The space station hung in space above the world, a white dot in an expanse of blackness, a mirror to the islands below, swallowed up and surrounded by blue ocean as they were. Inside, it bustled with fresh motion as people walked, talked, worked; every few minutes, in rooms and corridors, someone passed the hidden mechanisms of an Aperture Science
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The hissing was a little louder, as purple gas began to spew forth from each in a sideways spray, condensing at the ceiling but slowly, surely beginning to fill each room.
Even louder was the sudden crackle of speakers that had formerly carried the synthetic, modulated voice of GLaDOS, now delivering a voice more alive if also notably more tense. "This is Tony Stark. The AI in control of this station has lost it and is currently trying to flood the facility with deadly neurotoxin. If you can get to the emitter controls and work fast enough-" this sounded as if he was addressing someone in his general vicinity, as well as the station in general "-you may be able to shut them down. If you can't, and you're in an area that is filling up with purple gas..."
There was a pause. "...don't be."
"Right!" she dashed over to the cannister he'd pointed toward and pulled it from the wall. "Nearest vent," she demanded as she quickly looked the cannister over, making sure there weren't any surprises attached to it.
And then a disembodied voice floated through the ship, the same computer voice that had freaked him out the first time he'd been on the ship. And it turned out that his instinct had been right: never trust a computer that talks back to you. Because this one was going to kill them all, apparently.
"Oh, shit," Matt said after Tony's announcement. He'd looked up, and, yep, purple gas. "Oh, shit, oh, shit," he repeated, trying not to panic as he stood up and charged over to the computer terminal. He immediately started typing, trying to navigate the system to something that would shut down the emitters. "Come on, Matt, think," he muttered to himself, fingers pounding against the keyboard.
[Open to all. :D]
He could sympathize that she was looking for someone - and he was suddenly impossibly greatful that Jane hadn't come up for any reason. But he knew about poison gas, had read and taught from the training manuals during their training, and knew that those who tried to outrun the gas were more wounded than those who were still. "It's coming from every room, Ma'am, there's no where to get past to."
Lying on the floor, unconsciously going to army crawl position, he have a humourless half-smile. "Don't know much about sentient computers, but they're probably able to lie and keep things hidden just as well as the rest of us."
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