
Jun 05, 2009 10:45

When Combeferre had awoken that morning, he had been glad that he had something to do ( Read more... )

felix unger, briony tallis, henri combeferre, danica talos, clinic

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Comments 38

vvdanicavv June 5 2009, 23:33:42 UTC
Relief was the furthest thing from Danica's face. She had only been in the clinic once before during her time on the island and she hadn't exactly been herself then, but it wasn't the memories that made her so unhappy to be back. It was the irony.

A sharp gaze traveled the entire room at the question, finally settling on the man, displeased. "Where's the woman who works here?"


butcivilization June 6 2009, 04:28:07 UTC
This woman was clearly unhappy to see him - or unhappy about something - but Combeferre only raised his brows with inquisitive innocence. "Which woman, Madame? Any number are doctors here in the clinic, and quite a few more work in the lab as well."


vvdanicavv June 6 2009, 04:52:36 UTC
It wasn't Danica's job to remember names or faces but it wasn't as if she could go and ask Asher what the damn doctor had been called.

"The woman," she repeated, teeth clenching a little in annoyance. Before continuing, she glanced behind her to make sure there was nobody to overhear. "Here, in the clinic. Don't you have a list of the doctors that work here?"


butcivilization June 6 2009, 05:46:55 UTC
"There is more than one woman," Combeferre repeated slowly. He was as polite as ever, but there was a certain amount of strained patience in his voice now. "I can show you the clinic roster if you would like, but if you don't know the doctor's name, it won't do you much good."


oscaroscaroscar June 6 2009, 09:44:54 UTC
"Hopefully," Felix said, as brightly as he could muster given his predicament, awkwardly cradling his right hand. "I seem to have electrocuted myself on a piece of kitchen equipment, I require urgent medical assistance!"

Of course, the shock from the blender hadn't left all that much of a mark, but his hand had gone numb for a good 30 seconds and with electricity, one really never knew. What if someone had spilled water on the floor? He could have been killed!


butcivilization June 6 2009, 20:36:53 UTC
Despite his demand for 'urgent medical assistance,' the gentleman who had just come into the clinic did not seem to be in any grave danger. He was conscious and walking, and showed no sign of lasting harm. But electrical shock could be a nasty thing, and so it certainly wouldn't hurt to look.

"Cruel little things, those appliances," he said amiably enough. "Have a seat, Monsieur and I will have a look."


oscaroscaroscar June 7 2009, 00:22:17 UTC
Felix did as he told almost before the good doctor was even finished speaking. What if there was nerve damage? He'd never play the piano again!

"I don't even quite know how it happened, there must have been a frayed wire or something like that. It's practically a deathtrap!"


butcivilization June 7 2009, 01:22:53 UTC
Something in this man's voice made Combeferre want to smile - unfair, perhaps, but he needed an excuse to smile today. "An accident can happen to anyone, Monsieur- oh, that doesn't look so bad." He had come back over to Felix's side, [stethoscope around his neck] and was looking over the hand he had been cradling. There was not a mark to be found. "How are you feeling? Any nausea or dizziness? Difficulty breathing?"


never_atone June 7 2009, 04:55:53 UTC
"Yes, I think so," Briony replied, her smile sweet as she slipped into the familiar little clinic. A bag hung from her shoulder, homemade and unremarkable, but strong and full. "I believe I have made too many sandwiches. Could you help me with that, monsieur docteur?"


butcivilization June 7 2009, 06:38:53 UTC
Combeferre's face broke into a grin. "Miss Tallis, as always you are a veritable saint. I would be more than happy to help you with that, as would any number of other people who come through here on a daily basis." He turned around to lean back against the counter. "How do things fare with you today?"


never_atone June 8 2009, 00:28:01 UTC
A fragile laugh bubbled from her lips, pleased by Henri's warm reception. "Very well," Briony answered, and honestly. Her life, for the time being, proceeded onwards with no insurmountable obstacles. "And you?" she asked as she began to unpack the food from her bag and arrange it on the table. "Busy as always, I see."


butcivilization June 8 2009, 05:00:54 UTC
"Very glad to hear it." There was a part of Combeferre that still worried about Briony, though her life had clearly taken a turn for the better. To his eyes she had once been painfully shy and self-deprecating. But lately she had begun to come out of her shell, just a little.

For his own part, he smiled ruefully and shrugged. "It's only a few slides. I am-" he hesitated, "all right. It's a bit of an odd day, I suppose."


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