Jul 23, 2009 19:17
In a matter of days, Adrian would face the passing of yet another annual of his life. He stood there watching himself age as if the ticking of time could slow to the point that a mere human being could see its effects on mankind. He would be forty-seven and that appeared to be a slight cant older than the general populace of the Island.
He had surrounded himself in the lap of comfort in the recreation room with several magazines that bore his face and the story of his successes. In a time so close to a great moment of his life, he felt as though he ought to remind himself of all that he had accomplished in such a short time, being that he hardly intended to die young at all. To go to the distances he had achieved and reach the innovations he had while bearing the marks of emotional pain from a childhood in which he was left with scars from his parents' untimely death.
He currently sat with legs crossed and a copy of TIME magazine in his hands, flipping through the adverts idly, sniffing at Veidt perfume and recalling the scientists' initial tests about the scent. He passed the political news and idly scratched behind Bubastis' ears as he began to read about the trials and tribulation of his life and how they had led to great success.
"You're the only legacy I have to keep this going, girl," Adrian gently noted, listening to her deep trill of a purr, seemingly content in the affection she was receiving. "I hope you'll do me well."
adrian veidt,
barney stinson,
robert capa,
pepper potts,
adam monroe