestly, putting a stack of pancakes on a plate with a stab of his fork. "They bleed rainbows. Bon appetit!"


speakscanadian September 10 2011, 01:34:26 UTC
"His name wasn't Jack Sparrow by any chance, was it?" Ray asked, and there might have been a touch of hope in his voice.

The way the puppy licked his chops and wuffled up at Priestly suggested much the same.


ilovemykilt September 11 2011, 01:59:44 UTC
"I didn't stop to ask questions," says Priestly, making a slashing motion with his free hand. "Wait, Captain Jack Sparrow?"


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