Patrick opened the meeting with a warm greeting and a smile. He had notes but he didn't need them. He'd given this speech a thousand times before. He gave an overview of the natural cycle, of how the earth is a living organism and the ecosystems need to be in balance. He talked about progress and how man was the only creature that changed the
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It was a good speech. It was nothing I didn't already believe in. And the man shared Jack's charisma and passion, but there was something odd that put me off. Maybe it was just the incongruity of knowing Jack for so long and then seeing some one so like him, but slightly different. Or maybe it was just the timing. People had been on the Island for four years, dealing with these issues. Wasn't it a little presumptuous to make such a big thing about them when you've only been here a month? Actually, put it like that, this suggested a passion that had nothing to do with the situation on the Island, but everything to do with the situation back at the man's home.
At the end of the presentation, I got up, and stuck around. I listened to some of the conversations, and I moved up towards the front. I wondered if I should talk to Patrick. I wondered what I would say.
The man was talking fervorously, which was always worth a listening, even if he did go on about it quite a bit longer than Guy would have anticipated, considering the subject at hand.
When the speech came to an end, and some applauded, Guy joined with only a few unconvinced claps. It wasn't that he thought the man a nutter, but he was unsure as to what the ultimate point was of the relate.
"Hi there," he said warmly.
"Hullo," he said in return with a nod and got to the point. A speech was just a monologue without discussion. "What is the point you were trying to make?" he asked. "A sustainable life for us, exploration of further resources, a rite of gratitude for every banana the island produces? Pardon my forwardness, of course, but I am curious," he smiled.
She appreciated that she was passionate about this, she really did, she just seriously could not bring herself to care with anything close to resembling his level of enthusiasm. Still, she tried to pay attention and look interested, and when it was over she lingered in the back of the room, waiting for him to finish.
"What did you think?" he asked. "I thought more people would brave the rain to come."
Except he really didn't. He was surprised anyone had gotten off their self-absorbed asses to come at all. It was the nature of people...ignoring what they didn't want to notice.
Despite not being convinced, he is curious and he has plenty of time. So he hangs around to get a feel for other people's thoughts.
"Hi there," he said, offering his hand. "Thanks for coming. And staying."
He looked around and noted a distinct lack of giant smokestacks belching coal dust into the air.
"Industrializing the land for what?" he asked, to no one in particular.
"Utopian. That is an interesting choice of word, Mr... Logan, is it?" he asked. "No w, one n? William de Worde, Tabula Rasa Times. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions, for the paper?"
He didn't always ask that. Usually he just let people talk, but sometimes it paid to do the formalities.
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