Juliet's outside hanging laundry on a line, enjoying a bout of good weather that she hopes stays for a while. She's in a good mood, her spirits lifted by the clean air and blue sky, and maybe the fact that in the middle of the week she'd enjoyed almost an entire bottle of wine at The Winchester and done something she hadn't done in years:
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He gave the familiar looking woman (another doctor, if he remembered right) a surprised, but bashful look. "Am I? I'm not exactly -- folding laundry's not my strong suit, but if you need help..."
"You work at the clinic, don't you? I don't think we work the same shifts, but I've seen you."
"I'm Juliet. It's nice to officially meet you, George."
Sitting with the basket between them, she pulls out a towel. "You don't live out here do you?"
When he'd first met Haley, he'd smiled more; the BAU, the things that he saw int he day-to-day line of work, had beaten some of that out of him, but it's something that he's relearning on the island. He returns her smile in kind.
"I can try, though," he says.
Extending her hand, she introduces herself. "I'm Juliet."
"I'm all yours."
As she walks, she looks over at him. "Do you live in New Atlantis?" She hasn't met all of her neighbors yet, but he doesn't look overly familiar to her.
She didn't so much moan, just wish she hadn't been found, it wasn't that she hated hanging up laundry (certianly not when the weather was this agreeable), it just wasn't her favorite way to pass the time.
On the other hand, it wasn't like she had anything better to do till this evening.
"Very well." She said, turning to help her.
"Thank you," she says with a little surprise in her voice. "I'm Juliet, by the way."
She straightens the sheet up before taking some clothes pins to keep it on the line.
Juliet looks over at her. "Do you live here, in New Atlantis?"
"Certainly, though I can't promise my folding will be very good," he said. Duncan, sensing they were stopping for a while, sat next to him and regarded the stranger curiously.
She's a little embarrassed, because who asks a random stranger to help with the laundry?
Pausing, she shut the book and tucked it under her arm. "Oh, Juliet, hi... What did you just say?"
She realizes that she's talking too fast so she stops to compose herself.
"How about you? Joshua said you hurt your shoulder during the hurricane. How's it feeling?"
"It's better. That's not the first time it's come out of socket, but God, it's never a good feeling. But he did a good job."
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