With the stage all but unusable during the Island's magical winter, a fact that Jamie had anticipated the moment he'd decided to hold the performance in late December months ago, Tabula Rasa's production of The Mousetrap was slated to have its first (and only) showing in the transformed gymnasium of the Rec Center. The Seussian quality of the
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He blinked blearily from the seat he had grabbed himself, after the curtain call, on the bleachers. Just a little while longer and he could go home to sleep. Maybe Cadi would wait until midnight for the first round of crying.
William Bush had attended every theatrical production on the island quite faithfully and calmly merely because Archie had wished him to. He had silently (well, relatively silently) endured Shakespearian speeches at midnight, had run lines he still did not understand, had applauded the loudest at all the right moments. He had even enjoyed interminable Shakespeare play after Shakespeare play thanks to the way that they made Archie glow with joy and with pride.
But not being the literary sort, never had he enjoyed these productions for their own sake - until now. For here, finally, was a show he could get behind. A clever little mystery, witty lines, a flair of drama he could follow and that resembled much more the films Archie so like (and that William much preferred) than it did the grand theatrics of earlier years. He didn't have to manufacture his pride and his pleasure when he found Archie in the crowd and clapped him warmly on the shoulders. "Fine show, that," he grinned.
"How do you do it?" Coraline asked eventually staring at him seriously. "All of them treat you like one of them but you're like... twelve."
"I'm twenty-nine."
She'd never heard the concept or the expression of putting oneself on tape, but the idea of it was nagging at her, a little. Besides, there was always space for unconventional casting.
Next time, she decided, because as much as she'd enjoyed the fresh experience of watching from the audience, as much as it had been good, it just wasn't the same if you weren't in the middle of it.
"What did you think?"
She did her best take on that accent with the last two words, succeeding mostly in sounding like she had a mouthful of syrup.
"Perhaps ve vill vork on your ecksent, if you vish. It is second nature for me since I did not originally speak zis langvage, and though there is little reasonf or such a skill here, it could be fun, neverzeless."
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