
Nov 23, 2009 01:00

Jack had long since accepted that living on the island was an exercise in boredom. Long stretches of nothing punctuated by periodic episodes of excitement- good or bad. Parties good, accidents bad, island weirdness...those days were a crap shoot. Today was one of the boring ones so far. ITF training and then a whole lot of nothing. He'd decided ( Read more... )

dr. daniel jackson, bill weasley, jack harkness, jill pole, scotty wandell, logan echolls-harkness

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Comments 163

echolls_cursed November 23 2009, 21:08:22 UTC
Logan wasn't running. Hell, he wasn't even walking fast. He was slowly wandering down the path, making his way towards the compound for some coffee and whatever was laying around.

Logan didn't really do meals- other than dinner with Jack, but occasionally the younger man would find himself with a craving, and he'd slowly make his way to the compound for a snack.

Today the craving was gravy. Gravy and maybe some fries with cheese, just like Billy used to make.

"Trying to knock me back out?" he asked, slipping his hands into his pockets and looking over his sweaty and flushed husband. All that work without any of the fun, Logan would never understand why Jack liked it so much. When Logan broke into a sweat, it usually involved nudity and one hell of a sturdy bed.


captainjack November 23 2009, 21:17:07 UTC
"No, I was just wasn't watching," he said, trying to catch his breath. "No harm done. What are you doing?"

He was genuinely curious, too. Always interested in what Logan was doing, Jack never made any secret of it. Even when he was involved in his own things, he always had time to insinuate himself in whatever Logan was doing. He couldn't help it. Logan always seemed to have the most engaging, if random, things planned.


echolls_cursed November 23 2009, 21:32:43 UTC
"Going to the kitchen," Logan replied simply, looking down at his bare feet and then back up at Jack.

"I'm gonna make gravy. ...And, fries. Like Billy used to make. I'm gonna call it lunch. I'd invite you along, but you smell like gym socks," he said with a smirk.


captainjack November 23 2009, 21:37:46 UTC
"I could take a shower while you cook," he pointed out. "And that sounds good...if phenomenally unhealthy. I'm dying of thirst more than anything. I'll come with you. If you can stand walking with me that far."


healerofharms November 23 2009, 21:20:38 UTC
Jill'd barely missed running flat into him - she'd been running for... goodness, she didn't even know how long, and squinted up at the sun as she tried to catch her breath, her hands on her hips. "It's... alright. I missed you, too." She tilted her head back, wincing at the stitch at her side.

It'd been a long few months. She'd thrown herself back into work - ridiculous, long hours, the rest filled with things like this. Running, the solid thud of her feet on the ground more steadying than being left with her own thoughts. Her tank top was just as soaked as his, and she shifted from one foot to the other. She flashed a sort of smile - a close enough approximation, and breathed out again in a rush.

"It's been a bit, Captain Harkness." She squinted as she blinked the sweat out of her eyes. "Congratulations are in order?" She was about as far as she could be from the last time they'd met as someone could be.


captainjack November 23 2009, 21:26:31 UTC
Jill had been so shy and so tentative the last time he talked to her. This sweaty, fit young woman who was so forward was almost a new creature. But she wasn't a replacement...he knew she hadn't vanished.

"They are," he smiled. "Thank you. It's been official for a few months. How are you? Other than breathless. It has been a while. I heard you broke a rib a while ago..."

It must have been quite a while ago if she was up to running like she had been.


healerofharms November 23 2009, 21:28:29 UTC
She actually drew back a bit, her brows knitting for a moment. "February," she said shortly. "Although it's healed now, obviously." She licked her lips for a moment. "Logan Echolls, right? I haven't met him, but..." She paused for a second, and she nodded slightly. "I'm glad for you. And him, obviously."


captainjack November 23 2009, 21:36:16 UTC
"Has it been since February? Wow...I'm out of the loop," he chuckled. She definitely looked different. Her eyes were so...hollow. He wondered what else had happened to her since February. The way she backed off made it clear that he probably shouldn't ask.

"That's right," he added, skirting around the unpleasant. "Logan. I'll pass on your congrats. Do you want to keep running? I'm heading back to the compound...eventually. We could do this together. That's always more fun than doing it alone."

He really couldn't help but flirt. He'd come to terms with that. Try as he might to contain it, it was just how he was.


red_ponytail November 24 2009, 05:10:11 UTC
Bill was nearly about to take a leap to the side with an 'oi!' to avoid Jack when Jack took notice of him and prevented them colliding. "And here I thought I was pretty hard to miss, what with the height and red hair," he said with a chuckle. "You get pretty bloody focused when you run, Harkness."


captainjack November 24 2009, 05:20:41 UTC
"Sorry, Bill," Jack said breathlessly as he put his hands on his waist. He was sweating buckets but he smiled broadly.

"Didn't even see you. I wasn't thinking. Kind of nice, if a little dangerous."


red_ponytail November 26 2009, 05:23:11 UTC
"No harm done," Bill assured him, returning Jack's smile with a grin of his own. "Don't you get enough exercise between the ITF and swimming lessons and diving for the catch on Friday? Or are you one of those fitness-aholics?"


captainjack November 26 2009, 05:43:47 UTC
"I probably do," he laughed. "But I just felt like a run. It's been a long time since I really pushed. All the rest of that is routine. It's just...what I do."

He paused long enough to take a deep breath and blow it out while his heartbeat slowed gradually.

"What are you doing today?"


scottysous November 24 2009, 22:55:17 UTC
Even drenched in sweat, Jack Harkness manages to be breathtaking. Thankfully the sweatiness helps to tone down Scotty's likelihood of swooning. Vaguely Scotty wonders what he would've done had Jack toppled into him and he suddenly found himself on the ground with a sweaty Jack on top of him, but that line of thought is more amused than anything else. He sets a hand on his hip and raises an eyebrow, tilting his head at him. "Careful, Jack. Haven't you seen enough of the clinic lately?" he asks, faintly teasing.


captainjack November 24 2009, 23:21:10 UTC
"Oh, yeah. That I have," he agreed, a broad smile showing white teeth. "How's it going, Scotty? Any more parties lined up?"

Although his interest was genuine. his question wasn't entirely direct. He took time away from it to pull the hem of his shirt up to wipe the sweat bouring from his brow.


scottysous November 25 2009, 00:05:25 UTC
"The museum is opening up soon, and I'm catering that. Just some finger foods and hors d'oeuvres, but I've been looking through the bookshelf for some interesting recipes."

While Scotty could stand here all day talking about the recipes he's stumbled across and his various culinary experiments, he's much more interested to hear about Logan. Judging from Jack's smile, things seem to be going well. "How's Logan doing?"


captainjack November 25 2009, 00:09:40 UTC
"Logan's good," he replied, nodding his approval of Scotty's catering plans. "He's got to take it easy for a little bit longer, and I'm nervous about him surfing again...but I know he's not going to stop just because he had an accident. It never stopped him before," he chuckled. Logan was nothing if not stubborn and no wave was going to keep him from doing what he loved.


theunascended November 24 2009, 23:02:37 UTC
"Hi, Jack," Daniel replied dryly. "Nice to see you too."

Jack. Damn, Jack. "Hey. Where are you headed? I'll walk with you." It wasn't quite a request, but it was more than a suggestion, too. With Jack here, there were things that needed to be said. He couldn't help but remember that one night when Jack had made him promise he wouldn't leave him for the other Jack.

Well, now he was here and Daniel honestly wasn't sure how Jack would handle it. Things were different than they'd been back then. They were different than they'd been back then.


captainjack November 24 2009, 23:18:58 UTC
"I'm not walking," he replied, breathing heavily. "But I'm heading back for the compound. What's up?"

It sounded ominous. He'd been doing a good job at simply running and blanking out things like that.


theunascended November 24 2009, 23:24:31 UTC
"Jack O'Neill," Daniel said quietly.


captainjack November 24 2009, 23:26:21 UTC
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Daniel, his chest expanding broadly as he caught his breath.

"What about him?" he asked, pretty sure he already knew the answer.


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